Give me literally one reason you aren't part of #mommygang

Give me literally one reason you aren't part of #mommygang

Attached: mommygang.jpg (259x194, 11K)

>supports giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants

>anti 2A
>pro abortion
>universal healthcare
No thank you. I'd rather die in the middle east for my Jewish overlords

I dont care Nigger no one cares

I'm not a feminist and so therefore I don't vote for women.

here's 3:
CFR, 2nd amendment, open borders

Because there is nothing more inherently sick than LARPing a mommy fetish for some Hawaiian negress. God forbid if you actually have a mommy fetish. Surely you don't, right user?

she is a gun grabbing commie

get fucked kike

Because you call it mommygang is reason enough

I'm bidding for POTUS46 myself.

Attached: imagineanhonestpresident_lambright2020.jpg (1191x463, 109K)


She's not a member anymore. Look it up and keep up to date.

feminist woman of color
no thanks


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Boomers are based.

Vote Biden because he loves America.

Attached: 190704231657-joe-biden-chris-cuomo-intv-1-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 25K)

Attached: soldiermommy.jpg (658x370, 73K)

lol will you allow rwds?

Obama 2.0


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also in all fields

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>anyone caring

Attached: CF2FCDE0-78EF-4099-86DF-4364DA545DFF.jpg (828x497, 345K)

Because you spam these threads endlessly. I’d just abstain from voting before voting for her because of your spam.