Give me literally one reason you aren't part of #mommygang
Give me literally one reason you aren't part of #mommygang
>supports giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants
>anti 2A
>pro abortion
>universal healthcare
No thank you. I'd rather die in the middle east for my Jewish overlords
I dont care Nigger no one cares
I'm not a feminist and so therefore I don't vote for women.
here's 3:
CFR, 2nd amendment, open borders
Because there is nothing more inherently sick than LARPing a mommy fetish for some Hawaiian negress. God forbid if you actually have a mommy fetish. Surely you don't, right user?
she is a gun grabbing commie
get fucked kike
Because you call it mommygang is reason enough
I'm bidding for POTUS46 myself.
She's not a member anymore. Look it up and keep up to date.
feminist woman of color
no thanks
Boomers are based.
Vote Biden because he loves America.
lol will you allow rwds?
Obama 2.0
also in all fields
>anyone caring
Because you spam these threads endlessly. I’d just abstain from voting before voting for her because of your spam.