Do you suffer from climate despair, Jow Forums?

Do you suffer from climate despair, Jow Forums?

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I went to school in an incredibly liberal area and I can confirm that they do everything in their power to blackpill the shit out of you. Thankfully I didnt give a shit at the time and still dont now but I have more than a few friends who say things like "I dont want to have kids, the world is dying anyway." Its all a strategy to demoralize people in the first world, you can sure as hell bet nigger who have no concept of the future dont care.

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They will literally blame anything on climate change to deflect from the actual horrible shit corporations are doing to people

It's a demoralization process. One of the first steps in brainwashing someone is to demoralize them

>yes, Goy. That forest fire is happening because you don't drive an electric car!
Ironically, cobalt mining for electric car batteries is incredibly inhumane and run by the communist chinese in africa

No. I suffer from demographic despair.

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The only despair I suffer is when summer approaches. Tired of the sun, moving to the antarctic, going to feed on the penguins, they're fine aren't they?

That's the point, discourage the white population who cares about shit like that, meanwhile they will import millions of retarded brown people to counter the low birth rates because the economy will collapse.

>unironically posting fashwave in 2019
kill yourself

>Its all a strategy to demoralize people in the first world

specifically white people

yep, we are awesome and have great potential, that's why (((they))) spend so much time messing with our heads

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