What is next for Alex acosta’s career?
What is next for Alex acosta’s career?
Jackson Bailey
Isaac Phillips
back to whatever planet his family came from
Camden Davis
a short drop and a sudden stop
Charles Young
He's a spic so I don't care.
Zachary Lee
Suicide by two gunshots to the back of the head while tying himself up in a duffel bag and jumping into a river.
Austin Butler
Gay porn with his brother Jim Acosta?
Andrew Garcia
Public testimony about why Epstein got the deal and why Trump later gave him a cushy government job.
Wyatt Flores
he gonna put his daughters back in the attic
Brayden Harris
Lucas Lopez
He can go be a beaner somewhere else.
But really, he spilled the beans on the cover-up of Epstein. Then he leaves, all wide open for people to ask questions of the FBI director at the time, Mueller. While he testifies in his MUH RUSSIA hearing lol.