A recent research paper done at Berkerly reported that white women have melanin receptors all over the surface of their pussy walls. They have concluded from this that White Women sub consciously seek out darker men and cum more intensely when having intercourse with brown and black cocks. Even Bill Nye has gone on record supporting this fact.
A recent research paper done at Berkerly reported that white women have melanin receptors all over the surface of their...
I wish my bike had melanin receptors to stop niggers from stealing it.
got a source?
sounds about right
Are you stupid?
Gas yourself
Stop promoting your single mom agenda
>sauce: dude trust me...
Also to me it sounds more like a natural alarm
>"oh shit, a nigger and he's about to rape me"
>"here have this pseudoscience shit that at leadt doesn't make you panic"
Wow very interesting study. My 9x19 bullets have melatin receptors too but they demand to be connected at sound barrier breaking speeds to the head of the melatin enriched recipient. Coincidence?
Oh great it's this incredibly stale pasta again. You off your ban, Turkroach?
That reads batshit stupid.
Berkley is a left-wing para military recruitment center. Look up BAMN. The mayor of Berkeley is a member of the cult BAMN. The regents of the University of California allow this cult to recruit vulnerable college students. The situation is very sad.
Melanin receptors are also found in OPs ass
Sauce or fake.
Sage this garbage.
>Even Bill Nye the Cuckold guy has produce a song confirming this.
(Stupid Nigger)
New source shows all women have dumb bitch tendencies including but not limited to inviting animals into their vagina for repetitious periods of time.
its a psyop
we have to genocide every nigger
Lethal force is the only way to deal with these afrocentric insurgents