You frens remember the 60 minutes reporter who got raped at Tahrir square? I always thought little of it, I remember something about her being touched and harrassed in the news and thought it was just an SJW making up drama. Anyhoo, I just watched an interview with her describing it and I'm literally in tears. I think it's the realization that these were the good guys that our politicians and media supported openly and also that these are considered the best of the bunch, the wholesome average Joe plumbers of the muslims, the good ones that we prefer to let into our countries because - hey they're not ISIS and they're fleeing war so they must be let in.
Also I feel shame because I remember reading someone making light of the fact that she described it as them "raping her with their hands" thinking she got fondled a bit or some shit. Anyway, if you haven't seen the interview you definitely should. If you feel like feeling emotional.
That's what regular, "moderate" Arabs are like. Rapist barbarians subhumans. There's a reason everyone on the planet hates them with passion. They are all the same - mongoloid baboons.
Genocide is the only answer. G-d bless.
Parker Moore
It happened to me too.
Jaxon Rodriguez
for real? please elaborate
Christopher Morris
Imagine being her employer and thinking sending her in there was a good idea. The stupidity of Liberals knows no bounds.
I heard she needed reconstructive surgery. I also heard she cheated on her husband and left him for another guy. I guess the rape messed her and her husband up
Oliver Allen
There were so many Egyptian fingers in her pussy that it ripped her taint open.
Michael Reyes
This is weird and wild stuff. I saw pic related and thought it was Lara Logan and then I scroll down and see this! WHAT WERE THE ODDS????!?!!?
Yeah, this event was extremely enraging. Always liked her a lot. She’s not a drone who follows the company line. I loved her for not being completely 100% anti-Iraq war in her reporting tho, so idk if I’d still feel the same watching her old pieces today. She always seemed genuinely respectful of the troops’ sacrifice at least and wanted to paint them well, which was important for getting us the fuck out of there.
She’s currently based and went on Sean fucking Hannity of all people’s show. She said a lot of explosive Shit in some podcast too. Was hoping she’d be picked up for something but it didn’t happen. Unfortunately she looks plastic now tho but still a hottie
Kek. Would’ve been better (You)s b8 without the Israeli flag proxy.
It’s not true that all Arabs are like that but it probably is true that in most traditional Arab societies large pluralities of older gens think this is ok bc it’s a way to enforce modesty. Honestly, she’s kind of lucky she didn’t get worse if people had recognized her as one of the most pro US troop reporters in the Iraq war.
>implying they gave a fuck
Andrew Wilson
Nah, that happened before. I think she fucked a US contractor while over there getting embedded with the troops lol. Kinda fucked up.
She's a dirty slut and you're a fag for defending whores. Watch her interview with Amrullah Saleh on YouTube, she's practically eye fucking him during the entire thing, literally everyone in the comment section is saying the same thing too and it was after all this you described had already happened.
Jordan Thompson
Poo goes in the loo.
Easton Hughes
If there's one country more prone to rape than Egypt, it's India.
Hunter White
I saw images of hands and I felt touching.
The End.
Adam Murphy
How about proving what I said wrong instead of throwing random insults? You can't, because it's true.
Tyler Young
>It’s not true that all Arabs are like that Well sure, but as a whole we have to generalize them as a group. Their culture is violent, their religion is violent, and their genetic nature is violent. Very bad mix. There's a reason Muslims never had peace with non Muslims. There's a reason why they always solve everything with violence. It's the only thing they know and understand. They've been doing the same thing for 1500 years and they'll keep doing it for the next 1500. The West better wake the fuck up quick and realize that the monsters are real and they're only capable of destruction.
They already ruined and destroyed the middle east. Now they're coming for Europe. Stop them before it's too late.
>she's practically eye fucking him during the entire thing No - see, that's not her doing anything, that's just your perverted rapist brain doing all of that fucking and assigning it to her because you're fucked in the head
Just watched the interview in question and you're a fucking street-shitting nigger of the lowest caste.
Logan Myers
Wrong. Everyone in the comment section including whites is saying the same thing. I can't find the interview right now but I'll find it and post it in a few minutes.
Gabriel Butler
This is not the one. I'll post it in a few minutes.
Luke Price
Carson Fisher
Ugh...she's had serious work. I don't blame her, because I'm sure that rape fucked her up hardcore, but I hate seeing natural beauty lost to plastic surgery.
Nathan Diaz
The SJW's always like to argue that all of that same violence is also preached in the bible and Torahs but there's a big difference. Only one of those religions still practices and empowers these fucked up backwards things in a big part of the world.
Also obligatiory Rebecca Sommerposting: >There came a time when I finally realized that these people were deceiving me. They were practising taqyyia with me. >And suddenly I found out that those people, all of whose problems I had solved, with whom I had been eating, laughing and dancing, people who did not pray, did not go to mosque, did not keep Ramadan and mocked traditional devout Muslims, while sitting in my garden, had been calling me “a stupid German tart” behind my back.
Can you just kill each other properly and get it over with
Camden Murphy
she lives near me in texas. sad what happened to her. women take their safety that the west provided for granted. it wont be long until critical mass is reached and people learn the truth em masse about the wrongs that have been done to our people. we will win.
Joshua Bell
>60 minutes reporter who got raped
>reporter >raped
I'm absolutely okay with this. She's also a white women, so now I'm doubly ok with it. This is the future white women chose. I wouldn't piss on a white woman if she was on fire. 2000 years roasties have worked day and night to destroy our societies. Never again. I haven't decided yet, but I'm going to take a "pill" here soon. Which pill should I take Jow Forums?
>Islam-pill >Asian-pill >MGTOW/Acceleration-pill
Choose wisely. The fate of one of your Aryan brothers hangs in your hands.
>liberated wyman does a man's job >gets humiliated and felt up by a rowdy crowd >diverts news story into salacious groping fantasy all about herself Yawn.
Landon Bailey
Its Andy Ngo.. 'journalists should know they might get assaulted, and stay away'
Jason Mitchell
>open bob >show vagene She was fucking looking at him. You're a fucking degenerate projecting your perversion.
Parker Reyes
Never mind, I can't find it anymore. I think YouTube deleted it but I definitely remember watching it just a few months ago, it had thousands of views and almost everyone in the comments section was saying how she just wanted to rip his pants off and start sucking his cock during the entire thing. judging by her actions and body language.
Jose Bailey
>she just wanted to rip his pants off and start sucking his cock that's till no reason to rape a woman pajeet, back to the shitting street now
Dylan Wright
never underestimate what they are capable of. Its almost hard to imagine in first world countries ACTUAL sexual assault like this, especially for women who grew up in first world countries. Any woman from third world countries will say she was retarded for doing something like this.
These women get spoiled in first world countries and think all men are like white men (hint: they're not)
Nathan Phillips
When did I say it's a reason to rape a woman? I'm just saying that she's a slut so there's no need to post about her whore ass here.
Brandon Cook
Jayden Martin
listen pajeet, you're talking about a woman, we know you want to rape her, it's ok you can admit it, we're just trying to get you to realize that women are for fucking, not raping
Benjamin Perez
I don't want to rape anyone. I think you're projecting.
Robert Barnes
>be a white woman >go to a shithole full of browns >"I'm a victim"
It's almost like they should stop being manipulated into voting for this shit to come here. But they're retarded and fall for the "equal pay" meme without ever realizing that they will only make as much money as a man if they work as hard.
Also they should probably only work in spaces that are mostly other white women since they can't work with anyone else.
Just take the Jow Forums pill and better yourself. Don't stoop to their level. Be the envy of lesser men. Goodspeed fren.
Luke Turner
damn. she used to be hot. all the work ain't great.
i think there was a reporter in india during that hotel seige that almost got the same experience.
Michael Kelly
Fun fact: I also had trouble believing the Cologne incident. I figured it was probably just an overdramatization of the evil nazi anti refugee movement. All around me left wing people were saying it was obviously the racist media making up a story or a plot by isis to make us hate muslims so they would feel estranged by the west and go back to Syria and join ISIS. This made sense to me at the time. Now I cannot fathom the mental gymnastics nessesary to concoct such a retarded justification.
it's almost like the stereotypes about different groups are true
Jason Reed
>That's what regular, Jews are like. >Rapist barbarians subhumans. >There's a reason everyone on the planet hates them with passion. They are all the same - mongoloid baboons. >Genocide is the only answer. >G-d bless. The kike is right
Charles Rogers
>all men are like white men (hint: they're not) Yes we are.
David Barnes
based and sand pilled
Leo Cook
You are correct, so why does your diaspora advocate for them?
Luis Rogers
based and curry-pilled
Benjamin Bell
what a pile of poorly structured propaganda
you sound like an idiot
Owen Bell
The protesters who risked their lives to bring down Mubarak were idealistic as well as incredibly brave: Egyptian secret police have a reputation as the most proficient torturers in the world.
But after Mubarak resigned, a lot of riff raff who had nothing to do with the anti-government occupation flooded into Tahrir Square, including the ones who assaulted Logan.
Jason Butler
This is what you say, but actions speak louder than words when we see the subhuman shit that surrounded this dumb white bitch. The best thing could come out of this is the cunt survived and she will hate the true nature of your species for the rest of her life. Hopefully her attack will be a real lesson to all humans who see it. Fear of death is the ultimate pill even for the dumbest woman
Jacob Morgan
fuck off nigger . dont you get the point of the wars? to get rid of them. france didnt get to keep democracy because they tried to change gears away from the bush narrative of fighting them over there so we dont have to fight them over here. le pen wont be elected because macron ended the election process and he got to do that because he said "we have to fight them over there so we dont have to fight them over here"
thats code for lets kill them so we dont have to ever look at them
Grayson Campbell
>she will hate the true nature of your species for the rest of her Then why was she lusting so hard after Amrullah Saleh during her interview with him? You're a racist and most people including her don't think like you. Just because a few non white men molested her means she started hating all non white men and believe that all non white men are rapists? You're an idiot for believing that. In fact the opposite might be true, that when she saw how alpha non white men are that they just take what they want like they took her instead of like white men with whom you have to sign a contract approved by a lawyer just to have sex or you could be charged with rape and sent to jail, she developed a subconscious love for non white men, and her pussy wetter than Mawsynram during her interview with Amrullah proves that. Also show flag if you're not a coward.
Connor Edwards
wasn't there a video of her being dragged off screaming into the mob?
Caleb Hughes
Wear deodorant you filthy fuck. Fuck you and your country.
Nolan Wright
You're still talking about an interview you cannot provide, Pajeet. Find the interview, show us what you mean, and then try again.
>he developed a subconscious love for non white men, and her pussy wetter than Mawsynram during her interview with Amrullah proves that
but you haven't provided proof of anything you said, Poojeet. Interview where?
Kayden Myers
>Latvia What the fuck even is that?
Adrian Wilson
Why can't jews and muslims wipe each other out at the same time tho?
Ian Davis
Filthy. Street. Shitter.
Go pray to a cow
Adrian Phillips
nice, goolag was sanitizing their comments even years ago
You are obviously from the lowest, dumbest caste and I blame your ruling caste who had ample opportunity in India, at least, to conditions their massive population of peasants that aborting female births in favor of male offspring might lead to a highly imbalanced sexual demographic that would ultimately lead to the pervy, creepy shit we see all over social media from your fellow country men, and the perpetual gang rapes of the remaining Indian females that plagues your nation. Now the fucking Jews are trying to rectify that demographic in their goyim serving stocks by importing the whole creepy mess to the west.
I think YouTube deleted it, you know how they are with their censorship. To prove that the interview exists I will post this video Look at its title, it's "Amrullah Saleh speaks to Lara Logan". Now search these exact words in the search bar of YouTube, or even just " Amrullah Saleh Lara Logan" and you'll notice that this video doesn't even come up, maybe it does after you've scrolled down for like ten minutes but I haven't seen it, this proves that YouTube is censoring Amrullah Saleh for some reason and some of his videos don't come up when you search for them in the search bar which is why I can't find it now but I definitely watched it which is why I even know about this dirty slut in the first place. Go pray to your kike on a stick who teaches you to turn the other cheek and give your daughter to the nigger next door. >random insults You're retarded.
When Indians get indoor toilets, rapes are cut by 50%, meaning these shit obsessed Poo In Loo target women taking a dump to rape. Maybe the womens shit just turns them on uncontrollably.
Dylan Torres
Little late there retard
Gabriel Rogers
look, it's call and answer kikeshilling muslims are aids, but don't let Chaim lead the world into a war with them on Israel's behalf
Nope that was that Dutch girl that got cultural enriched.
Evan Carter
Man, comments like this serve to remind you how small the civilized world really is and how important it is to protect it.
Joshua Bennett
and yet you want to flood them into our countries, fuck you kike
Cooper Thomas
someone posted a video of it here once. She got ganged raped by hundred of guys it seemed.
Luis Lee
The Egyptian men were such animals they were attacking their own women. There is a video of someone keeping the crowd at bay with an improvised flame thrower.
Muslims are only kept in line by the threat of immediate and violent punishment. During the Tahrir protests that Authority was weakened and of course the went into rape mode. Someone needs to be holding the whip over them at all times.
The west views freedom as a responsibility, Muslims see freedom as permissiveness, and freedom to rape with impunity.
Austin Sanchez
May Allah bless this Jew. Bakala, derka derka.
Aaron Kelly
>here's a reason everyone on the planet hates them with passion. They remind me other ethnic group...
Bentley Myers
She wasn't raped.
David King
glad im not the only one hating muslims with passion dogs have more manners than a muslim
Evan Murphy
she is cia. she tried to start a youtube channel or something, just google her name.