even Adolf himself wasn't this based
prove me wrong
>never read the bible
>Supports Israel
>Supports Trump (Zion Don)
This guy literally sounds like a fucking inbred retard...of course pol loves him
try again
>pushing this fake liberal priest here
That’s nu/pol/ for ya..
also I can't find a clip but he has denounced many times Tump's endorsement of the gays
Whites are retarded all a black man needs to do is spew a bunch of average redpilled facts & theyll die for you pathetic . - (((your fellow black man)))
Patrice O’Neal is proof not all nigs need to die. Now women on the other hand, that’s a different story
>supports Israel
this black guy is funny as shit and pretty based but there is no denying that he is dumb as a rock and probably a little retarded
i agree this guy is really low IQ but he is funny as shit so hes okay in my book
i want to open up his nasal passages.
Dats amazing
>the way he speaks
He likely grew up around literal retards and the diction just rubbed off on him. Kind of like how spending a bunch of time on Jow Forums has the same effect you faggots.
Lol what a baste nigger so baste he even supports Israel
no, he is a good zion goy
also he is dumb but I don't think he's QUITE as dumb as everyone thinks, like he might actually be average IQ... he has a speech impediment which makes him sound retarded. People often say he's low IQ high wisdom.
White presenting.
>low IQ high wisdom
retards talk like retards normal people dont take on the speeching patterns of retards and if you think they do your the retard, retard
>even Adolf wasn't as based as this nigger who can't even read.
>Do you loooove The Great White Hope?
No, he's a Pro-Israel evangelical
maybe you might be right, i would have to talk to him in person to make a decision but i still think hes dumb
>i criticize people doing things I have never done for not doing it the way that I will never do it.
>t. Never going on TV or web channel lame fag
yea some people take the jesus shit too far i dont think its good for europeans in alot of aspects christianity preaches weakness in alot of things
A lot of people on Jow Forums could learn a lot about morality from JLP.
Just checking what this comment is
You know im right just look at these replies. Stroke a white mans inferiority complex & he'll die 4 you. Hurr hurr base negro lmao. Look at any black republican for the matter
morality is not a real thing, there is no right and wrong its all subjective
Sure, people are influenced by their surroundings. He possibly spent his formidable years in a low iq ghetto.
Great example is the "cash me ousside" girl.
Why do some nigs look like white people with black skin?
I don't recall him ever promoting israel first like a faggot since the episode with pic related. He's also given a platform to plenty of people who very much hate the jews and presented them in a favorable light.
I listen to several people who support israel's RIGHT TO EXIST (to be honest I don't necessarily think we need to gas them all and I don't think it's ever going to happen anyway - but I'm open to it)
wrong nihilist fag
>Jesse Peterson
adolf lived in a 100% white country. fuck off
so is murder wrong if im killing to defend my people?
Already saw that video, m8. That jew on the phone...
Oh boy... Also, that OP's video Jesse saying "Satan is your daddy" had drooling while laughing, so funny.
You are making a straw man argument. He isn't being anointed king of anything. He is doing his job, which is one fucking job: destroy the victimhood false narrative of blacks suffering from systematic racism.
I dont care if he is hedging his position in the media world by sucking a little kike dick.
um no... I don't see how you extrapolated my statement to that end at all frankly. Can you ethically justify raping your own child by any "subjective moral philosophy"?
dass amazin'
based and pragmatic pilled, this is the very definition of hiding your power level
Ummm i dont support raping your own child or raping anyone for that matter and i think they should probably be executed for it but are those things morally wrong by some magical law of universal morality no they are not because morality is different to everyone
Jesse is based as fuck. I used to attend his church service in person when I lived in LA.
I just want the blacks out the country not kill them and Yes Jesse lee Peterson is cool but it doesn’t Change the fact his people and ours shouldn’t live together
>All niggers deserve the rope
Said no one ever
I can think of other acts of "justice" that different cultures consider "morally sound" like honor rape or circumcision, but what I'm claiming is that those acts are objectively immoral. If you can't propose any perceivable ideology, existent or not, that could be used to morally justfy the act of raping your own child, then you are effectively in agreement that that act is objectively evil. If you can't understand that line of logic then there's nothing I can do for you.
agreed there are no benefits for whites by being forced to live with blacks
Finally not a shitpost. Ty
okay i get what your saying sorry my bad
what a shit show
He's a jew supporter but his method of asking one question and demanding that single question be answered FIRST before everything else really makes his guests melt down real quick and have their arguments destroyed.
Liberal cocksuckers often go on tangents to get some sort of momentum going on shit no one is talking about but them. I wanna see someone actually smart use this technique.
Some niggers are actually alright
Just so I'm clear, are you trying to frame this idea similarly to the idea of the categorical imperative?
I thought that is trying to argue that there is no objective measure of morality
I get the feeling you want that to be true to justify fucking kids
>based palestinians!
thats Stormfags for you.
Yes that's an accurate summary. NAP4lyfe
All niggers do. Black folks are cool IMO.
>objectively immoral
kek, not if god says otherwise.
Also, prediction:
>what? categorical imperative? Im not going to look that up because I don't understand it, and just ignore this point for the rest of the conversation.
To clarify a little more I think our discussion was getting a little bit semantic with the jumbling of the concepts of "morality" and "moral interpretation" or something like that. I WAS making the case that morality is objective and if the discussion continued I would have said that it's likely that no one is perfectly moral and that that is why we have to debate these things.
Semantics are an unfortunate necessity of philosophy, so no problems. How does one arrive at the conclusion that morality is objective though?
By objective, I mean in the same sense as a physical law, such as gravity, in that it exists whether or not someone is around to observe it.
>religious doctrine
pick one
also I DID look it up you faggot lol and I responded to one of your fellow leaves in light of the info I received already.
He reads the Bible and rarely talks about Israel ever. Besides, Israel is not the problem the problem is Bolshevism.
He has a speech impediment and he plays dumb on purpose. His IQ is probably around 105.
nobody is suggesting hurting or harming innocent nignogs struggling to survive. The ordinary nignogs maybe as many as half the total number of niggers. The thing is that we simply never hear from them as opposed to the worst niggers who cause most of the problems. So use restraint in judging all of them too harshly. For instance, Sammy D. was a decent kind of 60's and 70's nigger, singer, tap dancer, and a really good entertainer. In the end, the best question is are niggers human?
It’s more important to stop the immigration blacks population growth is stagnant.
It’s impossible for smart people to use this technique.
they all get the rope user, but the lucky ones go to the back of the line.
easy to say this but impossible to accomplish and 100% unlikely to occur ever anywhere. We need to know what we can do next within the boundary of what is possible. And that's not going to be with a rope, gun, violence, jail cell, or abortion.
When it REALLY comes down to it desu I could be convinced to concede that morality is actually subjective due to the the myriad of shit that all different people throughout time have done and treated as "moral" (interestingly "moral" comes from Greek meaning "custom" suggesting subjectivity) but we all seem to have a rooted sense of right and wrong imbued within us, whether that comes from God or not. We pretty much all agree that raping your own child is wrong, stuff like abortion we debate because the logic is more nuanced. The more nuanced the subject at hand, the more there is a need to debate it.
But likewise if one CHOOSES not to believe in gravity, and then jumps off a tall building thinking they can fly, I would bet they would die, and that helps to back the idea that gravity is an objective constant - even if the person who fell and died didn't understand how or why. So if you rape your child and then kill yourself from the depression precipitated by living with a lack of meaning and morality, then that backs the case that raping your child is in fact morally wrong.
Star having kids.
no shit not every single last nigger. Just the overwhelming majority of them
Whenever Jesse says something, just imagine Norm McDonald saying the same thing. The guy isn't dumb, he's just got that off putting sense of humor.
The NAP is not an objective measure of morality. Molymeme just has yet to encounter the argument that defeats his whole,
>arguing against universally preferable behaviour is literally arguing for universally preferable behaviour.
Its not. I'll go on his show one day and tell him why, but I don't want to spoil it.
Why would you have to pick one, when God is that which sets out a religious doctrine?
Well theres the rub in my view. If a person jumps off a building trying to fly, they will always fall (assuming that nothing wonky happens with gravity as we know it).
What if a person rapes a child, but suffers no ill mental effects though? I'll use sociopaths as an example. Sociopaths throughout history have done some very henious things without displaying remorse, or even acknowledging that their actions were wrong. Current arguments say that this is due to a poorly understood mental illness, known as sociopathy. Such people act in a way that is contrary to the idea that morality is objective, since if it was objective (again similar to physical laws) they would not be able to ignore it.
The thrust of my argument is that morality is not a law that humans are forced to observe, as is gravity/electromagnetism/etc. Instead, people choose to obey or disobey it for many different reasons. Therefore, arguing that morality is objective is not logical (under the assumptions I have laid out).
Thank you for taking the time to respond at any rate. Nice to have a proper conversation on this board for once.
OK I might be retarded but I didn;t understand that first part about NAP and Molyneux so I would welcome further elaboration on that if you would please
As for the second point I've never been convinced that any text is of divine origin so our disagreement would start there.
Will add a further point;
There are no laws, even physical ones. These so called "Laws" are merely abstractions, just as we can abstract that,
>There is no universal law in the universe that says there are necessarily universal laws in the universe.
Is it really weakness though? Or do people twist it to be weakness?
>OK I might be retarded but I didn;t understand that first part about NAP and Molyneux so I would welcome further elaboration on that if you would please
Eh, sure.
A transhumanist once argued to me that there is objective morality, that is, to be alive.
>Because if you are alive, then you can act moral. Therefore it is moral to be alive.
It is the same with Molymeme:
>Because if you argue against UPB, then you are trying to find a UPB through argument. Therefore it is UPB to argue against UPB.
Took me awhile to figure out why this was wrong. Its a sophisticated tautology, which are always difficult to defeat it.
What I eventually found though was just stating the inverse:
>You also need to be alive to be immoral, therefore it is immoral to be alive.
>You also need to argue against UPB in order to fulfill your goal of universally unpreferable behaviour.
What do you think user?
>As for the second point I've never been convinced that any text is of divine origin so our disagreement would start there.
30 years after the holocaust happen, people weren't convinced that this happened either, so
>ive never been convinced
lacks any credibility, at least insofar as we do not even know what your criteria for establishing such a fact would be in the first place. You can elaborate if you want to, and we can have fun trying to disprove each-other.
To me, a law is a statement that describes a process/condition that is always true under a specific set of circumstances. Thats why in the moral arena, it is very important to lay out the assumptions being made about the situation before applying a moral principle to it. That's also why it is extremely difficult (I think impossible) to describe a moral principle that could be conceived as a law.
The feeling is mutual leaf.
I've never known a sociopath personally (I don't think) but I would suspect from observing historical accounts of sick maniacs like Elizabeth Bathory and torture administrators of the Khmer Rouge that they themselves were not fully content in their own lives. I can't give a specific source for either account but from documentaries I've watched I remember hearing that while Bathory outwardly displayed clear vigor and joy in torturing her victims she also appeared forever conflicted and uneasy in her non-torture related activities to the few people she wasn't brutalizing constantly. Again this is no definite case but it goes along to helping the argument that acts of sadism do not foster one's own happiness.
As for the torturers of the Khmer Rouge many documents and accounts of their regret also reflect this same idea which are much more accessible and definite. Of course they were under significant pressure to perform these acts unlike Bathory but I'm sure they all seemed glad to do it at the time. I would list some sources but I think this may have to be my last post fren thanks for the discussion. I may hang around for an hour or so
You do need to be alive to "be" moral I guess. However, if a person is alive but unable to take any voluntary action, can they be said to be moral? Can you make a moral judgment by mere existence? I was thinking that an action of some kind would have to take place in order for a moral judgment to take place.
hes mean
but maybe rightly so
>hes mean
this is the first time in history that this criticism was raised on Jow Forums
>we're all a bunch of dicks holy fuck
Thank you fren. You raise an interesting point about suspected sociopaths of history, but as points out, trusting word of mouth/diaries from hundreds of years ago is suspect at best. For example, I could argue that the confidantes of Elizabeth Bathory made up stories about her "conflicted uneasy" behavior, or perhaps misinterpreted it even. It is also possible that they ascribed that behavior to her in order to humanize her in some small way because they didn't want to believe a human being could treat others the way she did. I'm not saying for certain that Bathory's retainers did these things, since I couldn't possibly know, I'm just suggesting them as possibilities.
Sociopaths are a strong argument against the idea of a self-evident "law' of morality, since they seem to lack the capacity to understand morality in the first place. If morality was a law in the same sense as gravity, there should be very few, if any, exceptions. I could go into other counterexamples, such as humans raised by animals, but my fingers are getting tired.
>You also need to argue against UPB in order to fulfill your goal of universally unpreferable behaviour.
You said it first user, a sophisticated tautology is what it is - kind of. But arguing against the current stated terms UPB vs. arguing that it is moral to discuss and attempt to REFINE and further elaborate on UPB are two different things and I don't think Molymeme would disagree. I.e. how pro "choice" advocates argue that it's the woman's right, a fetus is not a child etc they are technically arguing from the same starting point of the NAP (at least that's what I think they're attempting to do, and for the record I'm anti baby murder)
Do you believe in the divinity of any doctrine, if so which one and why?
This guy is an idiot.
Maybe not all killed but segregated away from us.
That would probably kill them though lol
>mfw this thread about the literal dumbest nigger on earth somehow morphed into a deep and stimulating discussion on moral philosophy
Jow Forums is a magic place
lol here are some more contemporary accounts from two fellows who fit right into the category
Jeffery Dahmer:
Ted Bundy:
They both show clear remorse for their actions which caused a real snafu in the conviction of Dahmer since he couldn't be classified as insane due to the remorse he showed in the courtroom. I've already admitted that I could be swayed to concede that morality is actually subjective so this is really just some food for thought I guess. All I know is I FEEL very strongly about the ethics of certain frequently debated topics and I will act to satisfy those deep emotional motives until I FEEL that I have done wrong. Really the essence of my point is here so good night fren.
Based niggers should be given their own ethnostate.
t. black LESBIAN
Jesse doesn't like race mixing and openly tries to get white people to have more kids. He's a good dude.
just because some people can’t do math doesn’t mean math isn’t objective.
He's a burger. They ALL sound like inbred retards.