How do i make money without contributing to society

How do i make money without contributing to society

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Software development.

As a girl you can always sell your body,get a sugar daddy or become an e-girl.
As a guy... You're fucked without education, bro


Hollywood director

Take HRT, Buy feminine clothing/wigs/makeup, Stream on Twitch/YouTube, Sell bath water and pee for $9,999,99.

Sell drugs


Meme technician from home

Be a shill.

Move to California and collect welfare.

underrated and based af

Be a nigger or a kike

Government job

you could work for the IRS and actively destroy society

>You're fucked without education, bro
What i fucking hate is that, say back in the 90s and before, it'd be much easier to get away with crime.
Thing is i wouldnt be in this decript state in the first place.

Now i am in the decrepit place, and there are too many fucking cameras everywhere. Everything is electronic

still waiting for my shipment. Tor nigger probably scammed me.

Of what?


crypto, my personal exit strategy, your path is open for many options, most will fail but crypto is quite feasible if you’re not a impulsive nigger

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Only retarded criminals get caught today, you just gotta think outside the box. One good theft can set you for life


What prevents you from working? Obesity? Age? Other health conditions?

Only buy drugs from reputable sellers on tor. It's like eBay. If the deal is too good to be true. It is.

>unless you're a white male

Only thing that comes to mind are atms. Or rather when one is being refilled. Banks don't actually carry money anymore.
Hell if you have any bright ideas feel free to relay them.
I'm a piece of shit low life that doesn't want to.
Guy's reputable. Selling from euroland. That might be the case. Been just over 14 days and it's arriving in an envelope.

Become a Jewish Trans Surgeon

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Be a journalist.