Her Eyes Are Too Far Apart

>she's a fucking alien

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Fuck disney, wait till they amens the cartoon version and straight up outlaw the older non pozzed version

She's a nigger.

>180 degree FOV for maximum preemptive police detection
shit, they're evolving

Everyone remember this is a marketing scheme

We wuz feesh

I'd hit it.

Dude she's hot

race mixing is abomination


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Literally, some nigger turned white after committing suicide by jumping off a bridge and drowning. Long hours in the water removed all of his melanin.

Disney is retarded and defies nature.

There are no niggers under the sea.

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race is a made up construct you dummy

maybe you should learn some history

check out reddit for some good stuff

>Literally, some nigger turned white after committing suicide by jumping off a bridge and drowning. Long hours in the water removed all of his melanin.
wait what

What’s up with the Reddit eye spacing though?

fetal alcohol syndrome
her mother was a boozer


Attached: ayyy.jpg (506x783, 118K)

she's exotic looking like some kind of half human, half sea creature

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why she have no eyebrows


She looks more like a shark tale fish

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Why is she wearing a tongue on her ear


>Jow Forums's been bitching about this for about a week now.


What about Venti though

Me too, with a baseball bat.

>casting more niggers and gays out of spite to trigger Trump supporters.

lol hollywood is so petty

Ay surah, no one else will take the job, kill this spread eyed nigger so Konzu can have his early lunch.

>It all makes sense now. Go fish.

Attached: yellow-fish-eyes_medium.jpg (800x533, 81K)

God, she's beautiful

reminder women of Jow Forums:

not ONE DROP of alcohol when you're pregnant. yes "just one drink" will hurt. its insane the amount of deformed children because women are so goddamned stupid anymore.

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No, she's a fuck Sed from Ice Age. Ugly as shit.

I can't believe a cute 2D ginger girl is being replaced by this ugly quadroon

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she cuuuuuute

Ostron are Israelis who murdered the original ostrons and stole their identity.

no she's a fish

>this is a 10/10 in burgerland

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That’s what I noticed, her father is probably her grandad and her mother is probably her sister. That’s a common space between the eyes for incest kids

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Both those girls seem like they’re superior to everyone. So I’m sure she feels she’s above all these ANONYMOUS comments coming from these pathetic incels. You go girll!

It's a shark, that's why she plays the mermaid.

Nope. Shes a flounder