I don't understand why AOC's the villain? She literally busted her ass in school, and then beat an establishment Democratic leader in only her first election. AOC is like the best example of the American work ethic leading to a better life. and fighting for what you believe in. She's fierce. We should be celebrating her.
I don't understand why AOC's the villain? She literally busted her ass in school...
Sephardic Jew. European genocide promoter.
commie jew
Fuck off Saikat.
i agree OP. Jow Forums is just full of angry white guys who can't get laid so they blame jews and mexicans for their problems
Can you not grasp the concept of longevity? Her political stances are disastrous.
>for the profits of billion dollar drug companies
Shut your fucking stupid cockholster jewboy. America is waking up
Where's the 885 grand?
>waking up
And then going back to sleep; do you ever learn?
She should be a leader for people of color and white commies. I strive to live in a society void of women of colour having leadership positions over me. All they do is cry racist. It's annoying and I just want to be left alone from all this stronk women of color stuff. Can't we just go our separate ways? Why would they want to live in a society with white men who dgaf about their women of color non sense?
Anyone telling you she is a villain is linked to Jewish bank owners and Capitalists
Cortez isn't the villain, she's just the court jester.
Have you seen the documentary how she was a manchurian canidate funded and pushed by the young turks and its all true...jesus christ do you only watch cnn and msnbc?
>She literally busted her ass in school
Fuck aoc’s commie tard ass to death
>AOC is like the best example of the American work ethic leading to a better life.
Except for the green new deal, and the earth ending in 12 years, and crying at a parking lot fence. but other than her theatrics, yeah she's great Bro.
>We should be celebrating her.
Fuck off!
Something like 15,000 people voted for her. Before 2018, nobody knew she existed.
She will fizzle out into wannabe Bernie Sanders territory.
All these other faggots posting a bunch of other random shit about why AOC is awful. You niggers are forgetting the main reason she will never EVER be competent enough to lead a sate, much less a country.
Women do not plan ahead. Women do not think like men do.
Big teeth bitch BAD!
Literal sub-100 IQ female nonwhite socialist teenage bitch is bad, yes.
>literally busted her ass in school
Yeah, I'll bet she literally got her ass busted at school. Sage
1 post from (((OP)))
shes part of the "suicide squad"
We all know shes authoritarian and fascist, but its in advocation of a whiteless many-niggered tranny hellscape
>1 post by this ID
Because she's dumb as fuck and wants to raise my taxes for gibs.
Hating AOC is boomer shit
Exactly this.
>dumb policy idea
>AOC is literally retarded. Look at her newest proposal
>they just hate to see strong women of color in power
She's a dum dum
>literally busted her ass in school
I wish she did literally bust her ass because there's no way she'd be in congress without an intact spine.
Name of the documentary?
Id like to see her be repeatedly celebrated, if you know what i mean
She's a pawn. A tool to be used. Nothing more, nothing less.
She is a compulsive liar, nothing she says is accurate. She won’t stop until there are open borders and this country has a new socialist constitution.