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a faggot

A faggot

That's called the "Limp-wristed faggot" zone.
The cure is suicide.

A liberal SJW in denial.

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What is a faggot for 500, Alex.

I don't understand. I have social opinions but like I believe woman and feminists have too much power and they should be stomped out. I don't understand how I got Left.

A faggot

You're promoting the idea that people should expect help; support relying on oneself.

Compass is bullshit, 8values is the acceptable political alignment test

Needs more authoritarianism, then you will be (as reddit puts it) “based and redpilled”.

I just took this test again, does this mean I'm a commie? I don't feel like a commie.

Attached: chart.png (480x400, 17K)

∆ ∆

Apparently that test uses being against corporations as commie.

Still a Nazi, borderline strasserist
A great result nonetheless

Don't actually worry too much. These fucking things are written by leftist to where they say shit like:
>Do you want to help the poor (aka worthless niggers) by providing welfare to them?

What this reallys means is:

>Our retarded secular religion of leftism, where we replace god and our parents with the government, states that welfare must help the poor because we say it does, even if tons of academic studies in economics say it doesn't. Experts in economics are obviously far right nazis.

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So then what is a good test then? 8values?

None of them. These things are all shit made for teenage boys who will grow up to cut their dick off and then an hero.

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Just watch lectures by (((Rothbard))) or debates with Sowell and/or (((Friedman))) if you want to get a good start on understanding economics (if they haven't been shoahed by youtube yet).

Strasser was Himmlered for a reason.

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Hans-Hermann Hoppe is next after them.

a faggot

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I feel like I agree with Oswald Mosley the most out of any political leader, Strasser also seems pretty sensible as well.

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The fucking enemy. Die.

I think I'm just fucked in the head

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Centrist commie.
This is more acceptable. Could still be considered a NatSoc

Kek or cringe?

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Why him and not me? He's more authoritarian. He's the commie


A fag

I'm not sure where to go for the chart, but I ended up with this.

Attached: Fash.png (800x650, 93K)

Aging hippie

supposedly it makes you closest to a social democrat.
it just means your a centrist authoritarian

Be Neoreactionary

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