How come countries near the equator are almost always shithole countries?

How come countries near the equator are almost always shithole countries?

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dude what the fuck kek

because they're non-white

when you live in paradise there's no reason to evolve

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>Almost Always
Those are key words, it is not the place, it is the people, Incas built their prosperous civilization around the equator

Waiting for this thread to get zucced

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I cant fucking wait till summer is over.

Lol you're the summerfag. Read the rules, newfag

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>bumping black bepis is summer

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looks delicious tho

The further away your origins lay from the equator, the higher your IQ

Mine is bigger

No ice age.
Surviving an ice age requires a lot of traits, lots of seleciton pressure.
Lighter skin, higher iq, better group dynamics, more well thought out actions, higher strength for carrying home game.

Socio economic factors

No seasons to teach good lessons

Neat. I’m shitting too.

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It’s like panning for gold, only with shit.

The cia manipulates equatorial countries

Is that Jesse Lee Peterson?

imagine the smell

Why do black men have big penises even when flaccid?

His flaccid cock is literally the size of the average white males erect cock, maybe slightly bigger.

His foreskin is peeled back, he's probably hard.

kys nigger

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Too hot to think.

wait a minute...

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Warm weather creates natural selection pressures that favour immediate gratification thus lowering iq and ability to create a functional society. Compare that with cold climates like Scandinavia favouring delaying of gratification and high trust social relationships.

its not fair, why does god give big dicks to the dumbest race REEEEEE

this type of conundrum is you how know there is a god

Shoo wee Bubba! Them niggers wipe their asses with goddamn cardboard!

always warm weather so less pressure to develop technology

Imagine being this retarded.

because women aren't supposed to want to fuck farm equipment
an average sized penis is plenty big enough for a woman who hasn't been mentally and physically ruined by pro-black propaganda

There are little animals scampering about everywhere and trees full of figs. It requires more intelligence and planning to survive a cold winter in the north. Near the equator all you have to do is shit on the beach and eat a coconut.

As if all of the western countries weren't throwing their buckets of shit out the window in the middle of the street until about 100-150 years ago. How is this nigga any worse? At least he shits on a beach, far away from where he spends his day to day life lol.

Nice tropical weather never really have to plan ahead like snow niggers have to

can some lady plz clean his asshole

Its hard to be industrious when its oppressively hot 24/7 and you dont have access to slaves

The ideal ambient temperature for physical labour is 18 degrees celcius, so when you have 30 degrees humid weather year round it's too hot to build infrastructure unless whitey is whipping you

This is the elephant in the room. Mass immigration is us taking the overspill from their degenerate breeding practices. Over population creates shitholes. In nature, animals like this get curtailed by based predators, to maintain balance.

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Heat makes you too lazy to do anything and food is easier to obtain so you don't need long term thinking beyond wet and dry season

These people take our social housing, and don't give a thought of the white people sleeping homeless on the street. We worked hard to build our social safety net, and high standard of living. Many white people do not want to be like wolves, but that is our role in nature if we want to survive. Nature is the perfect system.

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Imagine being this retarded

>wipe their asses with goddamn cardboard!
Doubt they even do that kek.

By that logic the egyptians, aztecs, persians etc are all a myth. How could they build a civilization in a hot climate that provides no drive. Lmao, kys faggot.

never knew Egyptians Persians lived in the equator

We're talking about a climate that provides easy sustenance that requires "no planing". Do you even follow the thread?

so why did you bring up Persians and Egyptians ?

>easy sustenance that requires "no planing"
You know, the majority of arable land was along the Nile. And they had to actively work to grow their crops. Other than that, sand.

How does he manage to poo if he hasn't had any food?

this is why i asked why he mentioned those civilisations , they had to plan for the different cycles of the Nile rising , places like the Savannah or Congo were abundant with animals and vegetation all they had to do is go hunt or forage even if it was too hot they would just go hunt the next day

Because they've always had everything they need. An abundance of fish, fruit and nice weather makes for a lazy and stagnant society.

the boesman would go hunt and eat until their stomaches couldnt fill anymore and then just lay around all day

black magic

>always warm
>everything grows all year round
>lots of wildlife to hunt
Gee, it is like they never had to do any survival or hard agriculture compared to northern countries.

>Incas built their prosperous civilization around the equator
Just to be killed by Christ

>read the ruuuuuuuuuuuulez
you have to go back

Incas where overated they didn't even have the wheel , wow they can put rocks on top eachother make a big hill

Read what you wrote. That is exactly why he is worse.

Ancient Japan almost fell into this trap. China and Korea were lightyears ahead of the Japanese at one point, then being on an Island forced Japan to evolve due to population growth

>then: prosperous civilization
>now: caravan to US

Pick one

>How come countries near the equator are almost always shithole countries?

because they arent white

Problems with each:
Literally not the nigs faults, the sahara fucks them over and cut them off from the world making them basically 20000+ years behind the rest of the world.
Gross people that are just worse asians
>South America
>South America

dat bbc just hanging there waiting for pajeeta to open bob

The heat and humidity makes u mad and agitated

over generations you start to mutate to be the blackest gorilla nigger

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he ate mud cookies silly


>be oogabooga
>one season a year
>no need to face adverse changing climates
>abundance of animal and vegetal edible foods
>can avoid war because of abundance and the vastness of the territory
>go to random sprees anyways
>never-ending diseases
>blame random sheit and practice dubious nonsense medical practice

>be non-oogabooga
>climate changing seasonally, even drastically
>no security of food
>eventual competition for resources (lamd included)
>wars needed but lear that sometimes cooperation has better outcomes
>because of highly density centers, higher risk of decimation by diseases
>understand it and act accordingly (hygiene and medicine)

Japan is not suitable for agricultural practices. Only fishing, and maybe hunting, are viable options.

We use soap and water, Bong.

No winter means the trash survives easily.

what about rice fields

dont lie

Nah, It's Don Cheadle.

Plumbing is a thing nowadays.

"Soap"= "a handful of mud from the ditch.
"Water"= " What was in the ditch, barring that, a bit of piss from the nearby cattle".

My bad. I meant that Japan, being mainly mountainous, has little arable land (less than 12%). Either they choose to have a little population, or they engage in other activities such as fishing, commerce, etc. Even because soil, if intensively used, eventually deplete its resources and land is going to be no more arable.

Imagine being browner than your own shit.

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checked and keked

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>wow they can put rocks on top eachother make a big hill
That more a Mesoamerican thing
Some (coastal) groups conquered by the Incas made pyramid-like structures but it wasn't a typical Inca thing
Incas rather than making "big hills", took advantage of the mountainous terrain and just added buildings

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They were shit until we arrived

no seasons, no need to plan ahead, dumber populations

>made pyramid-like structures
*large pyramid-like structures
because smaller ones are, on the contrary, almost common
reconstruction (only the right part of the picture)

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Not really, everything black is a shithole, including some Asian countries to a certain extent /thread

Das rite muh nigga. We invented soap n wata. Da whyte bois wuz cave dwellers.