Jeb Bush isn't the President.
My point is, if I have to repeat it, is that even Jeb! would have done basically all of those generic GOP things.
>Wall is being built
No it isn't. He tweets pictures of replacement project that has been going on for over a decade now. The army corp of engineers are doing it and confirm it themselves.
>But there's a big problem: The footage, which was filmed more than five months ago on Sep. 18, 2018, isn't really new wall construction at all, and certainly not part of the ongoing construction of "the wall" that Trump has been haggling with Congress over.
>"It's a replacement project," Mike Petersen, public affairs director for the Army Corps of Engineers' South Pacific Division, told Task & Purpose. "I was in the division 12 years ago and we were doing border wall replacement work back then."
Again, that in itself should speak volumes. The fact that he is content to tweet out pictures of wall that would have gone up no matter what and claim it as his own when in reality there is 0 new wall due to Trump.
>Inb4 the army corp of engineers are secretly working for shareblue!!!!
>Epstein just arrested, its a process
Yeah, Trump's old buddy Epstein got arrested. Reminds me of Weinstein. One guy will go down, get a slap on the wrist, and then nothing else will happen.
Acosta got given sec of labor for giving a sweetheart deal to Epstein by the way.
Let's look at what Trump said.
>Lock her up played great BEFORE the election, now we don't care!
We no longer care about locking her up do we magapedes?