Drumph is tweeing as if SOMEONE ELSE is President again

>Spamming Hannity clips like a senile boomer
>Seemingly unaware of the fact that he is the POTUS
>Unaware of the fact he has the power to act on this
>Refuses to do anything about these crimes

It's getting unironically sad at this point.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Unaware of the fact he has the power to act on this

You're a fucking idiot. He is doing exactly what he is supposed to do: nothing. That and ensure the destruction of the white race. Jow Forums was warned that they would regret voting for (((trump))) and they're now reaping what they've sown. Trump, Jesus, xtianity, and the Republican Party are the release-valve for white anger and the leading force to replace whites with cheap brown/black/muslim labor. They are the party of profit over all else.

It's amazing you fucking brainlets haven't learned this yet.

>He is doing exactly what he is supposed to do: nothing
I know that.
He tweets this crap because his base unironically believes that he's 'trying his best' and all those other Hannity talking points. He likes to pretend as if he wants to do something without ever doing it.

Point I'm making is that someone has to have room temperature IQ to not think this looks pathetic as hell. It comes across as weak and stupid when you consider that this is the POTUS saying it.

you say regret like anyone would be cheering on the alternative lol

>BOOMERang of Justice

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Absol-fucking-loutely this. The only right answer. I just want the craziest dem to win 2020 so we can collapse the economy and get this show on the road. Trump is just delaying the inevitability.

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You shills will never divide us against Trump. He is making America great again and you trannies are seething.

>He is making America great again
And Sessions will lock up Clinton any day now.

>I just want the craziest dem to win 2020 so we can collapse the economy and get this show on the road. Trump is just delaying the inevitability.

Yep. Me too. The acceleration-pill is the only pill left to take. I want a war that kills literally billions. I want to watch American leftists and American christians just lined up and executed for everything they've done. I want total savagery and lawlessness. Nothing less will satiate my hunger.

LOL throwing in Jesus and Christianity, are you?

you almost had me kike hahahahaha you revealed yourself

MIGA my fellow pede

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maybe he just really likes hannity and wants to share his favorite clips

What the fuck is going on?

>implying nothing is being done
>implying government works quickly
>implying the Mueller investigation didn't take years

At least hannity has the presidents war. More influential then most Swamp denizens

Fuck you kike and fuck (((trump)))


Muller was always going to be nothing in the end, it was just a dog and pony show but it got the sheeple all riled up that's for sure.

You know, just because the Dems are bad doesn't make the Republicans good. The dems running a smear campaign against Trump can be in itself a bad thing meanwhile Trump can also be a cuck for having achieved literally 0 of his promises.

Hire more shills

Attached: boomer.png (162x72, 12K)

unironcially jerry nadler is a weird lookin dude

this image is not photoshopped or altered either

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There was so much leaking of information at the DOJ that now shills EXPECT leaks. When there are no leaks they think nothing is happening. Sucks to suck I guess.

Yeah Mueller took YEARS!
Trump needs like two more terms to have enough time for the matser plan to come together and Hillary to go to Guantanamo! Just trust the plan!!!

When you think about it, we're really just following in the footsteps of Star Trek. With the Eugenics War that wiped out an overwhelming portion of humans. The strongest survive and the weakest perish, so I'm ready for the real life Eugenics War.

Attached: star_trek_the_original_series_season_2_10.jpg (1428x1080, 725K)

He's achieved many promises and it's tiring posting them every thread you retards are in. promiseskept.com for a summery, I don't feel like it

He doesn't care about solutions so long as he can rile up his base with his whining. Literally a swamp politician whose sole purpose is to get reelected.

Attached: PRESIDENTIAL_HARASSMENT.jpg (600x381, 15K)

>The strongest survive and the weakest perish, so I'm ready for the real life Eugenics War
t. Obese neckbeard who can't even feed themselves without an uninterrupted supply of tendies
Nevermind that what we need more of is white intelligence, not nigger strength, or spic/chink/poo overbreeding.

You'll vote for him anyway because it's the only option :^)

>Just trust the plan!!!
When you repeat a desperate character poisoning meme like this too many times you start to look foolish. It's magic is wearing off, you just look like a shill.

>he thinks the president controls shit.

>Double reverse shill trying to make you doubt the plan just before Hillary gets ORANGED
LOL you're getting desperate

Has he ever acted like a president?

>Hurrrr anyone that's not on my revisionist mental gymnastics is a traitor, not a spineless cuck with a gambler's fallacy approach to political allegiances.

No you don’t you edgy little bitch. You can’t go a day without your air conditioning and television. You don’t know war and you should especially be fucking ashamed for wanting death to any Americans. Yeah they’re ignorant but one generation could change that. The Civil War was the worst conflict America ever fought. Get your fat fucking ass out of your computer chair and pickup a history book. That said, Trump is our best option at the moment

kill yourself shill rat


I've seen that one, none of those are the big things people voted for and most are things literally any Republican would do.

>No Wall
>No Lock her up
>Illegal immigration at highest level since Clinton
>No end to foreign wars (still in 7)
>No draining of the swamp of any kind (hired the swamp himself)
>2a under attack more than Obama


Shills then

Shills now

As a boomer, I cheer this great man on. Yeah, someone should do something about all that! Maybe if we elect him again, it will work

Attached: boomer3.gif (467x398, 74K)

>and most are things literally any Republican would do.
oh really, I see you're new to politics. Did the bushes do any of them?

>Everyone who doesn't like Trump failing on everything is a shill!
>Just mindlessly support him guys no matter what!

You are the reason nothing ever gets done by politicians, they know they have a base of brainwashed sheep who cheer on red team / blue team no matter what they do. They can lie all day long and you still praise them over and over.

It's literally like some kind of cuckery thing.

They're pushing through a bill that's going to expand H1Bs even more than already (already way too high and Trump isn't helping) All the GOP voted it through surprise surprise. How's 'America first' going?

Attached: trump potato.png (444x341, 282K)

>No Wall
Being built, shutdown the government record length of time over this fight the dems
>No Lock her up
Epstein just arrested, its a process
>Illegal immigration at highest level since Clinton
Thats why we need the wall and to end the asylum loophole
>No end to foreign wars (still in 7)
Technically but no. Trump saved the Korean peninsula/the world from a hostile and nuclear armed NK
>No draining of the swamp of any kind (hired the swamp himself)
He took over the white house day 1
>2a under attack more than Obama
No one taking your ar 15s

Jeb Bush isn't the President.
My point is, if I have to repeat it, is that even Jeb! would have done basically all of those generic GOP things.

>Wall is being built
No it isn't. He tweets pictures of replacement project that has been going on for over a decade now. The army corp of engineers are doing it and confirm it themselves.


>But there's a big problem: The footage, which was filmed more than five months ago on Sep. 18, 2018, isn't really new wall construction at all, and certainly not part of the ongoing construction of "the wall" that Trump has been haggling with Congress over.

>"It's a replacement project," Mike Petersen, public affairs director for the Army Corps of Engineers' South Pacific Division, told Task & Purpose. "I was in the division 12 years ago and we were doing border wall replacement work back then."



Again, that in itself should speak volumes. The fact that he is content to tweet out pictures of wall that would have gone up no matter what and claim it as his own when in reality there is 0 new wall due to Trump.

>Inb4 the army corp of engineers are secretly working for shareblue!!!!

>Epstein just arrested, its a process
Yeah, Trump's old buddy Epstein got arrested. Reminds me of Weinstein. One guy will go down, get a slap on the wrist, and then nothing else will happen.
Acosta got given sec of labor for giving a sweetheart deal to Epstein by the way.

Let's look at what Trump said.

>Lock her up played great BEFORE the election, now we don't care!

We no longer care about locking her up do we magapedes?


Dems are destroying their own party.

24 fucking candidates
Many post on Twitter daily that they're actually a 'socialist'
This election will see 49% Trump, 45% Dem and 6% socialist.
Next election will be 39% Rep, 32% Dem and 29% socialist.
Gibs leaves a taste in your mouth that you can't satisfy...

It's always funny seeing shills make fake conversations together. Thanks for the laughs. Never stop being you.

Cant wait to see this thread up on the next FBI honey pot thread complete with all of the (you)s


>Thats why we need the wall and to end the asylum loophole
Trump could do that with the stroke of a pen.
Trump promised he would do an EO on anchor babies before the 2018 midterms. What's the excuse? Democrats stole his pen?


Trump has also been actively making illegal immigration worse than ever due to his omnibus bill and having the DHS fly illegals into blue areas (Magapedes claimed this was a genius move, making sanctuary cities worse is apparently BASED now)


>Technically but no. Trump saved the Korean peninsula/the world from a hostile and nuclear armed NK
They are still nuclear armed and always will be. Not that I expect them not to be but it's just smoke and mirrors. A bunch of handshakes to look good on TV.

>He took over the white house day 1
Do you consider Pompeo and Bolton and Elliot Abrams and Wilbur Ross and Jared Kushner to not be 'the swamp'?

>No one taking your ar 15s
>Bumpstock ban
>Talking about silencer ban
>Red flag laws going up in many states after Parkland, of which Trump has specifically spoken out in favor of (pic related)

Attached: trump conman 3.jpg (522x662, 398K)

Trump could literally fire the entire "deep state" at any time.

>The Civil War was the worst conflict America ever fought. Get your fat fucking ass out of your computer chair and pickup a history book. That said, Trump is our best option at the moment
That's literally the point, I'd rather have this nation collapse violently than continue to be a boiling frog while Trump cucks one time after another.

Trump actually somewhat set back the Korean situation. South Korea was pissed at him for it.

No he wouldn't have done anything Trump did. Trump is actually moving the government back to the right even if he didn't do every thing you wanted him to. Bush was literally a clone of Obama policy wise.

>Yeah, Trump's old buddy Epstein got arrested. Reminds me of Weinstein. One guy will go down, get a slap on the wrist, and then nothing else will happen.
Youre right. Nothing will happen to Epstein. Im sure the whole thing went down like this...
"Donny! Ive been bored lately fuckin 12 year olds so can you sic the DOJ on me so I can add a little excite ment and drama to my life? Thank friend. I knew I can count on you!".

80% of Americans are worthless and deserve to be killed.

>Trump is actually moving the government back to the right

I'm sorry you're retarded.

Careful user, whatever replaces this system will be far worse.

Obama is to the right of trump on immigration, the thing Trump got elected to go more right on.

Stop being a pussy.
I'll post everything I have because I'm a fucking Patriot that swore an oath to protect the citizens of this great nation from all threats, foreign and domestic.
This oath has no expiration.

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Yeah you're retarded if you believe that. That's literally just a canned line.

neither is this

Attached: dyketits.png (375x474, 504K)

Illegal and legal immigration is up. Deportations are down. Go ahead and spin that.

Trump has done nothing to make the government more right wing, retard. You cannot name a single thing he has done on this because the claim simply is not true.

No, it's literally the truth as shown by all available data. Obama was also more right wing in gun control than Trump has been.

Nah you're fucking retarded. Imagine being oblivious of everything around you and believing that Obama, the guy who turned Michigan into Palestine was good on immigration because some new york times article told you that.

I guarantee you people weren't actually aware during the Obama administration, most likely 12 years old.

Remember when Trump was hard core going in the debates?
Remember when Trump got to the white house?
Remember when we was slumped over in a chair after being president for like an hour and some reporter asked 'what about the clintons'...
And his response was "they're good people"...

He got his dick kicked in the dirt.
The alphabet's said "shut he fuck up, we got this, or we can do another Kennedy...".
And now Epstein is having his fingernails ripped out....

So, you can't name a single way Trump has made the government more right wing, and you ignore all of objective data showing Trump is the worst president on immigration in history (tied with Bush).

is this shit mirrored anywhere? Twiter is perma broken for me

>BOOMERang of justice

>And now Epstein is having his fingernails ripped out
Fake news. Epstein will get a light sentence for show and that will be the end of it.

Accelerationism is a horrible solution. You break the country in hopes that something better rises from the ashes when more than likely all you end up with is a burning pile of shit.

For the record.
I like the alphabets.
I dream of an Elliot Ness and the Untouchables crew in the government that would finally have the balls to clean house.
Maybe that's finally happening.
Make me proud.
Make this country great again.

Who decides? You and your merry band of internet warriors? Or the leftist hordes you voted into power because you thought Trump wasn't good enough?

You and your family would be the first against the wall.

remember when drumpfs greatest accomplishments were sucking off Israel and then the 2020 election campaign started up and he went back to pretending he gives a fuck about America? I remember.

>You break the country in hopes that something better rises from the ashes
False. We know that nothing good will ever come from America because it is a judeo-nigger shit hole. The point of accelerationism is to destroy America before it can take down the entirety of white civilization with it.

50% of the American population is non-white, so they deserve to be killed. And just over half of whites are liberal trash, so they also deserve to be killed. That adds up to roughly 80% of the American population in total.

Death and carnage everywhere.
>Only white male landowners could vote...

>Jews considered white
gg founding dipshits

lowered taxes
cut retarded regulations
stopped muslim immigration
got rid of individual mandate
ended international compacts on immigration and trade that gave away our sovereignty
Paris agreement
got rid of DAPA
removals are actually up
pulled funding from colleges not respecting free speech
removed grants from sanctuary cities.
got mexico to enforce it's borders
stopped aid to south america
fixed trade agreements

This is taking a long time, I think I've proved my point

He didn’t stop aid to South America though he only threatened to.

t.seethin' tranny

Epstein is obviously some kind of intelligence asset involved in a big web of stuff. Again, it's like Weinstein, he's in trouble and that'll be it.
Last time he got in trouble Acosta got him off the hook though.

Bill Clinton is not getting arrested either. The elites don't get arrested in the Banana Republic of America.
It shouldn't be news to you that all of these people are friends.

Trump is moving the overton window left because the right wing are entirely cucked on his watch.
Antifa beats up his supporters in the streets and he doesn't do anything about it. They should be designated as a domestic terror organisation but they aren't.

He doesn't even tweet about it, he's too busy spamming Hannity all day long.

Low taxes and less regulations which primarily helps the ultra rich. No surprises there, the Kochs are huge supporters of the GOP.

He didn't 'stop muslim immigration'. You're repeating the fake news line there actually. That list of countries that got called the 'muslim ban' by the crooked media was actually a list thought up during the Obama admin, and the rationale behind it was countries where visas were considered too insecure / suspect, amongst other things.
It wasn't a 'muslim ban'.

Individual mandate is alright.

Ended international contracts needs expanding upon

Paris agreement he was right to leave

DAPA he was right to get rid of

Removals aren't up, the DHS will tell you that itself

This thing for example is specifically about the omnibus. The link I posted earlier was not though, the one about the DHS flying illegals into blue areas was entirely Trump's own decision





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Ad hominem.

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>lowered taxes
>cut retarded regulations
These are not right wing.
>stopped muslim immigration
Never happened. He blocked travel from states which are enemies of Israel, but did not ban Muslim immigration (even though he could do so at any time).
>got rid of individual mandate
This is not right wing per se, but in this particular case was certainly not right wing because there was no effort made to fix the healthcare system. It was just made even more retarded than it had been.
>ended international compacts on immigration and trade that gave away our sovereignty
This does not give away sovereignty and is not binding in any way.
>Paris agreement
This is not happening until 2020.
>got rid of DAPA
If you mean DACA, then this is false. Trump actually saved DACA when the courts were going to kill it back in 2017. Sessions had it set up to be killed, but Trump put it in the hands of Congress. DACA babies are still all here.
>removals are actually up
>pulled funding from colleges not respecting free speech
>removed grants from sanctuary cities.
>got mexico to enforce it's borders
>stopped aid to south america
>fixed trade agreements
False. Kushner reworked the trade deals and actually made them worse. That is why Mexico was so happy with it, because it benefitted them even more than previous deals.

>You'll vote for him anyway because it's the only option :^)
No I won't, although upset liberals are funny. Seeing boomers getting triggered is even more hilarious.

>lowered taxes
Every GOP candidate would've done that, and that many targeted the rich
>stopped muslim immigration
Muslims aren't the ones immigrating here, the travel ban should've targeted Hispanic countries because we aren't allied with them either
>got rid of individual mandate
t. I'm a zoomer and what is this
>ended international compacts on immigration and trade that gave away our sovereignty
Meanwhile the GOP just recently passed a bill that would increase the amount of pajeets coming here for tech purposes.
>Paris agreement
Not important, not worth my time
>got rid of DAPA
Which very few people used in the first place, meanwhile DACA still stands.
>removals are actually up
Contrary to popular belief, deportations are actually down since Trump signed those omnibus bills preventing ICE from ever doing their job properly. Meanwhile border crossings are at it's highest since the Bush era which was already a fucked up time for immigration.
>pulled funding from colleges not respecting free speech
It's all freedom of speech until somebody says something mean about Israel. Then it's antisemitism.
>removed grants from sanctuary cities
Which did nothing whatsoever
>got mexico to enforce it's borders
You think the country that's still mad at us over the Mexican-American war is going to protect our borders? Hah! Mexico will keep dumping it's lower class on us until they eventually run out. Then they'll just send in Central Americans.
>stopped aid to south america
He only threatened it, he never actually implemented that feature.
>fixed trade agreements
Meanwhile he shilled for China by denouncing the Hong Kong riots. He instantly became their bitch the moment chinks lied to him.

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>I'm just going to say false to true things got em

>Trust the leader! The leader is great!

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None of those were true though. You believe they are true because you have a very low IQ and don't know how to check data or real sources.

Reminder, Trump let drug dealers and the like out of jail, something literally none of his base asked for.

>continuing to call true things untrue because hell we can just say whatever

>me is going to use percentages to sound like smart science man

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>room temperature I[Q]
Q predicted this.
Trust the plan.
Sit back and do nothing, like Trump, the 1 guy who could abolish the CIA and FBI with the swipe of a pen.
No, just sit back and enjoy the show.
Don't even think of even protesting in the slightest. Just keep getting treaded on while wearing your sweet Q shwag and flashing your "Don't Tread on Me" bumper stickers.


>having power
The system is made in such a way that congress can stop him if they don't like him.

Make America Magnificent Anew!

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Thank you for this pep me up OP

The cunt of Jow Forums strikes again

>Sit back and do nothing, like Trump
how convenient! trumps enemies can now use Q as another avenue to attack him.

i wish they'd ban him so he'd have to do something.