Is he right? Are men just acting too macho these days, Jow Forums?

Is he right? Are men just acting too macho these days, Jow Forums?

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The opposite.

kys in minecraft

We had peak macho bullshit YEARS ago and lower suicide rates.

Male? That's a social construct

>the reason you guys are commiting suicide is not because of your depression or bipolar or mental illness
>Its because you go to the gym

Why is it always the fucking checkmarks?
This guy is obisuvally a homosexual if he talks about "talking it out" and shit

I really wish people like this got fucking eaten out by normies, but NOOOOOO they have a gay checkmark so they are always right

The real question is how many of these sorts of threads will it take before Jow Forums realises they're all made by the same guy.

The world sucks. Every second of every day is a test. You make the wrong mistake at the wrong time and it's all over, regret will prevent you from ever feeling satisfaction again. Crying in a room filled with other men will just make things worse. Save the tears for your morning shower.

Work out and stop crying except when absolutely necessary, faggot.

First and best.

Literallly the opposite. Shit goes south and cry babies with no one to cry to make it the end of the world.

Men aren't taught to deal with problems, and when they later get problems, they can't deal. Make sure to teach your sons to shoot, drive, use a chainsaw, and fight. Amongst the lessons you'll teach them is to figure out how to solve problems.

Man up you pussies

This is what happens when you place women on a pedestal and go as far as to give them rights. Men are forced to conform to the needs of the weaker sex.

When you look at societies where women are subjugated, the rate of male suicide is incredibly low. So low in fact, that the only ones that occur are suicide bombings.

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>regret will prevent you from ever feeling satisfaction again.
No. After a while you get over yourself, and realize you need to quit constantly thinking about yourself and just enjoy what's going on around you.

When you do that, nothing is the end of the world anymore. Suicide is selfishness. It doesn't end the pain. It just gives it to someone else.

You're the selfish one if you think your suicide will matter to anyone.

this weak-chinned sissy needs to shut her dick holster and man the fuck up. he wouldn't know true strength unless it was at the bottom of his latest half-fat skinny soi latte. fuck weak cunts like this, don't become one.

They kill themselves because they are not real men.

Core masculine traits such as pride, strength through adversity, the competitive urge to better yourself, the drive to prove your worth and superiority over others are all polar opposites of and directly prevent you from being able to kill yourself. The ultimate form of giving up

You're a retard if you think even you don't matter to someone. Gen X hated the way boomers raised them, so they raised their kids with participation trophies, and now Millenials and Zoomers can't think of anything but themselves, becuase that's how they were raised.

Live in a society.


>Let's just fucking kys ourselves

On the contrary, I think it goes hand in hand. Rather than grovel for gibs like some woman, the losing men just take themselves out with dignity.

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Making life suck less makes too much sense, let's become faggots instead.

>the reason you guys are commiting suicide is not because of your depression or bipolar or mental illness
>Its because you go to the gym

Why is it always a fucking leaf?

He's basically saying that men are committing suicide because of their own "toxic masculinity".

While I despise the phrase "man up", this is not the problem. Feminism is.

>Why is it always the fucking checkmarks?
The checkmarks are well indoctrinated.

>I'm so self important that I actually believe those around me will have immense pain and suffering
How do you know anyway?

You actually agree with this guy?
That being masculine makes you suicidal?

Why is it always a fucking EURO
Go pay your masturbation license faggot

Do explain how solving a problem permanently is selfish. I have to know.

that kike thinks macho man was fake?

>Is he right?
not really, I mean I guess some suicides may be caused by it but it-s like saying
>car accidents are preventable
>dont get blowjobs while driving

It's not men, it's white men and native americans in particular.

The era of cowboy and indians is coming to an end. America will soon be one big cesspool full of niggers and squatamalans.

See, he says that, but the truth is, nothing gets him hornier than Tyrone's cold stare when he's getting pounded.

I'll be sad if you go user, we're all in this together

This, cowboy and indians is basically America. Without these there is no A in USA

i will survive to 50 and then women will outnumber men 2;1 and i will slay gilfs. see you in the next life faggots

Thanks satan, but I'm not trying to kill myself. I always knew you were the good guy.

fuck that shit life is struggle, if u aint struggling you aint living, feeling sad is ok embrace it but dont wallow in it, connect with your mates, and if you need it seek help, talk to a doctor but fuck this 'Hur dur show your vulnerability' cunts i guarantee you nothing makes employers turn away and a pussy dry up faster than a "vulnerable" man.

We all have our cross to bear and your gonna carry that Burden like a fucking man and this is why mates are so important cos just knowing their around somewhere makes life that little bit lighter.

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They intentionally destroyed every space for men to bond, and now complain that they're still too masculine.

>Women come into this new barroom. Not through a family entrance, but through the front door. They go right up to the bar. They put a foot on the brass railing. They order; they are served; they bend the elbow; they hoist; they toss down the feminine oesophagus the brew that was really meant for men -- stout and wicked men.
>The last barrier is down; the citadel has been stormed and taken. There is no longer any escape, no harbor of refuge, no haven, no sanctuary, no hiding place, no hole or corner, no burrow nor catacomb, no nook amongst the ruins of civilization, where the hounded male may seek his fellow and strut his stuff, safe from the atmosphere and presence of femininity.
>A man might as well do his drinking at home, with his wife and daughters; and there never was any fun in that. It was merely -- drinking! It was merely a satisfaction of the physical appetite for alcohol.

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>life is struggle
t. living paycheck to paycheck

Women are disgusted by men who cry or show "emotion", and only find it appealing when done by a man with prowess or power as their evolutionary instinct recognizes a man they can manipulate and use to get what they want.

Anybody who still uses the word "macho" is discredited.

>Men's roles being eroded
>Male identity openly demonised
>Some men check out
Looks like we need to erode men's identity a little more.

>Let's not man up. Let's not tough it out.
Okay so you want us to kill ourselves even more? I guess now we know how you got your blue checkmark of David now. Suck it up pussy. Embrace the struggle.

>Let's stop faking macho bullshit
This is correct on its own. It has to be real.

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It's not solving the problem. It's handing it to someone else.

Do you know anyone that committed suicide? How does it make you feel? Even if you're a loony loner, try to realize that most people have families, friends, and loved ones, and those people are torn apart by the suicide of people they care about.

You ever hear of the story of Romeo and Juliet? One suicide can spark others. It actually happens often.

Out of curiosity, do suicide statistics count dead trannies as "male" or something else?

naw, you're thinking of boomers who raised millennials. genx was raised by the silent generation who were little kids during ww2 and the depression. The generation a little older than us were the boomers. They stirred up shit, and we got all the flack for it. We hate them. We're the generation who demands Trump because he's the man we admired in the 80s. He's our guy.

Black males are the most aggressive macho douchebags around and their suicide rate is negligible.

You sir, are completely wrong. Gen X followed the Baby Boomers. Look it up.

I really hate this stupid belief that suicide is "selfish." The people who would call you selfish for attempting suicide are basically saying "how dare you do this! how dare you do this thing that would make me feel sad!" you're trying to kill yourself. Quite literally saying "I am in so much pain, I would rather die than live." Yet, as usual, your feelings do not matter, only everyone else's.

red pill overdose

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No, act like a man or kill yourself is natural selection at it's finest. This is how things should be.

not everyone has kids when they're 15. most millenials have boomer parents not gen x.


I'm 49, what should I look up? I don't need a book or website to tell me the hippies were long fucking gone by the time I was a teen.

What a fucking kike faggot.

KYS then namefaggot. See if I care.

I can understand how you'd be so wrong about this. Being from Oz will do that to the ability to actually look shit up on the interwebz.

I thought you'd been shoah'ed with the Kiwis? Either look shit up before you spout off, or STFU like a good Kiwi.

You kids these days. Look up that GenX was the offspring of the Baby Boomers retard.

Men are killing themselves EXACTLY because they have become sensitive low-T pussies. High test macho men commit a lot less suicide.

Why would you care? What was even the point of your reply?
autofill from that Vice thread about Jow Forums only being 40% more racist than before


This, 1000 times this.

I do martial arts, and the proportion of male to female in a dojo is always 9 to 1 or more. I can easily talk only to males and nobody even realizes.

Just search for places that naturally draw only males.

>citing Vice

I do care now. Now I really want you to KYS faggot.

that's positively retarded.
1965 is the starting age of gen-x according to most sources. The baby boom started shortly after ww2 ended in 1945. you think all gen-x had parents 20 years or younger?

No way, we need more Chads not less.

being a submissive cuck is the only way to prevent suicide

The true selfish thing is to want people to keep suffering just because if they check out it would make you feel bad.

>High test macho men commit a lot less suicide.
this sorosflag gets it

What the fuck are you talking about? Not my fault you weren't here 2-3 days ago.

imagine not wanting someone to go to hell because they're just having a hard time and need help.

Funny. Male suicide's reason comes form the outside. But these signal boosting faggot "helpers" spin it to be men's own fault. Again.

Another meaningless campaign that will only cause more damage.

Matt is not entirely wrong - but he blames the wrong scapegoat. It is almost as if he thinks we are inherently broken due to our tendency to try to "man up".

What we are lacking is purpose. We don't have a nation anymore. Why man up at all? This fallen world is ruled by faggots and pedos. Why sacrifice and suffer to feed the elite? We have enormous capacity to "man up" - give us a nation of our own. Male suicide will immediately stop.

You're positively retarded. Genx then started having kids, Millenials.

Look, I didn't make up the terms. It's how they're listed in the credible references. If you want to argue that GenX shouldn't be the kids of Boomers, then argue with them.

I'm just using the terms as defined by credible sources. Are you surprised you're not one of them?

Yeah, that's exactly my point. The people calling you selfish for wanting to die care so little about your feelings that they want you to stick around because you dying would make them sad for 2-4 weeks before they get over it.

Imagine thinking everyone believes your abrahamic fairy tales.

I was born in 1970 to 30 year old parents.
I'm surprised by your definition of credible.

Also, you point out GenX STARTS in '65. So, yeah, some Boomers started spitting out kids at 20, and then for the next generation others made some too.

>Men are killing themselves at astonishing rates
>Let’s blame men and shame masculinity
This clown ride never stops does it

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>Let's all turn into women

There's no Hell

>they're just having a hard time and need help.
Is that the argument you want to go with? Usually when people find out someone being suicidal, they care until they're "better" then stop caring. Suicide isn't about people not caring on the worst day of your life, it's about the other 364 days in the year where they don't give a shit.

>Every second of every day is a test.
As it has been since life began on this planet. It's all about survival. The only major difference now is that a single mistake isn't a life or death situation.

Well, you cited Vice, which is complete cancer, so you should die. That's what my point is.

Prove I'm wrong.

So you're a GenX'er, and your parents were Boomers.



Can't be, the world was much more masculine in the past and they weren't committing suicide. So it stands to reason that masculinity isn't to blame, rather the great brainwashing telling them they are not normal for being men is the most likely culprit, plus the collapse of family values and no longer able to start and provide for familys, what we are observing is the collapse of society/civilization in real time. After which the old way of doing things weather from internal forces or external will return with a vengeance.

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Blaming male suicide on "being macho" is just more victim blaming man hating bullshit.
Good men are killing themselves by the thousands and these checkmark fags just see it as one more opportunity to attack men.

1970-30 = 1940
No, baby boomers were born after ww2

>mentioning a thread form the other day is a citation
Nigger, are you seriously this fucking stupid?

Imagine being such a pussy that you want to end your own life

>last online: 4 years ago
don't do it bros, someone out there will miss you. that's all I have to say.

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What the fuck did that fuck just fucking say to me? I'll have you know I ... etc.
Guys like this own cats.

being vulnerable leads to suicide

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>jap saying Americans are committing suicide

Doesn't the 47% meme apply not just to trannies, but to your ENTIRE country?

>What is 'Generation X (Gen X)'. Generation X, which is sometimes shortened to Gen X, is the name given to the generation of Americans born between the mid-1960s and the early-1980s.

First link I searched. It goes on to state that when the designated generations end and begin depends on who you ask. You're asking me, and your parents were boomers.

We done yet?


Not stupid, and you're not proving that Vice isn't cancer, and what you cited.

he is spot on, all you virgins trying to emulate
>dat alpha behavior
are just weak, insecure faggots to me.
I fuck those girls you dream about for good reasons and I am far from being a chad.