Countries that defeated fascism in Europe : Russia, USA and Israel.
That's why these three countries should become allies and cooperate as we have higher moral grounds than others.
Countries that defeated fascism in Europe : Russia, USA and Israel.
That's why these three countries should become allies and cooperate as we have higher moral grounds than others.
Other urls found in this thread:
Israel didn’t exist
Russia at the time was one of the closest things to Fascism.
The UK and its dominions played a big role as well.
France, despite surrendering in 8 weeks still fought off the Germans and Italians in Africa and England via the Free French Army
What about France and England?
Israel wasn't a thing until 1948.
And how did France fight fascism? By being defeated and organizing the biggest nazi-collaborationist government in Vichy? Or by having few times smaller resistance movement than occupied Poland?
> and Israel.
And what did Israel do back then? Jewish settler-invaders in Palestinian mandate were too busy with shooting to local Palestinians and stealing their houses to care about World War 2 at all. It was non-issue for them on the desert.
So you mean diaspora Jews? That's a lie too. Diaspora Jews in their vast majority collaborated with two totalitarian systems: nazism and communism. They collaborated with nazism to save their asses at expense of weaker Jews and to keep decent standard of life during war, and they collaborated with soviets to feel like masters of the world who can shoot to christian peasants, destroy christian symbolics, steal their property and feel untouchable.
Jews had very negative role in the WW2: they were mostly hiding like rats out of fear (with help of christian locals whom they hated), actively collaborating with Germans and Russians or searching for ways to escape to Israel like it was with Jews from Poland's Anders army for example.
Funny thing is that these two biggest "fighters against fascism" like the USA or Russia were also biggest supportes of it at some periods. For example the USA with its huge loans to national-socialist movement in Germany that enabled them to organize majestic election campaigns, and later on with direct Wall Street loans to a nazi government to remilitarize Germany. Or Russia with its Ribbentrop-Molotov pact and German–Soviet Credit Agreement which was a part of it, according to which Moscow obliged itself to transport millions of tons of natural resources to fuel German war machine, because Stalin hoped that Hitler's ambitions are only focused on Europe, and he doesn't plan to cross Soviet Union's border with tanks.
Bu-but what about Germany?? We are no racist. We imported 2 Million uneducated refugees pls say that we are good People PLS
Actually, you did that because else, Hungary and Austria would have collapsed, which would have destroyed the European Union.
And those refugees are all the result from waging a proxy war in Syria, that the entire West lost against Russia. Europe as the vassal of the United States who all willingly followed the leader absolutely deserved it. The winner takes all, the loser deserves to pay the price.
Now who would have guessed that wars would create refugees who flee to safer places?
dued USSR helped NAZIS in many ways directly!!!
nazi soldiers/tankers/pilots were trained in USSR,
USSR traded resources with Gemrany even after 1939,
USSR and Gemrany divided poland and east europe,
in fact russia and germany were allies until barbarosa
so next time read some history book uneducated svine, p.s putin xuilo
So Russia lost potentially millions of dollars in Syria. Their GDP is only 400 billion more than Mexico in 2019. Now they have a sick old man Middle east regime to prop up.