You could be fucking this right now while waiting for AI and AW to come in 10 years

>you could be fucking this right now while waiting for AI and AW to come in 10 years
Go and get yourself a sex doll.

Attached: sex-doll.jpg (900x500, 248K)

Attached: Alicia – 172cm G Cup WM.jpg (346x571, 34K)

Attached: Irina.jpg (1200x1800, 1.13M)

hookers are better

>sex doll
she's a synthetic partner, not a "doll"

Attached: 1517175311535.png (324x592, 201K)

How much do they cost? Asking for a friend.

Attached: sniff (9).jpg (533x800, 163K)

A friend told me that you are better off just getting a torso. Fucking dolls are heavy and a pain to maintain, i heard.

Incels don't even need women, what now SJWs?

> heavy and a pain to maintain
Just like women then aint it