Your racist "movement" is over, France will join the rest of the world in embracing progressiveness and diversity after all

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Yellow Vests proved its useless to protest against Globalist govts.

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What were these protests even about? It just seemed like an excuse to go out in the streets and riot without any clear purpose.

It's frog independence day this weekend and they always chimp out then even when things are going well, all of paris will be on fire by sunday night

uh uh okay sure

The media were declaring it "over" since the first weeks, just google it.

Its not over but it has lost momentum. it seems that the first crisis when Macron was literally running away from his palace in a helicopter was their peak and best shot.

Now the system learned how to handle them and the protests are there every week, they just dont change anything.

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Only civil war will change things unfortunately

In the dustbin of history you go, yellow commies.


you know damned well what they were about schlomo. Carbon tax, open borders and every other dog shit globalist policy that's been suffocating the white working class throughout the west.

how is the gilet jaune movement racist it's full of boomer and bluepilled idiot there is also tons of socialist in it

Why are they named yellow jackets if they are actually green?

Have your sex, schizcel

>t. never been to france

Bet they wished they had guns.

I can confirm that the yellow cucks were mostly far right who wanted to destabilize the current centrist government because their crappy candidate lost like a bitch

F you guys fought the good fight and almost achieved something.

You really can't do anything in terms of populi reform when a country is fairly stabilized
It's nearly impossible in the sense of a global scale.

A lot of these big politicians feel themselves immune and protected by the globo homo as long as the united states still keeps armed military in their backyards

If you really want to change your government and peoples it all starts in the states

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>What were these protests even about?

It was basically "Occupy Wallstreet".

The French always complain and protest instead of improving their country that's why they are so poor.

How can the yellow vesties claim that they don't have the money to pay for carbon tax because they need their cars for work, when they can protest and be lazy for several months already?
It was fine when they were protesting against the abolition of the richfag taxes, but now the yellow vesties are just a bunch of spoiled loserchildren.
But then again, France.

#GiletsNoir is the new yellow

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People don't understand the protean nature of this movement, it's dying down doesn't mean it won't resurface further down the line. The article begins with the guy saying he put his jacket back in his GLOVE BOX. One spark and it all starts again everywhere. Yes people have been disgusted by the media, the Paris demonstrations and power play, but on one hand its been a massive redpill and its created a sense of community throughout the country, lots of new friendships and solidarity (which is revolutionary in itself), and rapid political education - who is the enemy, why etc. On the other hand the movement hasn't disappeared but rather has left Paris which was the media focal point where antifa infiltration was the highest, it continues in the rural and suburban areas far from cameras, it keeps the torch alight so to speak. But there is no going back from what happened, people aren't just going to go home after all this. Some people who are bitter and blackpilled will have you think its over - no, I guarantee we'll be seeing way more of this further down the line. It only goes downhill from here.

Against globohomo and our Rothschild banker of a president. It's a big tent thing by design because everything political in France is FILTH.

More purchasing power per capita than you you fucking cuck. Also we actually produce shit, we are a real country and not a shitty merchant outpost so shut your mouth. Occupy Wall Street was a left-wing urban middle class movement whereas the GJ was/is a mostly far-right rural/suburban working class phenomenon.

They never stopped working you absolute fucking retard. Hence protests on Saturday. There were no GJ strikes, the syndicates in France are government tools dipshit

fucking based frog

They accomplished in a day what the gilets jaunes didn't iin 35 weeks.

>35th week

Your people showed us that protesting doesn't work if the media is completely controlled by your enemies and just simply shadowban you like the french media did with the yewllow vests.
There is no only way but political violence.

Just don't kill random people and target high profile globalist agents.

t.- not a glow nigger.

Should have started killing the cops. Oh well, weak Frenchmen surrender again. What's new?

Unity at gunpoint.
Just like the good ol days.

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>Where did all these frickin guns come from?
Dong ask questions. Just drink.

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Mass Suicide to protest whitey when?

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First arrest today is Antifa Terrorist (gets unmasked for the cameras by the cops lol)

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Thank you for the detailed explanation.

Hope you manage to get that cunt Macron out soon.

The French mostly are leftist cucks. They will never vote for a right-wing candidate for president. Having worked with them I can tell you that you can’t say anything about (not even AGAINST but ABOUT) gays and Arabs without them feeling embarrassed, looking left and right if there’s somebody around. The general consensus is not to talk about these topics.

>Just don't kill random people and target high profile globalist agents.
This, but I would add even low-level mainstream political party members to that, because they can't afford 24/7 security and so the higher level guys lose their support when they get butchered for the party leaderships Jewish tricks, all in Minecraft of course.

Everybody is in it. I've seen odin runes, swastikas, peace signs and those three arrows that october revolution larpers like to wear in the anti-yellow jacket propaganda pictures.

We don't need the opinion of brainwashed mutts, thanks.

Fucking please god make this a trend

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Articles about protests always say it's dying that way people actually stop because for some reason this generation of humans believe anything that is written

I can feel the potential violence today...Looks like the YV are going at the cops with purpose

This, they bawl about how the government is fucking them in the ass but when you try bringing in the conversation how the Jews are deeply invested in destroying our nation and how the massive immigration is helping them to keep control they start sperging like a bunch of spinless cowards.

They are still voting for whatever the media is currently shilling like good dogs. Fuck them

t. French Bro's
Can the Légitimistes take over already?
You've had fun with your little democracy experiment but I think it's time to return to the old ways.

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yellow jackets got msm’d

>France YES.
Reality is much worse:

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Present it under the ruse of: Transparency.

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Checked. They weren't bold enough because the people aren't desperate enough. When they are willing to lay it all on the line and attack the state then something might be possible. Burning everything down to overcome the technological advantage of the state is the only way unless white women start wanting to have large families en masse again for generations.

Strange coming from a burger but
Based and monarchy-pilled

Le bump

Lmao, go suck a dick kike.

The racist movement ended in December. No one cares about these poor degenerates anymore

Another one right now on Ruptly.

The shit may hit the fan tomorrow. Also, checked.

Protesting is completely pointless. The only language political change is written in is violence.

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Guy carrying the French Flag arrested Speaks volumes about the "French" Cops


Are they making sure they video their crisis actors??

jews only exist to get extra paid holidays. You never heard the term “ I got Christ’d at the used car dealer” no it’s “I got jewed at the used car dealer. You religion is a sham.

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> let muslims take over your country for 70+ years
> be complete faggots and literal cucks
> completely give up on your entire culture
> your own kind openly want to let replacement migration take over and advocate for the elimination of whites in europe
> thisisokay.png
> we'll walk in the streets, surely that will change all of this.
Imagine being this fucking stupid. Remember when you speak with them that this is the level of French intelligence.

I asked them why they wouldn't massively go on strike for an unlimited amount of time to deeply fuck the government, but they don't have any balls and the idea of having to painfully stand your ground for months enduring hardship instead of walking like a bunch of cucks on Saturday is too serious for them.

They don't deserve any sympathy, I'm french and I had enough of this country of weak spinless ultrafaggots.

Protesting is catharsis, an illusion made to make people think they're "doing something". Those in power do not care at all that you are yelling stuff. They will use violence to disperse you if you're inconvenient and you won't do shit to them in response and they know it.

Political change cannot be achieved in this manner except as an advertisement to desired change. But a logo doesn't sell a product. The product sells the product. People are naturally attracted to strength. If you want political change you have to both advocate for new positions and USE FORCE TO ACHIEVE THEM. This is why the Ukrainian revolution was successful. They protested, but they also beat the piss out of the police if the cops attacked them. Once maximum entropy was achieved as far as what the police were willing to tolerate to defend some aloof politicians, the government capitulated because they realized no one would protect them.

Every politician and government official has a home, and those homes have addresses.

If only user. If only...

Protesting doesnt work. Kill your leaders instead.

They are anyi nigger imigration, that's why media is blocking them.

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>muh fuel tax!
>uh better wages?
>yeah and cheaper shit too!
>uhh did we mention fuel are we back on fuel tax? LOL
>uhh yeah and jobs and stuff!

It started with so much potential. Are the yellow vests not happening today then?


they would only destroy it. grabbing things, smashing things, throwing things in the air.

what it wont be is people documenting what they find.
you want to destroy historic documents, then fuck you

I haven't paid any attention the last couple of weeks, has their been any action lately?



It's spelled French, silly kraut.

>Your racist "movement" is over, France will join the rest of the world in embracing progressiveness and diversity after all

I love how the mainstream media were unwilling to report on the Yellow vest movement for the last 8 months. But when they smell any blood of it being "over". There they are to report on it. Good thing less people are paying attention to them than ever.