Why so many threads about Epstein Island when Epstein owned how many other properties?

Why so many threads about Epstein Island when Epstein owned how many other properties?

I feel everyone needs to look elsewhere. Especially at his New Mexico ranch.

Anyone see the Satellite building in the background? That's on his ranch!

Attached: zorro ranch.jpg (2048x1365, 525K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/Zorro Ranch Rd, New Mexico/@35.2640259,-105.9706207,423a,35y,38.91t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8718e61b7e885705:0x58eb6d3019cc335!8m2!3d35.2677832!4d-105.9643505
google.com/maps/dir/Zorro Ranch Rd, New Mexico/35.2411667,-105.9561667/@35.2413868,-105.9690585,362a,35y,38.96t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x8718e61b7e885705:0x58eb6d3019cc335!2m2!1d-105.9643505!2d35.2677832!1m0
google.com/maps/dir/Zorro Ranch Rd, New Mexico/35.2411667,-105.9561667/@35.2809028,-105.9924667,724a,35y,38.43t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x8718e61b7e885705:0x58eb6d3019cc335!2m2!1d-105.9643505!2d35.2677832!1m0
google.com/maps/dir/Zorro Ranch Rd, New Mexico/35.2411667,-105.9561667/@35.2532031,-105.9830158,360a,35y,38.49t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x8718e61b7e885705:0x58eb6d3019cc335!2m2!1d-105.9643505!2d35.2677832!1m0

Attached: zorro ranch 2.jpg (992x413, 83K)


Attached: zorro ranch 3.jpg (1355x767, 313K)

Get to it anons.

Checked and bumped. Isnt new mexico where all the hollywood celebs go to detox?


He was into human experimentation according to his research.

Zorro ranch
>weird sundial mosaic
>comm towers
>pig farm
>young place
>Santa fe NM
>Val Kilmer
>Bill Richardson
>hwndu/Shia/holocaust museum
>Mel Gibson
>kappy senpaitachi


Google maps location:
google.com/maps/place/Zorro Ranch Rd, New Mexico/@35.2640259,-105.9706207,423a,35y,38.91t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x8718e61b7e885705:0x58eb6d3019cc335!8m2!3d35.2677832!4d-105.9643505

Those digits have revealed his will. Take my energy

Attached: 1560129117936.jpg (472x461, 30K)


He didnt have to register as a sex offender in New Mexico

This is the only way to the Epstein mansion. You have to drive by the DOUBLE GATES and THE PIG FARM and THE PRIVATE AIRSTRIP to get to his fancy casa

35.2411550, -105.9561748


Attached: kikes.jpg (432x329, 192K)


don't forget to check the buildings outside the main compound

That cow has an enormous cock. Is that Michele?

Never trust a man with a pig farm.

Alefantis had a pig farm too...


I believe this is the location of the satellite/communication center:

google.com/maps/dir/Zorro Ranch Rd, New Mexico/35.2411667,-105.9561667/@35.2413868,-105.9690585,362a,35y,38.96t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x8718e61b7e885705:0x58eb6d3019cc335!2m2!1d-105.9643505!2d35.2677832!1m0

Niga just post the cords.

From his estate there's dead end roads that lead to these three buildings:

google.com/maps/dir/Zorro Ranch Rd, New Mexico/35.2411667,-105.9561667/@35.2809028,-105.9924667,724a,35y,38.43t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x8718e61b7e885705:0x58eb6d3019cc335!2m2!1d-105.9643505!2d35.2677832!1m0

google.com/maps/dir/Zorro Ranch Rd, New Mexico/35.2411667,-105.9561667/@35.2532031,-105.9830158,360a,35y,38.49t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m5!1m1!1s0x8718e61b7e885705:0x58eb6d3019cc335!2m2!1d-105.9643505!2d35.2677832!1m0
is that a helicopter landing pad?

anyone remember the terrorist training camp in NM from a year ago or longer?

i wonder how close that is to his ranch

Does Epstein have any ties to the FAA?

Directly south of Big Saint James Island and Little Saint James Island (which Epstein both owns), there is St. Croix island. On St. Croix island there is a landfill that has caught fire no less than half a dozen times this year alone, with the fire on Little St. James at the start of the year I can't accept that as a coincidence.

Attached: D7gnf-_UEAUPLwY.jpg (889x553, 160K)

Seems to be some sort of map abnormality west of the house. Could be a map overlay issue but ive never seen a splice look like this before. Maybe nothing but you never know.

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this thread has been blessed with digits so here's my bump
kill child fuckers

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Is he going to prison or not?

they would use the pig frams to hide kids during raids

remember that Jeffery dahma had a pig and chicken farm too
and used that to hide kids bones

He is in jail now, trying to buy his way out. His network must be exposed and rooted out.

35.286581, -105.991659

Looks like a kept road as one of the 3 dead ends leaving NM house. Look at the roads and where they lead.

Attached: 9D069190-3F3F-4A7D-9564-5C2A90C655AB.jpg (1125x1428, 1.1M)

The real mystery is where he got his money from. Noone seems to be sure



small reminder

Yes Teens are are children and college kids have beards

pig farm just screams body disposal. is that just me, have I seen to many tv shows?

it looks normal of the two images being spiced then you notice there is a 3rd image overlapping?

now i'm not a map experrt but that's a pretty sloppy job of a shop

Attached: 1563003455620_2.jpg (2016x1512, 740K)

that's the nearby school, the ranch coordinates are 35.266826, -105.969343

>I did not receive a massage from an "underage woman"
Vid related

Nice one coke bro

He has a school on his private access double gated road with a private air strip and comm towers??

Really butters my bagles

Pigs eat everything.

people in past related threads speculate that theres an underground on the island.

This side road off the road in the gully ends at what looks like a opening in the side of the cliff

Attached: IMG_4087.jpg (1280x959, 507K)

same, it reeks
school is named "Moriarty Municipal Schools", at least that is what google says, would be good to have confirmation from a local user, as there is no streetview there

there definitely is, the other thread is digging into the island

is that weird shit with concentric circles thats bigger than the house supposed to be the layout of atlantis?

I'll give you a redpill about BC's pig farm serial killer

DNA from 50 people were in that pig farm. Most women, some men. Hells angels and mayors/judges/and cops used to party at the clubhouse on the property. When story was broke it was blamed on literal retard, who has claimed he was framed. His brother is hells angels affiliated and lived on proerty

it is mighty similar to the apple maps pic of the island, the ""tennis court"".

Attached: google vs apple maps.jpg (1200x524, 214K)

Jeffrey Epstein is an innocent man!

there it is again!
note the no shadows on one rock

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too many people in too many positions of power need to go down for it to be a realistic expectation.

its incredibly sad, but the satanic pedos will continue

Shit, remember hearing about it but not the connections. So that was an elite dumping ground that got exposed? Thats some true detective shit

no on second thought you are right, it is not so mighty similar save for the general outline, but you are onto something with Atlantis

Attached: cross of atlantis.jpg (174x238, 8K)

Most serial killers are actually jewish hitmen
>zodiac killer aka Ted Cruz

Tony Podesta has a golden trophy hanging in his house

likely a mixed bag that would incriminate many institutions and individuals

Jesus christ is this legit? they just fucking shopped a tennis court on there????

Fairly certain he got funded at least in part by the MEga Group, founded by his mentor, Lex Wexler, and the father of the bronfman sisters charged in NXIVM, Edgar bronfman and his brother Charles, long time business aprtners of the Rothschilds.

Interesting Dershowitz was introduced to Epstein by Lynn De Rothschild and Epsteins madame Maxwell was introduced by her father, a famous Mossad asset in england.

Attached: BR_WA.png (470x180, 10K)

Mega group

another user suggested it could be a painted cover staked onto the ground

Attached: download.png (277x182, 14K)

There is something to investigate here
Disco rd /SYFeqe

Can we get a drone over there?

am I wrong or is teen the ending of the numbers 13-19 and therefore comes the term teen?

bump for justice

Perhaps but these current events provide an unparalleled opportunity for education. We've got normies talking about pedo island and blackmail rings. Anything could happen.

Clever girl

Attached: Muldoon_Jurassic_Park_2015-01-28.jpg (1920x1034, 191K)

This company posted pics of a pool install in 2011, conveniently no longer on website

Attached: adsengineeers.jpg (864x576, 289K)

I heard a caller on C2C AM say it’s named Zorro because Errol Flynn played Zorro and Epstein idolizes him bc he was a pedo too

yeah he does, I forget the details but there's something about a plane shared by Epstein and the CIA and someone else and there was something about the FAA to it should be archived

Dude this reminds me from that movie Snatch, the old bugger talking about chopping people up and feeding the pigs, they do an efficient job at eating up human flesh

Fucking alarming

You have to remove the teeth or else they show up in shit
Plus it's bad for piggies digestive system

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>Never trust a man with a pig farm.
wise words

Brother Nathanael on the case.


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bretty good

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haha can that be right?

IT MUST BE A CONSPIRACY (it's because anons are lazy retards)

you sound like a complete idiot

And you sound like a fucking woman, with that shit-tier comeback

But no I'm sure it's because mossad is keeping Epstein's new mootxico ranch hidden, and not because anons are brainlets like you

you must be very poorly paid

Because the Island is one of the following
>A). The meeting place for him and all the people in his sex cult, which paid him a handsome amount of money to go to said island and fuck barely legal and underage women
>B). A major lynchpin in the international sex trafficking and pedo network where a lot of secrets are literally buried.
His other properties are interesting as well though, but I don't think they've been implicated in anything as of yet.
