>Be me, a few weeks ago >had a falling out with a friend because i said hitler wasn’t bad >friend expressed extreme distrust >i backpedaled because of said distrust >he said he couldn’t be friends with someone like me >he said this 3x that night, with witnesses >all mutual friends think i should apologize even though i wasn’t the one who threatened to end the friendship (3x)
>tonight, enter mutual friend >get into it with his wife >she wants to get real bipartisan on abortion >i don’t take the bait >i point out how we are both being adults, unlike prior mutual friend >we aren’t threatening to end friendships >she then brings up that my wife is not 100% white and asks if i think she belongs in a camp >i say “interesting, we should talk more in depth about this another time” >current friend does not like this and shuts down convo i am having with his wife >storms out of bar and says he is disgusted >i assume friendship is over due to the nature of his exit >i will never back down because this was hardly political—especially this time
should i even feel bad? these two sets of friends don’t even believe in the family unit. the latter friend’s wife is 34 with no plans to have a baby. they have a dog instead. the last friend is divorced with 0 kids and is 30, currently dating a slightly conservative woman and thinks she is evil
they are jews. fuck em. it's going to be a long road OP, it will get easier every month
Xavier Richardson
>bud-light >tallboys do the bottles fit in your purse?
Brayden Torres
Dating a non white? Saged and hidden faggot larper.
Xavier Reed
Yeah just isolate yourself from everyone you know and love. All of your friendships and relationships are simply wood for the fire that is your edgy internet ideology.
Also if you are going to pretend to be an adult then you should probably learn that Hitler is universally reviled in the real world, so any stories you make up should be from the standpoint that you are a closeted fan of Hitler, not that you openly state that he wasn't bed.
Julian Hall
>mutt nazis your country is a caricature, you have ZERO to do with germany let alone nazi germany, you don't even speak our language
Bentley Morris
i want to believe that family-oriented people have better politics. with a white child on the way, i want to establish a strong social circle for him
i can’t do that with liberal nutcases as friends, right?
Xavier Brooks
fair point
but when we hear the infamous “we could be speaking german” phrase, it’s hard not to cringe as we press 2 for english
Hudson Kelly
>socially interacting with normies why would anybody torture himself like that?
>mfw I know that feel Your friends are losers who think they're free and enlightened. I had a lot of friends like that (I live one of the major coastal blue sanctuary cities) and most of them cut ties over trivial disagreements. They also are early 30's, and none have kids. I often got into arguments with the wives who would inevitably lose their shit. Fuck em, they've been brainwashed to cut ties with people over petty bullshit, I'm better off without them now I've seen their true colors. I made other friends but I hide my powerlevel because I would definitely lose my job in this city.
>being friends with virtue signalling normies heh.
Jonathan Miller
Should've hid your powerlevel, bro. Now everytime you mess up people are gonna reference it to nazism and think your mistake was done out of hate
Andrew Baker
that is correct. I lost 4 freinds of 25 years after the election. my advice is forget them, they will never come back to apologize to you for wronging you, they are mentally deficient.
Christian Watson
>having normie friends is the best for your family the delusion, half-normie detected
Dominic Wilson
Not your blog faggot
Asher Hernandez
normalfag detected
Andrew Allen
eyy cunt you’re supposed to be an ally
Nolan Wilson
No dipshit. Leftists are genetically inferior, that's why they behave like that. If they behave like that, They shouldn't be made friends with, they need to be euthanized for the betterment of human society.
Luke Howard
>an ally fuck off normalfag
Hunter Adams
how about helping a normalfag out considering this place is crawling with glow in the dark shit and shit like this story is uncommon
Carter Anderson
Your life seems so liberal and reddit, it makes me want to puke.
Anthony Walker
i can't because i'm not a fucking normalfag i would tell you to never talk to anyone like me
Colton Turner
Once you have a child you won't really need your normie friends anymore. You won't even have time for pointless political conversation anymore. Good luck.
Lincoln Allen
Colton Mitchell
if you only knew
Sebastian Phillips
Always double down but be polite. Don't forcefeed redpills to anyone.
Robert Sanders
If people don't like you they aren't your friends.
Gavin Allen
you really shouldnt, the women Sound like hysterical leeches who want to whittle you down with passive aggressive BS and the men look like c u c k s who "literaly cant even" when they hear the word hitler, why do you want to be friends with People who got literal mental blockades and cant stomach an Argument that isnt even about them
Adrian Foster
that was probably my flaw
i did however get [first friend] to claim that blacks were oppressed by the sun
Jason Perez
Its really funny to me how in america every time one of /us/ opens his mouth somebody threatens their friendship, job, life or w/e, here im in an environment where i can literally say what ever the fuck i want and the worst thing i could get is a heated argument which i can stop at any given time and we can all continue living our lives like we used to
Sebastian Russell
This too
Kayden Martinez
You're dumb, accept that, but also yes you lost nothing of value
FWIW I went through something similar recently and I just patched it up but have been going harder behind closed doors. You dig?
Joshua Hughes
Not sure whos the biggest moron, friend one is a spineless, joyless cuck, he also dislikes an actual woman because she is slightly sane. Friend 2 cares what his wifes thinks and his wife is actually decent about miscegenation but isn't smart enough to actually get kids.
Kevin Moore
Camden Jenkins
dumb for posting this, maybe. not dumb for standing up for my beliefs or my family. 80-year-old me would agree
Easton Scott
>Stormfaggots Wew. Every goddamn week some retard loses his social circle. Never change.
Asher Hughes
>my wife is not 100% white does she belong in a camp Absolute bullshit. No normie thinks like this. She isn't aware of the ethno state. Besides, have you checked down your wife's knickers for a penis?
Aiden Allen
friends fall out, who gives a shit unless you've been friends for 10+ years. he sounds like a real pussy though
Brandon Kelly
>should i even feel bad?
No Never apologize
> these two sets of friends don’t even believe in the family unit. the latter friend’s wife is 34 with no plans to have a baby. they have a dog instead. the last friend is divorced with 0 kids and is 30, currently dating a slightly conservative woman and thinks she is evil
These sound like pre redpill friends, which is fine You attempting to even bring up redpill shit in passing will be the acid test of who your true friends are or aren't
I'm extremely fortunate to have a group of buddies I'd take a bullet for and they for me. I've had one distance himself from me due to my political beliefs, fuck him. My door is always open to him, but as long as he chooses to be a butthurt little bitch about politics I see no need to try and make the situation better. I suggest you take the same route as painful as it is. If these people aren't there for you over something stupid like a politics debate, they won't be there for you when serious shit starts going down.
Isaac Sullivan
You're alright user. Everyone here seems to be sperging out, but in my view, your case and your situation are what we're all experiencing: Bluepilled family/friends that want to believe the propoganda and don't want to face the truth, who lash out at you for being redpilled and truthful.
Now here's the thing. We have to be intense in our personal lives. Disciplined, scheduled, planned living is the only way forward for people like you and me. Go underground and stay sharp, and we will emerge safe and healthy in a new age.
Blake Moore
What i wanted to say that you are truly fucked, your people are so mentally weak that they need to use ultimatums as a defense mechanism in order to take a stand on something in their lives because their beliefs are contradictory in their heads and they dont even know whats wrong with them
Alexander Bailey
>standing up Yeah but user you have to be effective! Just running around saying Hitler was a decent fellow is not effective, it's the opposite. Like Nick Fuentes said about redpilling normies: you have to slip a redpill in there with some ice cream.
Samuel Ward
Anyway I just want to say thanks for the non-pozzed, non-glownigger thread, this is a rare treat OP
David Young
gain charisma. literally all of my friends and family know I'm a hitler loving jew hating misogynistic racist that thinks we should throw niggers on a boat, throw spics on buses and replace women technologically with artificial gestation and sex bots/VR. nobody's ever disowned me over political views. it's because I argue well, inject everything I say with comedy, and am polite. if someone gets upset on a subject I defuse the situation with comedy and stop talking about what upset them. if you're not smart enough to avoid making friends rage when talking about politics, don't.
Jace Hall
thanks user
these aren’t the people who would be there for me, and this was a puzzle piece i was missing
Michael Diaz
damn, i won’t address you all individually but thank you all for the support fags. i love you
Michael Russell
Everyone needs to learn how to articulate better. When done correctly they will realize that mechanically you are correct if you are in fact correct. The hardest part however is just getting people to listen to the words. The human attention span only lasts about 30 sec.
Jack Cox
Show us how to do it then
Jonathan Miller
I played a nazi song playlist at my friends wedding kek. At worst i got some eyes rolling from the parents. Your friends are fags.
Evan Adams
Walk up to your friend’s wife and pic related and say since you’re not going to be using this...
Friends matter less and less in your 30s. They will drift apart for one reason or another. Have lots of fun with your wife and maybe meet new people.
Ryan Hill
Every good wedding or social event plays erika
Nolan Roberts
Damn... from a Kraut... deeeecent work bud
Jayden Hughes
>interesting, we should talk more in depth about this another time DESU your friend was right to not like this, you're subtly trying to hook up with his wife
Same. Also i don't force points. Just mention stuff here and there.
I got a pic of my gf naked in bed reading mein kampf.
Benjamin Adams
>Be me Who else are you going to be?
Owen Turner
>should i even feel bad? Do not bend. They will realize they've been fucking idiots, or it will destroy them.
Austin Fisher
More on this. Ask them questions, go Socrates on their ass until their brains prolapse.
Austin Harris
>compromise your convictions so you're not alone Marcus glares disappointingly in your direction.
Colton Ramirez
Maybe one day you'll achieve actualization and develop some self awareness. Holy shit, that oblivious attitude was hard to read.
Luis Davis
Remind these faggots that the Democrat party's racial purity test was too strict for the nazzies to utilize completely. But the Democrats were the basis for the nazzies' generation/blood purity standards. Also remember that "nazi" was a slur concocted by a kike.
Christian Peterson
>Just whip yourself so others don't whip you
Joshua Myers
Read Plato and learn how to ask the right questions.
Levi Gray
These people don't really sound like your friends. They seem to think you're a ubiquitous set piece in their idealistic world view and when you disrupted that, they freaked out and tried to remove you from their safe space. The abortion discussion was just bait to justify kicking you out of their friend's circle because they're dickless cowards who can't make a decision themselves. And when that didn't work, they pulled a race card with your wife. All of them are garbage people who are better off cut from your life.
>I'd have a preemptive conversation with your wife about their vindictiveness because they sure as hell will be trying to convince her that you're Hitler incarnate and will have her hanged from a streetlamp on the day of the rope.
Nicholas Bailey
I'm 4th generation Mexican, laughing about niggers and wetbacks is no problem. Maybe find some working class non cucked friends.
Austin Nguyen
I've lost a few friends. Fuck them. My real friends have stuck by me. The fake friends can swallow my nut.
Carson Price
>backpedaled Faggot
Hudson Scott
>hitler wasn’t bad you should never be the first one to say this.
Andrew Rodriguez
They don't disown me because I own them. Literally. There is no way to free people from the lemming condition other than to make them fear you more than they fear the system. Find dirt on everyone you meet, it's not hard. Always be there for people, make them rely on you, but when the one cunt who wants to sabotage you from the group for his own insecurities pops up, crucify him. Make sure everyone knows and sees. You should find non lemming friends if you can, which are 1% or less of the population. The type of person you can have a violent disagreement with and still be the best of friends afterwards.
Cameron Butler
If someone stops being your friend because you say you like Hitler, you were never really friends. If you'd stop being someone's friend because they say they like Hitler, then you're nobody's friend at all. If somebody said they think antifa is cool I wouldn't throw away years of friendship over it.
Jaxon Butler
It's good to see that this place is creating an army of fanatical crypto-fascists wielding the Socratic method in a futile, never ending battle against the tide. I thought I was the only one.
Justin Williams
That's why my arguments are that long. "Prove putting your own before strangers is morally wrong" Or just wait until they make a circular argument, as all people with severe cognitive dissonance do. Listen to their contrived rationale on why you are secretly gay. Then say "you're gay because you hate gay people because you're gay because you hate gay people" I do this for a good minute until they realize their entire world view is circular reasoning that has no foundation.
Dominic Walker
this desu One of my pals from high school was a raging bernie bro in 2015 and totally stopped talking to me after I trump posted a few too many times. Shame desu because he was a good guy.
Lincoln Martin
>The human attention span only lasts about 30 sec. If we are talking autists or adhd or brain injured, ok, and still the median is higher. But for regular people is 20 MINUTES (±5).
Jordan Collins
Then no one will say it, you coward.
Jaxon Gray
Brody Young
>Yeah don’t redpill others and stay a cuck. - Shlomo Sheckelburg-Goldstein
Joseph Collins
They are losers, its natural for this to happen, they probably already feel bad about themselves and want an excuse to take power over you by saying we are not friends, if it happens again, just laugh it off and tell them they are losers.
Logan Rodriguez
Wasn’t Hitlers grandson a convicted pedophile? Why is this tidbit hidden so much in msm?
Asher Ramirez
Stop being a pussy. They are literally destroying the country that you live in. AND COMMITTING GENOCIDE. Never back down. Never apologize.
Benjamin Cox
They are lost and confused by the Devil's hold on society. If you have a relationship with Jesus you will understand that you should not write them off as lost friends, but care for them, pray for them and help them see that 13% of the population constitutes over 50% of crime.
>muh virtue signalling 'we hate genocidal maniacs'
Do you really though? or are you just another fucktard on the jew train Was Hitler the worst player in WW2? Dont forget the holodomor cuck pic related link related
USA is more Nazi than Germany. Where do you think all the true Germans went.
Robert Williams
Americans go to bars and discuss Hitler? Have sex
Kevin Wilson
I had a similar thing happen to me. You've planted the seed in his mind. He'll either come around or be destroyed.
>these two sets of friends don’t even believe in the family unit. the latter friend’s wife is 34 with no plans to have a baby. they have a dog instead. the last friend is divorced with 0 kids and is 30, currently dating a slightly conservative woman and thinks she is evil This is what the electric jew does to you.
Liam Wright
I thought I did. But then I turned of fake-book. And everybody seemed to, just forget I even exist.
Daniel Foster
>pud light Serves you right honestly
Dont fret OP, lemmings dry up and die when exposed to the truth. Those who want to see reason see reason, those who want to see truth see truth and so on
John Phillips
More like where do you think Hitler learned about Race from?
Liam Walker
>having friends. How the fuck did you get here?
Brody Campbell
Tell me about it >cousin who refused to get married kills herself at age 27. Went her whole life partying and enjoying 6 gangbangs a night. Got aids at 25, couldn't afford the expensive Medication so she jumped off a bridge. Funny thing is that her "mess" was conciderd a bio hazard and had people In hazmat suits scrape her off the pavement When I said 6 a night I ment it. She would go to multiple adult stores and live sex clubs almost every day. It was mainly disgusting men and nasty niggers, I know because she was very open with it, even sent pictures to her unwilling family members
Benjamin Sanders
The people you were talking to were obviously normiefags and werent friends at all.