Boiler blows up in University dorm and takes out half the building. 8 injured, 0 deaths

>boiler blows up in University dorm and takes out half the building. 8 injured, 0 deaths

>university keeps releasing articles about how to cope with the psychological damage of such a tragic event

Do people really get PTSD from shit like this if they werent even there?

Attached: UNR explosion.png (1372x1133, 1.08M)

>Boiler explosion

What fucking year is this?

Do you even know what a boiler is?

Attached: AB057A34-3F7F-4BE6-854A-0508061B1D03.jpg (638x479, 89K)

They're covering their asses

>Do people really get PTSD from shit like this if they werent even there?
Of course not. It's just how psychologists scam money out of the system.

No PTSD is created by cell phone towers : it's un natural

seems like a story out of china

Attached: Nevada-tan_Fanart_2.jpg (680x510, 82K)

Boiler explosions were a problem 100 years ago not in the 21st century. That was my point shithead.

crypto mining rigs

It's perfectly natural to think "oh fuck x, y, z is dangerous" when you hear about fellow humans of similar abilities and resistances to yourself being injured, it's an evolutionary mechanism, if people keep dying at Ye Olde Cliff Of Death And Doom then the ones who avoid it survive while the ones who continue to go anyway keep dying and reproduce less.

Humans are able to differentiate between freak occurrences and regular forces of nature that will fuck your shit up, that's why we don't sail through the Bermuda triangle as much as we used to. After the first few ships it was like wow unlucky, then after a few more it was like well maybe there's something in this, let's just go around. Notice that we kept sailing through the Bermuda triangle until it became clear that it wasn't just a series of statistically unlikely accidents, we only started avoiding it when it kept happening, we used our intelligence to say "this is probably superstition" until we had enough evidence to the contrary to justify superstition.

When you're allowed and encouraged to give in to your feelings these tiny statistical anomalies will take over your life. You're no longer using your feelings as a part of a greater whole, to guide and inform your decision making process, you're essentially allowing yourself to be an animal. "Ooh, boiler explosion scary, me stay away from place of boiler explosion because it might happen again." You're not using your higher intelligence to overcome a lack of understanding, you're giving in to it. This is encouraged by the people running society because ruling animals is easier than ruling humans, an animal in a human body is more productive than real animals. We're being devolved to make us easier to rule.

One day universities will have "dog days" where students get together and bark like animals, eat from bowls put out by staff and partake in other feral activities for the ostensible reason of destressing and relating to your inner self.