Goebbels won and that's a bad thing

We like to triumphantly claim that the Nazis lost in WW2, but that's not entirely correct.
This fucker right here, he ultimately won.
Just look at the current state of the information flow. Goebbels would cry tears of joy if he saw how the propaganda brainwashing machine operates in modern day countries, Russia in particular.

Attached: Goebbels.png (220x308, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would he be happy because of his enemies' propaganda being successful?

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The Real Greatest Generation. Bless them.

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In the directive No. 1306 by Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda from October 24, 1939, the term "Untermensch" is used in reference to Polish ethnicity and culture, as follows:

It must become clear to everybody in Germany, even to the last milkmaid, that Polishness is equal to subhumanity. Poles, Jews and Gypsies are on the same inferior level. This must be clearly outlined [...] until every citizen of Germany has it encoded in his subconsciousness that every Pole, whether a worker or intellectual, should be treated like vermin".


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Goebbels was kind abased. One of the few competent nazis.

idiotic russki

Attached: goebbels-with-fans2.jpg (720x609, 112K)

>using wikipedia
You know what it says about the Shoah right? What a joke.

Fpbp as usual.
If he had actually won we’d be going to Mars right now.

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They didn't lose.

come on, if they had won, Europe would be rule by a technocratic German elite forcing their own autistic views of the world on everyone...

Nazis haven't lost. They lose the moment there movement loses complete support and support is on the rise

It's a system based on plundering and even then it couldn't sustain itself once the american capitalists pulled the plug. Nazism is a failed ideology, thank god Goebbels was so good enough at his job that it's disfigured corpse is being fucked by fat neets.

They exposed the jewish plot for the enitre world to see. Jews should've erased Nazism from history instead of demonizing it. Now, there's no stopping it.

Attached: They Can Never Hide The Truth - Jospeh Goebbels.jpg (1000x600, 101K)

As opposed to the jewish rule that we are currently under?

based Russian bot scripts

fuck you and fuck russia

No, he has not won.
His propaganda methods were not new. His propaganda methods are entirely based on lies, disinformation, etc just as well as every religion on Earth based on those things.

If you actually try to look at global populations statistically at large then it gets quite clear that all religions are on the decline, while reason and access to truth is on the rise.
But it doesn't mean that some populations won't get caught up in religious thinking and will be destroyed. Russia is exactly like that. It got caught up in its own religious lies and it decays with incredible speed at this point.

Merkel is Jewish now?

Last time I checked, normies are just thankful to lap every shit made up by Hollywood, Netflix and co.

Why so mad?

cosmopolitan faggot. russia is the only reason you are a dot on the map. everything they have ever done has lead you to this point.

This. He did not invent propaganda nor did he use it for ruling the globe. Propaganda is a theater of war and the fact that his name is of a handful of names from that time that are on par with or worse than Satan himself is evidence that he would be crying only for what he fell short of stopping.

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Everyone raves & rants about all of the leaders of WW2 but at the end of the day Goebbels is the absolute beast who has had a greater & more long lasting effect on modern society in terms of propaganda & politics than any of them. It makes you wonder what he'd be able to achieve in our day & time with the current tech.

fuck you cosmopolitan faggot

>while reason and access to truth is on the rise.
And the truth is the Nazis were the good guys and the Allies were the bad guys. Especially that cunt Churchhill.

Attached: 747462.jpg (208x350, 26K)


His philosophy of propaganda is still used but they lost.

Nazis were the bad guys. Soviets were the bad guys.
Churchill wasn't that good too because he cared more about the British Empire than the truth.
Only FDR and Eleanor get some credit for being somewhat decent people in that mess.

>Nazis were the bad guys.

FDR can burn in hell along with fuckface Lincoln.

Attached: German Revolution 1918-19.jpg (980x652, 219K)

burn in piss retard

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>Hitler killed muh people
You're forgetting that Stalin killed more Soviets than Hitler ever did you fucktard.

that's just capitalist propaganda. Shitler killed 17 million civilians directly. Stalin never killed anyone except a few thousand capitalist subhumans

>Stalin never killed anyone except a few thousand capitalist subhumans
Kek, thought you were being serious at first, good to see another memeflag shitposting

Which part are you crying about?

Attached: We painted Hitler as a monster.jpg (1024x526, 133K)

I am being serious I just have fun with it.. Stalin is not comparable to Shitler in any real way.

>This picture clearly shows that two poor Russian civilians are about to be hanged by ideologically convinced, evil Nazi monsters
That's a stretch, to say the least.

Stalin, Churchhill, and FDR were ZOG slaves. They're responsible for killing millions because the Allies started the war.

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Stalin, Lenin, and Mao killed at least 100 million people directly by their orders and ideologies. There are studies. Try to research it a bit.
And to be really honest support for Hitler in Germany was in part related to ever growing fear of the Soviet atrocities. Without the Soviet Union, Hitler would have never risen to power.

WW2 in Europe was started directly by the fact that Stalin and Hitler got a deal to divide spoils of the war in Europe. If even Stalin just kept ambiguity about the Soviet position and never signed a deal then Hitler wouldn't be able to be emboldened to start full scale war. He would've been afraid of full scale alliance against him in a war.

Stalin is as responsible as Hitler for the war, if not even more so because Hitler was influenced a lot by the certain disinformation campaign by the Russian and then the Soviet secret police.

You are unironically correct in terms of entertainment based propaganda, or propaganda based entertainment is it?

the black book of communism is a bullshit propaganda piece. it's own authors admitted to falsifying data. fuck off you retard. capitalism has easily killed a billion people and it will kill many more

How the fuck does this photo prove they were going to be hanged??

The jew who wrote the book said so.

thanks for fighting of napoleon and the turks


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Communism was funded by the capitalists, though. It's kind of disingenuous to pretend you can credit Communism OR Capitalism with anything independent of each other; they're just different coats of paint on jewish government.