Don't EVER say the n word if you're wh*te

Or else we'll fucking whoop yo cracka asses

Attached: 1520144536135.webm (400x616, 1.2M)

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What if the "white" person is Iberian or Italian?

>During the great years of Portuguese exploration and colonization in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries, it has been estimated that a million Portuguese, mainly young men, went to the tropics, and for the most part never came back. Negroes were imported to take their places and to do the work of the country. Intermarriage of these Negroes with the old population left Portugal with a larger amount of Negro blood than any other European country, and greatly impaired its ability to contribute to the progress of civilization
>[Black Africans] approached 150,000 in the Iberian peninsula in the 16th century
>Sub-Saharan Y-DNA [PATERNAL] lineages E3a, E1, BC*, (xE3), and E3* are found at 5% in Portugal, Valencia, Majorca, Cantabria, Málaga, Seville, and Galicia (Spain)
>[NEGRO] Haplogroup L lineages are relatively infrequent (1% or less) throughout Europe with the exception of Iberia (Spain and Portugal), where frequencies as high as 22% have been reported, and some regions of Southern Italy
>The 140,000 slaves imported into [Iberia] from Africa between 1450 and 1505 were a welcome new labor force in the wake of the Bubonic Plague

In cities(especially port cities) and various other locations, the Negro admixture sharply peaks. Some prime examples of this are found in
>Sayago, Zamora, Spain at 18.18%
>Southern Portugal at 10.80-11.30%
>Cordoba, Andalusia, Spain at 8.30%


Sauce or you are a nigger kike faggot.

nigger got triggered


We have the power of autism you faggot

Attached: mortal kombat.webm (468x352, 2.19M)

Highlight any of the factoids I posted and search them on google. The percentages are from here:

The only time they ever win fights is if they sucker punch the opponent, I'm talking about blacks of course.