The only man who can save America

The only man who can save America.

He needs your vote, Jow Forums

He has all of Trump's anti-establishment pros, minus Trump's retardation and degeneracy

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And all of the communism to ruin the actual good Trump's done.

>done good

this must be a troll

Bernie lost whatever little credibility he ever might of had when he endorsed Hillary Clinton and told his supporters to vote for her after she openly colluded with DNC officials to cheat him out of the primary.

He's a faggot and a cuckold.

Why would a leftist not endorse a center-left candidate over a far-right candidate?

You're dumb as shit.

And Hillary made him cry like a bitch yikes

Confirmed cuckold. Also a Jew

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i'd vote for bernie over hillary and i'm right wing. it's because leftists are complete cuckolds in the face of neoliberalism.

>hillary is center left
>trump is far right
lol kill yourself shareblue cuck

>Saving America
Look I'm Jewish too and even I know that will never happen

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No don't mind me, I'm over here just chillin securing the bag.

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i want him to win because he will accelerate the collapse of america which is good, americans should vote for him too.

But he’s a socialist, and he caved under the democrat cabal during the 2016 election. No.

Thanks bro

Wrong. He’ll maintain the system and turn the program into reparations for blacks.

Does anybody here know who killed Martin Luther King, Jr? No? I'll give you a hint.

Bernie Sanders was in Memphis on April 4, 1968. He was photographed there. Yet he denies being there. What kind of democrat would lie about something like that?

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>not the actual savior of America
Fuck off and stay fucked off.
The DNC screwed him and his idiot supporters over then paid him off and he kept his mouth shut like a bitch.
That's heroic leadership right there.

>then paid him off

>and he kept his mouth shut like a bitch
that's literally not true, though, he kept pushing for leftist priorities in the democratic platform

Oh wait, you're just a right-wing concern troll... why would I ever expect someone like you to argue in good faith?

>voting for bernie a second time
I learned my lesson. Fool me once, as they say.

bernie eating a corn dog!

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The Only Man......

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Trump was more similar to Bernie than Hillary. You know Trump is not far right, you know that Hillary is not anything but full on establishment.