Asian American here. I'm fucking my manager, 34 year old blonde white girl with a cute face and nice ass...

Asian American here. I'm fucking my manager, 34 year old blonde white girl with a cute face and nice ass. Should I breed her? Would you guys approve? Now before you guys picture some ugly chink from china in your head, it ain't true. I get hit on regularly by girls and have many options. Most girls that i've been with are solidly 8/10 and up. Maybe couple 7's sprinkled in there. I have standards so I don't go below a 7. She really likes me, maybe she thinks she should settle down fast before it's too late. Probably was a filthy slut when she was younger though. Actually, 100% probability she was a cock sucking whore in her younger days. You can just tell. She makes much more money than me so I won't be a betabux faggot. Maybe I'll get some alimony if we divorce later with kids?

Some more info about me. Make 125k working cyber security at a big 4. I work from home and haven't been to the office in over 4 months. Fuck around all day at home hardly working, just take meetings and work little bits at a time sitting on my ass all day. I'm priced out and way over paid compared to my peers. Only way to make more money is to move up the ladder for me. Next job step is to become manager but I don't want to babysit adults. Also, graduated 3 years ago. I'm 5'10, feet size is 9.5, and my dick size is 5.5 inches, I weight 165, go to the gym 5 days a week with a goal weight of 170-175 for my non-steroid natty max. All my stats are in the average range besides maybe being more fit/muscular than some. Live in the DC metro area with tons of job opportunities. Nice mixture of white girls, black girls, latina girls, brown girls, asian girls, you know the deal.

I'm thinking about maybe marrying this girl for her money later down the line. She gives good sex and I won't be in trouble if divorce happens. Always cover my ass in every relationship scenario. Plus my kids would probably be chads and stacies in the face department.

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Nice blog post, but I’d start a relationship with her ASAP. Serve the white race well.

No ffs, marry your own or any non white. We need more white babies damnit

You sound like a nigger

1. this is not politics
2. you have no problems, why even write here, you bored? Just find an actual political subject to troll.

>sound like
user... are just another übercuckk

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>Blogposting this hard.
no one cares, fuck that thot for all I care, if she is willing to fuck an Asian she is probably willing to fuck a nigger, better off creating hapas than more niglets.

34 is too old, if you get hit on by girls try looking younger. Otherwise you got it made.

Race mixing? Do you approve? Could have chad and stacy hapas? I won't be getting fucked in court if divorce because I'm an evil man? Some political topics in their if you have a tiny bit of critical thinking skills.

>I'm fucking my manager, 34 year old blonde white girl with a cute face and nice ass

so is half the city

Get dunked on

Fuck off to Jow Forums

Nice LARP. Too bad it's fake.


But this girl is making a lot more money than I am. If we marry and have hapas, I won't get fucked in court and maybe I'll get alimony instead.


Fuck off larper

You sound superficial caring more about money than finding a nice young wife.

Should you neck yourself? Probably.

You expect people to read all that shit? Do whatever you want faggot.

>should I racemix?

do you want approval or something

Asian American here. Marry your own race you fucking yellow cumbrain.

Dont Listen to anyone of these ballistic head morons. Just listen to yourself Remember we all have our part to play lets make it the most livable and sane existince we can. If your relationship is ment to be it will be ment to be. Learn what you can if that house faulters. But do your best.

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Better you than a nigger

She is twice the ideal age.

You can breed her, fine. But make sure you find a side chick as well.

Yes, I care about money. She does too. She makes 50k more than me and I'm guaranteed not to be forced to pay child support/alimony if we have kids. In fact, she'll pay me. I'm not being a sociopath by thinking this am I? I've been burned real bad before by cheating and I understand the game so much better now than back when I was younger. Not a game in a literal sense, but the unspoken reality of what society/real life is like. The only losers are the ones not knowing there's a game to be played. And you're going to get burned by those who do know the game exists.

This is the problem with America today, you literally say you are "Asian American", pick one faggot.

Find a fem-asian. Make your community prosperous. I don't understand why anyone would date outside their race. Even less how you could make babies with someone of another race.

Oh my, what a melting pot.

You're being a sociopath, she's old enough that you can only really have one kid out of her. The fact that you're already thinking about divorce means the relationship wouldnt last long in the first place.

Have sex with her and get a kid or something if you want but don't marry her.

It's to paint a picture you faggot. I consider myself American just the same as the person next to me. Doesn't change the fact that I'm Asian and people will always see that.

Something strange is in here.
Dig deeper
di scord SYFeqe

Those ovaries are dryer than the Sahara Desert

I'm a white normie and i got pussy coming out of my ass

ching chong shitty wall

nice LARP

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Breed her, having a family is the best thing as long as you dedicate to loving your child, you don't need to love your wife.

Most Asian Americans think they're black for some reason

>breeding some whore from work

Sounds like a good idea

Asian penis. Does she actually know you are fucking her?

Some Asians have big cocks, never watched some JAV?

cool larp, op

in this scenario, she doesn't even notice. probably still has her hymen unless she's getting the BWC on the side

Didn't even read this LARP. Go away, faggot.

God this is so hot, yes white women are made to be bred by non white women so go right ahead

Going by the story of OP, she's making over 150k a year, whore or not, they will have the financial means to raise the child correctly.

I'd agree with you if she was a manager of Mcdonalds LOL, but to be quite frank your standards of what a whore are quite reaching.

>cyber security
>sitting on my ass all day
>5.5 inch dick
>165 pounds


>9.5 feet

the fact you managed to do this without barely even being able to see while driving everyday and a rock hard 2.8 inch cock is impressive good job ching chang