If Epstein was a blackmailer, how was this kept a secret from new potential blackmail victims he hoped to seperate from their money? The girls were known about as a sidenote; none of his rich friends cared even after his becoming a registered sex offender. It's not likely that rich friends would pay him as a procurer, as their snobbishness would make this distasteful to them. They would expect the girls for free in a friend's home, like a perk. So if he was blackmailing his friends, to whom the presence of underage girls was common knowledge, seen as an unimportant sidelight to Epstein's immense wealth, then why wouldn't they privately warn each other against him, ending his blackmailing career? And yet his safe was filled with materials that must have been used to blackmail. He had security cameras everywhere, but so do a lot of wealthy people.
If Epstein was a blackmailer...
Other urls found in this thread:
You think politicians care? Especially ones that are pedos? They'd gladly pay the "blackmail" price to get their underage loli orgies happening. Plus it's probably implied that Epstein would be a happy fall guy if anything happened with him.
Don't expect the dominoes to start falling anytime soon.
I think they would expect it for free. All these people were his friends and friends with each other. If he threatened some of his powerful friends with exposure, whether they had paid him like a pimp or not, it would quickly have become known, and he would be out of business.
think of it more as bribery with some collateral involved
I think his rich friends would have been affronted if he'd asked them to pay for attending a private party to which they'd been invited. Perhaps he kept the video evidence in his vault as a kind of insurance that was never intended to be used except in emergency. I think it's more likely that his wealth came from embezzling from his charities. It is curious however, that he was so heavily supported by Wexler. I think the girls were just a lure that helped cement friendships with rich patrons who could then be prevailed upon to donate to his charities. I can't picture him getting his super wealthy friends to cough up money as a condition to being invited to his home for a party. "Hey, come to my party, but it'll cost you." Or: "I invited you to a party, and now you have to pay." In the culture of wealth in which he operated, both of these ploys would have been seen as gauche and unacceptable. He would have quickly lost his valuable connections this way. More likely he would show them a good time, then ask them to donate to his charities as a favor, and then pocket the donations.
It wasn't blackmail in a sense that threaten you. It's like an elite club and in order to be in it you must be willing to sacrifice something and allow yourself to be compromised.
This makes a good conspiracy theory, and it's believable on the surface, but in real life it would be impracticable. Epstein's rich friends would disappear in a huff if he tried to exact this from them in an upfront way. His parties would be empty. The rich and powerful people he associated with would see themselves as doing Epstein an honor by attending his parties, merely by gracing him with their presence. He would reciprocate this favor by creating an environment they could have fun in and fuck young girls. The girls were just an enticement. After enjoying themselves on pedo island, they would donate to his charities or invest with him because he was their good time buddy they felt good about, and his parties were fashionable and fun.
Are you asking why the people blackmailed by Epstein didn't out him to their friends? Because they were blackmailed user...
Everyone, all his rich friends knew he kept young girls and didn't care. It wasn't a secret. No one felt bad for the teen prostitutes. They would be outraged if Epstein tried to blackmail them, and warn all their pals against him. To have their careers/assets threatened by actions secretly recorded by a friend- a rich friend, with the unspoken expectation of privacy and anonymity - at a private party in his home? They would most certainly call up their friends who had been fellow guests at his parties and say, can you believe the gall of this Epstein? How can we destroy him? Let us first begin by uniting in our resolve to never attend any functions at his home.
>nothing will happen
Epstein will get another slap on the wrist and everyone will forget about this in two weeks when the media goes back to talking about Biden shitting his pants or something
Glow in the Dark monitoring here and putting in my two cents before switching VPNs
Epstein got large investments into his hedge funds in exchange for “Sex provided” typically but not always by underage girls.
As word spread throughout the hedge fund community it turned into more of a “Pedo Elite Gathering” and it pushed him into having his “Handlers” or as he called them his “Recruiters” into looking for younger and younger women to appease these richer and more powerful investors.
As for the tapes and photos. He never released any to the public but did use some as leverage to get a sweetheart deal on his first case.
We assumed after the raid we gathered all the evidence but we did not, he has encrypted backups on servers around the world.
If he goes down for 30+ it’s possible he would release these photos/videos to the public as a sort of “Deadman’s Switch”
So this insurance policy pretty much guarantees he won’t go down.
We estimate the vids/photos we were able to seize only account for 1-2% of the total amount of data he may have stored and encrypted around the world.
Are a few sir names I can provide that we obtained videos or photos that will never be released to public but that may see charges brought against them for these videos.
These are all high powered political figures or Hollywood Stars
2020 will be remembered as the year that your “PizzaGate” was a prophecy.
Switching VPNs and going back to monitoring.
Stop being racist cunts and shooting people we actually like you guys.
I think the threat of exposure/blackmail was there, but it was never spoken, never so heavy-handed. They were willing to make donations or invest and might have felt some pressure to do so, but I dont think Epstein could have carried out an outright blackmail operation for very long, and continued to throw endless fashionable parties attended by the power elite. It had to be a safe bargain with free girls for all those people to attend. Rich people abhor personal discomfort of any kind, however slight, and social discomfort and things in bad taste, like ham fisted blackmail attempts are especially to be avoided. He maintained amicable friendships with these people up until his second arrest, and they are now distancing themselves only now that Epsteins indiscretions are becoming public knowledge featured in the press.
Trump removed Acosta...so you might be right.
Maybe he's also stupid or lazy. Many criminals are caught because they've fucked up and didn't care to prepare much.
I think he was primarily a whoremonger.
>Epstein got large investments into his hedge funds in exchange for “Sex provided”
Except there is no knowledge or record among any hedge fund managers of having traded with him. That's why I think he embezzled from his charities and then invested the money in a safe bet like the S + P 500 or something. The only record of his money management is with Wexler, who for some reason was heavily funding him. Maybe they were lovers. During the Florida trial, I agree with you, he absolutely used blackmail against all the prosecutors in the case and probably their bosses to get them to call off their dogs.
THEY'RE already being Blackmailed by someone to get their wealth & Prestige , so they figure "Fuck it " im going to be one of the COOL kids and hump, kill & eat kids too.
Epstein and Wexler raped a girl at Wexlers Ohio mansion together once. Also Wexler never married until he was 56 years old or something. Epstein had girlfriends and was pretty clearly heterosexual. The only thing that doesn't compute is why Wexler would give a twenty-something Epstein with no qualifications such unlimited access to his vast fortune and gift him with a townhouse in NY worth millions. Did he help Wexler make crooked investments and was easily controlled due to youth and inexperience? Did Wexler have some sort of unrequited crush on Epstein, like Roy Cohn had for Trump? Was Epstein a procurer for Wexler? All three? What would induce Wexler to hand over his billions to be managed by Epstein??
The point was to re in force a ((( lobby group))) will and power. Not to get money but to ask favors in exchange of fresh meat.
Epstein had a stuffed poodle in his living room, and he said to a reporter once that "no decorator would do this. But I want people to see it and think what it means to stuff a dog." I think he was saying subtly that he could blackmail all these people who were his friends, but it was never so direct. Just vague humorous threats like with the poodle- flexing his muscle to stay in the game, a kind of macho posturing that never devolved into outright threats of blackmail that would lose him his powerful friends and sources of income.
Ah yes! This is it! I think you've hit upon it! This would also explain Wexler. 90% of the money was from Wexler, who funded Epstein in order to call in favors for his lobby group. Is this what you mean?
If they drop this case, we will go out in the streets and start tracking jews.
>If they drop this case, we will go out in the streets and start tracking jews.
No you won't.
YHWH explicitly allows child brides in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Na'ar (child: Hebrew Masoretic Text). Padia (child: Greek Septuagint). Puella (young girl: Latin Vulgate).
(including in cases of rape (taphas))
What's your problem?
I did NOT cite your english translations.
I cited the Hebrew Masoretic text, where it says: Na'ar. Which means CHILD.
I cited the greek Septuagint which reads Padia: CHILD.
I cited the latin vulgate which reads: Puella: young girl.
Devarim chapter 22, verse 28 is about men raping young female CHILDREN.
The man keeps the girl and pays the father.
Child marriage is legal by YHWH, including in cases of rape.
YHWH explicitly allows child brides in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Na'ar (child: Hebrew Masoretic Text). Padia (child: Greek Septuagint). Puella (young girl: Latin Vulgate).
You are a heretic.
That is to be expected of a white man, however.
You worship "MUUUHH WHITE WUUUMAN" effectivly. This is why you are opposed to men liking cute girls: such is in opposition to the white woman's interests.
White men are fine with: adultery, murder, torture, theft, etc. All things YHWH forbids.
White men oppose child brides. Which YHWH allows, including in cases of rape (taphas)
Vote Biden 2020. End the White Man's paradise
Some gems from white men:
>No one is saying that fathers shouldn't be able to make arrangements for their daughters and another man but do you really think if that was the case you would get to diddle some kid you fucked up pervert? No, you're a fucking loser, degenerate piece of shit who should have a bullet put through your head for literally acting like a reptilian faggot. I can't wait for the civil war to dump your corpse in a mass grave along with all the other fucked up pedos in this world. Just try coming around my daughter and see if I tie you down to a saguaro cactus, skin you alive and let the coyotes have what's left. You need a good beating boy, as in, you need to be beaten so hard your eyes pop out from your skull and your legs are broken in so many places an amputation will seem like mercy. Or maybe I should just amputate your legs so that you will never be able to diddle a kid again? I think that would be a solution.
Some more gems from BASED white men!:
>Because pedophiles are the lowest of the lowest form of humanity since they prey on kids.
>Look man, there is nobody more redpilled than a prisoner or a person who was on the path to going to prison. Myself? I was the drug lord for North Texas. I sold drugs from Sherman TX all the way out to Louisiana and you niggers never caught me. I quit on my own volition after awhile of playing cowboy, fucking the system up and shitting on the braindead normie retards.
>You know what we have in common? I'm a predator who takes advantage of the low IQ American consumers who need their next "fix" to find meaning in their pathetic lives because they've rejected god, holiness and all that is good about the world. I did a lot of things, the state militia was even eventually called into Sherman because of how much fucked up shit I did in that state. I never sold drugs to kids though and I never pushed drug use as something that was "cool" in order to make a sale. Everyone destroyed themselves willingly with the drugs I sold them.
>Pedos on the other hand predate on innocent children. Children who adults are supposed to be protecting instead of raping or fulfilling their sexual/degenerate fantasies. Children don't understand the world, they don't understand killing your best friend who stole money from you, they've never gotten the thrill of watching the whites from a man's eyes fade away as his soul leaves his body, they've never fought in war or stolen from someone. Frankly, kids are innocent until they've been polluted by the fucked up shit in the world around them.
>I'm a bad dude and none of you should ever aspire to go down the path of life that I've gone down. But pedos? As bad as I am pedos are even worse because they want to literally rape your children.
Vote Biden. YHWH allows men to marry cute young girls. White men do not. White men reject YHWH
>Yeah except for whatever babbling your about is bullshit. I don't worship kike texts. I'm a pagan. I don't worship white women. I worship the family and white people.
>You don't even need a religious reason to prove this is wrong.
>Kids can't consent to sex much like they can't consent to what kind of dessert they want after dinner. The real problem hear is not that I should be diddling kids and that should be normal the problem is your a loser who doesn't know how to take and maintain an adult women to be with you. I know society enables roasties to no end but that doesn't equal diddle the fucking kids you retard. It means you should beat your women or change the system.
Ah, so an apostate, not just merely a heretic
> I don't worship white women. I worship the family and white people.
"You worship "MUUUHH WHITE WUUUMAN" effectivly."
Your "worship" of "the white family" is tantamount to the worship of the white woman.
The Muslims are replacing you, stupid white men ("MUUUHHH WHOOIIITTT WUUUUMMMAAAANNNN"). They, like all other cultures and religion OTHER than the heretical white woman worshiping scum, allow child brides.
Just like YHWH allows explicitly in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (Child: Hebrew Masoretic Text), Padia (Child: Greek Septuagint, from which you white pieces of garbage get your favorite hate-word: Paedophile (Child-friend-of)), Puella (Young Girl: Latin Vulgate, which you heretics ignore along with the other 2).
"MUUUHHHH KJV" "MUUUH YOUNG WUMAN KJV!!!" Yes; stupid white male golem: a female child is both a woman and young. Monoliguist scum.
Before Democracy, men had child brides. White men's minds are controlled by white women.
In the middle ages the Catholic Church reduced the Age-Of-Marraige-Without-Parental-Consent to 12, down from the higher roman age for non-consented marraige. The min age of marriage in Catholic Europe was the age of reason: 7
White men are _HERETICS_
Vote Biden 2020. Irish are not white. Catholics are not heretic filth. Biden seems to like cute gurls and has good tastes.
Yes, I do support YHWH's laws. Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Na'ar (child) (hebrew), Padia (child) (greek), Puella (young girl) (latin).
YOU do not. YOU are a H E R E T I C.
YHWH, later in Devarim, commands that those who entice us to follow another Power, are to be done away with. You and yours entice all the world to follow the White man's laws and him above YHWH. A violation of the commandment "do not put another Power (God, Ruler, Judge, etc) before me"
4plebs, archived.moe, desuarchives all exist, don't you know?
Biden 2020. Support YHWH's laws that allow child brides, OPPOSE the white man's heresy that grips the world.
Make anime real.
Biden 2020
Remember: white men RECOIL from cuteness.
White men are your bane. While cute girls your glory. White men PREVENT men all over the WORLD from practicing their religions; all which allow child brides with the exception of the WHITE GOLEM's heresies.
The White man is the global ENEMY of ALL men and the succor of "MUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHITE WUUUUMMMANN", and her golem slave. For her he slaughters countless innocents and destroys ALL other cultures and religions.
Biden 2020
100%. With Trump out of the equation, this is out of the news cycle starting Monday.
Based Bidenposter.
user i hate to tell you but thats a little boy sex slave and im not memeing
its a limited hangout operation similar to the 'dutch whistleblower banker exposes the nwo' stuff a few years ago.
the idea is to take focus off of something important in the news and shift it to something that can be controlled. same thing with the ufo, brexit, trump in korea.
you have something like 11 million yemeni starving right now so it helps to keep some of that stuff out of the news because nobody wants to step on saudi toes.
I think that you're right, but I think that this situation was like the proverbial onion--layers and layers of debauchery and corruption. On the top level, what you describe:
>The girls were just an enticement. After enjoying themselves on pedo island, they would donate to his charities or invest with him because he was their good time buddy they felt good about, and his parties were fashionable and fun.
And also, I think he convinced them by flaunting his wealth and connections that he was someone who could help them attain that status too.
And on a deeper level--a few levels down, actually--is what the person you replied to described: >It wasn't blackmail in a sense that threaten you. It's like an elite club and in order to be in it you must be willing to sacrifice something and allow yourself to be compromised.
If Epstein and his handlers sensed that you could be further led down the darker pathways of decadence, then doors would begin to open for you, and you'd be shown how to proceed and what you'd be required to do.
The kind of individuals we're talking about are also probably the type who'd do anything to belong to a REALLY special and seekrit club. One which would not only afford untold, indescribable and forbidden pleasures, but which would also allow them access to the highest halls of power. I don't think anybody gets to be a candidate for top world leadership without belonging to those deeper levels of the club--well, by that point it's a cult, as we've figured out long ago.
Unless you're Ross Perot. That's why he didn't win, though. Perot was the real thing, a surprisingly guileless, self-made, old school American who put together a remarkable effort pretty much on his own. Trump had plenty of shadowy help and support; he still does. And he rode in on what his former flirtation with the deeper levels of the Dem elite bought him--huge fame and name recognition.
Because Epstein is just the front man of a Mossad / CIA sting business, not to say they dont sell their organs and kill them as well.
No, it is a girl, as attested to by the soliders who interacted with her, you stupid fucking white person.
There are pictures of boys from the same village on the army photo page this photo is from. They have much sharper features and a different bone structure.
(originally from: northshorejournal.org )
> An Afghan girl stares at Warrant Officer Troy D. Anstine, executive officer, Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, as he explains her coloring assignment at the school near Forward Operating Base Geronimo March 31. She cautiously entered the school compound after the dodgeball game and is the first girl to attend class at the school. Marines said they hope to encourage more girls from the area to attend class in the future. Photo by Sgt. Brian Tuthill
> Just before the game had finished, an 8-year-old girl arrived to the school with three other young boys, who quickly joined the group of students while she kept her distance outside the compound.
> After the game, the school\u2019s Pashto interpreter returned and students went back to their studies. They recited and wrote Pashto numbers and then took on coloring assignments requiring them to pair the numbers to colors and color in the appropriate areas. The girl slowly and cautiously made her way into the compound and joined the class already in session.
> \u201cWe were so excited to have our first female student,\u201d said Anstine. \u201cShe was scared at first, but I think she had a good time. I hope we will see more girls come to school and start their education.\u201d
YHWH explicitly allows child brides in Devarim chapter 22, verse 28. Na'ar (child: Hebrew Masoretic Text). Padia (child: Greek Septuagint). Puella (young girl: Latin Vulgate).
You are a heretic.
That is to be expected of a white man, however.
Biden 2020.
Make Anime Real
YHWH allows you to marry little girls.
White Men do not.
It is as simple as that: they are your enemy.
White men are NOT human beings: their minds are concerned only with the maintenance and upkeep of their master: MUUUHHHH WHOIT WUUUUUUMAN.
Wow I love semitic peoples now!
You're looking at it as if anyone who's interested is invited to the pedo death orgies. It's a pyramid scheme and Epstein probably isn't even near the top. Epstein was blackmailed into recruiting new pedos who he blackmails into recruiting more pedos and so on. By the time new pedos are invited to hang out with Epstein they're already being blackmailed.
Keep up the good works
Shills are sliding the board super rapid right now
ZH is reposting the best of the research so keep it up. Even Trump is encouraging the work here.
Think of it as a multi level marketing scheme
If a celebrity doesn’t show interest, The Cult doesn’t push too hard - just like a good salesman. Knows when to ease up and wait for another chance to push the product
"Epstein later bought neighbouring Great St James Island, which once was popular with locals and tourists for its main attraction, Christmas Cove, a place where you could hang out and order pizza and have it delivered via boat."
Because you only need a few key people initially to start it all off and then keep it going. The first few had no idea they were being set up for blackmail. Then once they were snared, they aren’t going to talk so the next group is even easier because they get invited with a few powerful people and of course they want to be “in” and now they all aren’t going to say shit an implicate themselves so it continues on and on.
"Epstein later bought neighbouring Great St James Island, which once was popular with locals and tourists for its main attraction, Christmas Cove, a place where you could hang out and order pizza and have it delivered via boat."
Money has little to do with it. Getting votes on a bill would seem the purpose for politicians.
Wrong, you filthy kike. Its saying that if in the old days you seized a virgin and forced yourself upon her that you had to pay her father and then marry her and take of her for the rest of your life. It's intended to keep people from raping.