Ultra Europe

currently my city, Split, is host to electro "music" festival called Ultra Europe. It's biggest gathering of degenerates I've ever seen, entire city is filled with semi naked western thots and degenerates. It's interesting to see how low moral of westerners has falled that this is considered good fun. Music is so loud that I couldn't sleep. But atleast visitors are whiteys with some slanty eyed people.

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Thank you for this thread. All electronic music is cultureless garbage. It's music for substance-abused degenerates.

I would like to go for a swim later in sea, but I'm afraid horny westerners will assault me

boohoo people are coming to my country and spending money bolstering the economy boo hoo you are worse than spain with them claiming to hate tourists yet a portion of their economy relies upon it.

tourism is really bad to base your income around it. It tales alot of manpower that could be used somewhere else and during summer everything is expensive and filled with westerners

damn all of those tourists spending money on hotels, retail shopping, sight seeing, cafés, bars, restaurants. damn them all to hell!!!!

Kids who spend the majority of that cash on drugs the rest on accommodation and food vs luring in older retired folks who will pay to visit all the historic places and not prop up drug dealers
But muh economy

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yes. fuck those people. tourism is a cancer

Degenerate Brit chav detected.

fuck jobs, who needs them right? haha

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I have no problems with moderate amount of tourists who come to relax in peace. I have problem with those fucks I cannot sleep because of and western sluts attacking me


Are your women fucking westerners during summer, or its just western degenerates together? I know that Greek women are mostly looking for Greeks, they rarely interact with Serb or British men

>bringing money

what a joke. go to cornwall and have a 99 with a flake poorfag. your country is a mess

>I cannot sleep because of and western sluts attacking me

woe is me

*minimum wage service jobs

ah right, of course. surely it would be better to earn no money at all.

Have sex.


stop responding

Well there isn't much you can do so you may as well try and enjoy yourself. Fuck some slutty tourists or laugh at drunk idiots.

our industry struggles to find workers, it hurts our development. Production bring more wealth to nation than tourism. But people work in tourism because they can earn money more easily
yes and yes. Women fuck westerners, but alot more western girls fuck locals and various westerners from everywhere fuck eachother. Women when go abroad relax more and are more keen to spread their legs
we lack workers

A hundred times this. This is what happens when a small resort becomes a famous tourist attraction
>150 Hotels get build blocking access to the beach
>Prices increase up to 70% to scam tourists, living there become impossible
>Entire place gets filled with 18-22yo British degenerates drinking themselves to near death
>Casinos get erected, young kikes spread like the plague and wreck even more shit than the Brits with their kike superiority mentality

it gets boring after some time. I miss time when my city was just transport hub for tourists that would go to islands with their families. Ultra Europe and Game of Thrones made Split into tourist destination

>But people work in tourism because they can earn money more easily

People shouldn't be allowed to earn money easily! they should find it difficult!

>we lack workers

That's the fault of tourists!!!

Well you could always try and have another war with Serbia or Bosnia to make it so the place is seen as dangerous and tourists won't go there any more.

>Music is so loud that I couldn't sleep.
doesn't it stop at 11pm? ultra is usually a day/evening event which shuts down in time for people to have some public transport to get home.

>city is filled with semi naked western thots
Unironically just have sex man

>doesn't it stop at 11pm?
main event start at eleven and last till 5 or 6 in morning

either you live with high rate of unemployment and allow you fellow countrymen and women to suffer through that or you embrace tourism and the financial economic injection it brings. you can't have it both ways, make your choice.

my friend, i think he was being sarcastic

>Instead of enjoying some western thot who came here for the cock prefers to bitch about it in Jow Forums

I used to do that before, now it's getting annoying to repel all thots. If I didn't have to work maybe I would again

Iam planning to do LSD at least one time in my lifee time

just looked up where it is. it is strange for a city to allow an all night event in an open air venue near the city like that. usually the urban dance festivals are told to shutdown by a decent time, or if they are all nighters, they are either in areas outside of the city or not open air so the noise pollution is kept to a minimum.
i guess that they have clout (or paid well) the split authorities to get the green light.
i imagine there will be lots of letters form the elderly who live nearby complaining about it.

going to cornwall costs more than a holiday in the med most of the time

>i imagine there will be lots of letters form the elderly who live nearby complaining about it.

elderly will be dead soon who cares.

don't be such a boring prick op. go have a drink and meet some of those fun tourist women

since when? to be fair i havent been to cornwall for a few years but last time i went thigns didnt cost so much maybe £6 for a decent meal

All those things really make my life so much better.

Are you retarded or do you really have no foresight as to how other people having a job benefits you by benefiting the economy as a whole?

our elderly are kinda weird. They stand by their windows and look at them, it's free show for them, people who work complain. City gave festival permit for that, it's big thing and lasts 3 days. So we'll have to endure
I did that when I was student, now when I work it's alot harder. Maybe I'll go for a drink today or a swim in a "touristy" areas

Economy isn't the only thing that matters. 90% of bongs should be banned from shitting up other countries.

Just one try multiple such as Revolution,Neversea,Untold,Summer Well,Awake all are full with drug addicts, romanian women with foreign men that come here,niggers,chinks and degeneracy and sexual intercourse everywhere.

True Aryans only listen to neofolk.

so ban them then. but don't complain about higher unemployment and increased poverty.

You don't think they'd find something more useful to do than start a fucking hotel ?

Tourism kills innovation mate, use your brain.

Unless you sit in your mom's basement and read Evola you're a degenerate.

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>You don't think they'd find something more useful

Yes. just find a magical new job, it's that easy.

>just find a job
Or ya know, start another more productive business than starting yet another hotel. You know thats how civilisations develop right? By people innovating and being required to create something new.

Lighten up, take your first shower of the year, shave your neckbeard, go there and actually try to have a good time. Hell, you may even get laid!

do you not think they would already be starting more productive businesses if there were any worth starting?

I live like 5 mins away from the festival and all I see is a bunch of drunk, drugged up animals running around the city screaming at 3am.

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Angloid scum, good thing you're getting bred out of existance.

Ultra is so generic.

>sluts attacking me
t. wishful thinking incel or just a flaming faggot

>more product
It's pretty hard to not be more productive and innovative when you currently have zero innovation.

Are you one of those fucking idiots who thinks just a fuck load of money changing hands over snd over (a "strong" economy) instead of actually creating anything is preferable? Is some sort of meaningful growth

Look at all the ppl listening to songs from a usb stick

doof doof doof doof

This nigga really never going to take drugs at a rave with his friends. have sex incel

stupid stupid stupid stupid ??? yea I agree

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>Get off muh lawn

Fucking boomer

Cant to watch you zoomalis rope twerk

except jungle, especially around 92-97 is some of the most cultured music produced in the last 60 years easy

fight me sheepshagger

Anybody who complains about the quality of some particular genre of music usually doesn't know what he's talking about, so there is that. There are only good composers and musicians, genres don't matter.

And yeah, your entire electronic scene of the 1990s was fucking dope, so many gems it's hard to listen to all this shit, great stuff.

This is why life in the North is better. We have it colder here, so we don't have those problems.