Why is drug policy made by people who don't regularly use drugs...

Why is drug policy made by people who don't regularly use drugs. That's like having your car serviced by someone who can't drive.

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because drug addicts are useless and too busy being addicted to drugs to make policy

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This. I just wanna smoke my meth in peace and fucking tweak around and clean shit. Leave me the fuck alone you dope hating fucks.

LOL i rearranged my whole house and mowed my lawn AND the neighbors lawn in a single fucking day (i think).

Why is there a female prime minister? Why was she allowed to take office then take maternity leave?
There are a lot of questions to ask these days, a lot indeed

based meth head. (hope you die)

>Safe injection sites
>Needle exchanges
>Methadone clinics
It's like having lanes reserved for drunk drivers on Friday and Saturday nights.

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I knew a group of tweakers. I knew em as part of my social circle before they got into meth. At first it was harmless stuff, taking apart and rebuilding computers, building a custom home security system, shit like that. Then it got weirder: stealing from construction sites, chop shopping cars, one day a few of them loaded an atm into a truck and tried to break it open and couldn't get into it so then they were trying to figure out if they should return it or what to do with it. Something about meth is just fucked up, I don't think anyone can keep using that shit and not go crazy

>reserved for drunk drivers on Friday and Saturday nights.
not a bad idea for a leaf

Why would I die? Im superman motherfucker.
They had weak minds. I like being productive when I twist.

I Took some dmt and went back in time and watched Israeli art students install detonation fuse lines in WTC 1&2

> They had weak minds. I like being productive when I twist.
I don't think the strongest mind in the world can keep being productive after a few days of not sleeping, no matter how much meth they use

Tell me more

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I stay up a day and a half max at a time

> needing to "take" dmt
> not having a massive natural supply of dmt gushing out of your pineal gland

>brainlet: the post

Or have your reproductive right to decide made by people who don't reproduce.

Why are laws made by people who don't regularly break the law. That's like being arrested by someone who hasn't been arrested.

>Why are mental health standards made by mentally sane people and not complete mentally ill nut jobs like me

Taking drugs only harms yourself if you're not pregnant.
Pregnancy involves a second thing being harmed in the process of drugs or abortion and the only issue is when you decide to see the foetus as a person or object

The real crime is in how anything that is remotely fun or beneficial is made outright illegal almost immediately in virtually every case. If it’s legal and available OTC it doesn’t do shit. There’s something fundamentally off about that.

booze and cigarettes are the only legal things in our culture & they are both socially/physically destructive.

>second thing
Couldn't have said it better myself. That's why I think a woman should have the right to choose.

Weed is far worse for you retard

Far worse than what?


They're trying to ban kratom now. That shit is so weak that you have to take a ton for any effect and the highest you can get off of it is like someone taking tylenol-3.

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try dextromethorphan

The line between a thing and a person or living human being is crossed somewhere during the pregnancy. The only reason why there is a debate about abortion is because people differ when that happens.

But an abortion right before giving birth is appalling and disgusting and I don't think the majority of people agree to that

I guess you weed fags can't read, so lets start with illiteracy

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im only 130lbs and the only effect i get from kratom is a sore stomach and serious dehydration. maybe if you extracted the alkaloids it'd be interesting but all that plant matter is just too much. only people i know that like it use it in conjunction with other things or use it to stave off light opiate withdrawals (doesn't do shit for hardcore heroin addicts tho)

I agree. I personally find abortion at any stage to be disgusting but I don't think it's any of my business what someone else does with their life.

Illiteracy isn't used outside of highschool english. No one cares.

You’re a dipshit. I was asking if you meant worse than cigs and booze, I was assuming you couldnt be THAT fucking stupid.

>I don't think it's any of my business what someone else does with their life.
what if she is carrying your child?

>(i think)
Taking drugs only harms yourself
>Illiteracy isn't used outside of highschool english
Well, this is your brain on drugs. Don't do drugs.

Im not actually a meth head. Anymore at least, been clean for 3 years. I just smoke weed, cigs and drink coffee now.

...or having people who don't have a utetus decide what you can do with your uterus.

I've no idea. It's never happened and it's unlikely that it ever will. I imagine that if it was someone I didn't want to marry I'd support it. If it was someone I thought I loved, there's no way to know unless I was in that position.


Nice 16 year old post there. Real deep and woke.

Now fuck off, Maori

Then it's another case of how you determine when you consider it an object or a human being. If it's an object them it's even more difficult since it's not clear who's the sole owner of it and can decide what to do with it.

It's a very complicated situation that knows no 100% right answers

Lucky Larry was fucking his wife doggy style while he watched the towers fall

>Why is murder policy made by people who don't regularly murder?
>Why isn't welfare amounts determined by the people recieving it?
>Why don't industry leaders get to make their own regulations?

Heywood JaBlowme!