RECENT MAPS >Idlib jul 2 >Syria jul 1 >Yemen Jul 3 >Afghanistan Jul 3 >Libya Jul 1 Devs Jul 3 >Several SAA soldiers killed in new hit&runal-qaeda attack in area of al-Masharie,N Hama >SyAF targeted al-qaeda affiliated Turkistan Islamic party in Khan Shaykhun & Hobit towns killing 35, RUAF bombs Underground base belonging to National Liberation Front near the town of Madaya in S Idlib leaving 15 killed/injured >Turkish-backed rebels kill several SAA soldiers in N Latakia >Large number of foreign jihadists head to NW Hama from Turkish border >jew strike Early on July 1, Israeli AF carried out a series of strikes on military targets N&NW Damascus & Homs city&countryside Sy AD intercepted several missiles,however most hit their targets. One hit a civilian area in the district of Sahnaya W of Damascus killing 4 civis &injuring 22 One of the S-200 missiles employed by the Sy military crashed in Northern Cyprus, near North Nicosia,news ignored by MSM for most part >Afghanistan:Taliban have taken control of the strategic Kayan Valley in Doshi district in Baghlan >The Yemeni Armed Forces & Houthis carried out 3,263 operations against Saudi-led forces in Yemen and in southern Saudi Arabia in May-June >Khalifa Haftar targets Turkish interests in Libya in response to Erdogan's intervention on behalf of the GNA
Yup, SAA is BTFOing nusrat attempts to brutalize the Syrian population.
James Perry
Also, it is indeed looking promising, due to the fact that the SAA remains incapable of regaining lands lost to the brave mujahidoon of the HTS and to some extent the NFL, despite the fact that the criminal russian airforce has striked idilib and north hama for months continuously and still does so, of course these air strikes mainly result in civilian deaths, which is to be expected of such swine.
Jacob Foster
You have your information backwards sirp, it is the cursed assad regime that terrorizes ahlul sunnah in syria, they will pay the price of their transgressions soon.
The bravery shown by the HTS is truly an inspiration, behold how they defeat the multitude of infidels without fear, Alhamdulillah.
Lucas Peterson
This goes to show how allah does not aid the infidel saudi regime, those jew rats deserve the humiliation this war has caused them, their prestige is steadily decreasing, that is good.
Jose Taylor
Also, i believe "nusrat" is used for jabhat al nusra (Al nusra front) which no longer exist, so you better coin a new insult you thug.
Brody Bailey
Hayat Tahrir al-Shart :)
Jordan Anderson
After spending several weeks analyzing the military situation in south idlib&north hama, with updates up to time of course, it is my opinion that the HTS with support from NFL can, with ease i might add, continue with their attacks, forwards ikhwan, it is going to happen.
Owen Miller
this is the only thing you are right about
Samuel Price
You lack creativity and wit, curse you and your kind, donkey.
Austin Baker
Incorrect, i am right about everything i have said, in fact my predictions some weeks ago have proven to be highly accurate.
Joshua Morales
t. arab subhuman slave to anglo
Asher Moore
Do not throw rocks at people when you live in a glass house, sirp dog.
Elijah Adams
what will happen now that UAE is fleeing from Yemen?
Jack Baker
Unbased edition. Also the jew is dead. Pic related
t. his alphabet does not even have 'p' sound lol cringe
Thomas Stewart
could you link me with some article that describes how bad those gauchos are, i'll translate it, i'm really interested, please?
Ian Butler
ق غ خ ظ ح ص
Ethan Edwards
you are funny for an autist. Clever kid indeed. It maked it more sad you are unbased
Matthew Turner
no u
Jayden Perry
You make me laugh negro, it's true, check the archive, my predictions literally happened exactly as i have said.
Owen Sullivan
My superior intellect and intelligence have defeated you.
Angel Watson
>Sayyed Nasrollah
In 2006, our offensive capability was limited, but today we have an offensive force at the infantry level armed with qualitative weapons
We have game-changing offensive capabilities and weapons, we have Radwan Force and Al-Abbas Brigades
The development of our rocket power and the precise missiles deters the Israelis in addition to our drone air force which is huge with high capabilities and many other weapons and capabilities we keep it as surprise
Israel threatens to take Lebanon back to stone ages, this is an underestimation to Lebanon, I wanted to say that we can take Israel back to stone ages but the reality is that Israel did not exist 100 years ago.
We have all the information about all the targets in the northern part of Israel and all of them are easy targets
The coastal line from Natanya to Ashdod contains most of the Israeli governmental institutes, nuclear ?factories, ports, stocks, power plants, oil..gas.. ..etc and they are all under our fire range
Because of the deterrence, I don't think Israel will do any small strike in Lebanon because it knows well that there will be a direct strong response
Any country that will be a partner in the war against Iran or offer its territory to attack Iran will pay the price
Who will pay the price for a war on Iran? “Israel” an KSA
Iran will readily bomb “Israel” if war breaks out against it
All bark, truly sad seeing iran exhaust this tactic of screeching, it means they have run out of ideas and are likely heading to their doom, i wish it were true though, i want majoos and jews to kill each other.
Jason Gomez
I'll aid you with the trumpet.
Isaac King
Justin Myers
das rite, no arab ever can survive even one day of guča!
Tired to search, also dont gib half fuck plus im ok with the factual fact you are funny and an autist. You should feel flattered, you are rare.
Gabriel Wilson
Iran hasn't a big chance instead of barking. I think they bet on a global economic crysis about oil, when closing the straight of hormuz. However, if they do it, even China and a lot more allies would do it.
I would say it's the thrating of someone doing a suicide attack as last chance..
Robert Rivera
The situation is indeed improving for us, the odds are in our favor, this of course is only a morale boost since whether the odds are with or against us we will emerge victorious and triumphant, we will destroy the tyranny in assad's syria from its roots.
Nathaniel Ross
Iran today is in a better situation than before the 2015 deal; they can do what they wanto since there are no deal in place, took billions from unfrozen accounts during the 2015 truce, China and India - who where their major importer - are still acquiring their oil, that they also sell trough Iraq with forged documents.
If Iran will not be invaded then they have basically won.
Brayden Young
Their lines are filled with traitors and backstabbers that would rather turn iran into a puppet state than let it be destroyed, the moment iran is about to lose a coup or civil war of sorts will ignite, also maybe this barking is a good tactic for public eyes, but it grows annoying on enlightened people such as me.
Nicholas Lewis
well, well, very controversial..wasn't expecting that i'm a big fan of education and trains, but i also like indigeneous folks and romantics ala gauchos, there should exist a better world
Jeremiah Wood
I somehow wrote bullshit, as usual, but this time bullshit i didn't mean. If Iran is blocking the strait of hormuz, countries like India or China might join the war against Iran, to bring it to a quick end, instead of attacking usa or supporting Iran, what would lead to last the oil problem longer...
Luis White
>China and India - who where their major importer - are still acquiring their oil China is still buying it but India has stopped importing Iranian oil since May. They even slashed the funding for development of Chabahar port.
India has stopped buying any oil. Even China can only buy limited amounts as the lack of insurance hampers larger amounts. Also bypassing the $ is still difficult and will take some time to increase. And only small importing companies are willing to buy because they loose access to US market. Will get better in time but is very small right now.
Blake Kelly
It will be like playing musical chairs. Someone will miss oil... And if they close the straight of hormuz, they will cut about 35% of oil delivered by ship...
Jack Hall
Stop lying to yourself, iran stands no chance in a confrontation with israel and its loyal golem, also iranian people live in shit conditions.
And iran also mentioned once, if they can't sell oil, no one else on middle east will sell...
Therefore i guess, if they are serious and destroy at least a considerable part of the oil delivery from there, there will be a global economic crysis...
Thomas Harris
if they close the strait of hormuz oil will only stop from iraq, gulfies and saudies will still be able to export.
Jaxson Fisher
imagine if Iran will directly be responsible for bursting everything bubble and destroying petrodollar into the ground.
The best Iran can hope for in short term is that US senate will kill the F-35 deal in response to Mr. Roaches buying S-400. This is very likely to happen. Mr. Roaches will respond by purchasing iranean oil or at least threaten to do so. Then negotiations will start. Outcome is uncertain but it might very well be that Turkey goes rogue and will buy large amounts of iran oil.
Brandon Lopez
>bab el mandeb as i have said if strait of hormuz is closed by majoos gulfies will used bab el mandeb instead.
Dominic Miller
and suez canal too
Blake Miller
That's why there will be no war...
Daniel Taylor
If you have the infrastructure working of bringing the oil from one side of the coast to the other side, while iran tries to blow up the infrastructure...
Mason Hall
iranian airforce will be crippled withing the first week in a war, and most of their missiles will be intercepted, sure some damage will slow things down considerably, but that is war.
Gabriel Young
I wouldn't bet on normal military, more of something like terrorism...
Andrew Lopez
Counter-insurgency works bro, america is number 1 enemy of jihadists yet so little terrorist attacks, you think i am defending saudikikes somehow but i am not, i want all of those subhumans to kill each other, they must burn, majoos, KSAcucks, amerimutts, israelis, secularists and all sorts of infidels.
Eli Allen
Imho totally underrated option for iran..
Michael Jenkins
>their missiles will be intercepted Houthis are doing pretty good and are getting better. Iran has much bigger, better and a hundred times more rockets.
Aaron Scott
Yes, you remind me of when iran claimed they have thousands of highly trained super elite terrorists in america waiting for irans command to wreak havoc.
Nicholas Myers
i am talking about america here, i know saudi military capabilities are a joke, but with america in the game their missile will indeed be intercepted.
Colton Scott
This made me kek, danger map of Europe for tourists, you can clearly see it was only meant for weastern Europe but the they added Russia and gave them the 2nd worst ratting for no reason. Also no data for Georgia and Ukraine?? I wounder why.
I don't think you need thousands of terrorists, to blow up this kind of infrastructure...
Charles Brown
Now that UAE is leaving Yemen their ability to strike Saudi Arabia and the other strait is even bigger. Let's not forget that Turkey is also involved there and that's another problem for Saudi Arabia.
Luke Barnes
who gives a shit what you think, reality is, iran will get raped if they go to war.
Hudson Robinson
>implyng that Turkey isn't already purchasing iranian oil
Iran has always sold his oil in a way or another. Sanctions are nothing new for them.
Mason Torres
Sure, they will get trapped. But they have good chances to do a lot of damage before..
Gabriel Parker
>Turkey is part of Europe worst timeline ever
Juan Brooks
>Sanctions are nothing new for them. there is a grey market, but it is cumbersome and not very profitable. Also this time around Iran's ships get seized and destroyed with open military action.
Nicholas Fisher
the way they scrunched up the med like that is bothering the shit out of me. turkey looks absolutely fucked
Chase Baker
The point is, the cost of war will be too high.
Wyatt Wright
no cost is too high for the ZOG machine, damage is acceptable as long as goyim take most of the fall.
David Perez
>but with america in the game your faith in US military capability is not supported by facts. They loose every war they start for 20 years straght. Corruption, overreach and sheer arrogance have undermined the US force.
>we do not have a 'p' but we have several ways to say a letter with a retarded accent
Nathaniel Evans
>They loose every war they start for 20 years Well.. They didn't technically lose. The didn't win the war on terror and need to stay in the countries for all the eternity, but they won their wars.
Cameron Brooks
Medical tourism for a new pair of kidneys I guess
Anthony Martin
>crippled in Aghanistan >crippled in Iraq >somewhat launching an invasion of Iran
An invasion of Iran was more profitable in 2003 or even 2001 (before Afghanistan) than today, since the region is full of iranian allied forces.
Robert Robinson
hahaha, search 'tuzla pyramids'
Logan Rogers
seethe somehow*
also the US may be shit in governing territories militarily and maintaining control over them without violence breaking out, but saying they lost is not correct. that's albania
Lincoln Ward
What's your position on Turkish Afringhastan?
If HTS was any good they wouldn't have lost Aleppo to (now gone) Kurdish partisans, a bone-numbingly straightforward gap tactic that annihilated HTS's armor, and a humiliation so complete they had to change their name from Jabhat al Nusra.
But enough of that, how is southern Idlib today, Irbidi?
Isaac Hill
>albania israel actually, kosovo is where they buy organs
Asher Robinson
>They didn't technically lose they won the campaigns but achieved none of their goals. The retreat from Afghanistan will leave those in power who were in power before the war. In Iraq the government is now pro Iranean. In Lybia nothing was achieved. In Syria the US were shown it's limits by Russia and the area held is being handed over to EU vassals who will not be able nor willing to fight for it. In Yemen the US is obviously losing against mountain druggies. In the Ukraine the government is now carefully trying to turn away from the war against Russia. The only place the US had any success is latin America, especially Brazil.
Daniel Gutierrez
You mix up things done by Saudi Arabia with proxy forces and support of US.
Oliver Russell
SAA alone are nothing, without russian airstrikes and shiite mercenaries and iranian equipment assad would be literally dead, so what the revolution faced some setbacks, but now they have regrouped and their condition is steadily improving alhamdulillah.
>without... and shiite mercenaries and iranian equipment assad would be
doing about as well as he's doing in idlib right now. the entire 'don't let iran fight' caucus is responsible for the slowness in idlib. once assad is tired of big casualties and putin's doubledealing, he'll give the majoosi the green light and the safavid flag will fly from jisr al shigur to the outskirts of aleppo
>white, arab, not jordanian palestinan/circassian background? or just proud
Luke Powell
>majoos who hate israel and KSA as much as they hate muslims >no real sunni power to take out in the region, I guess we'll focus on israel and KSA
Genius plan that was.
Zachary Allen
>gave them the 2nd worst ratting for no reason Actually we should be on first spot for terror threat with how constantly FSB snub terrorists cells, every one or two weeks - new cell, insane rate. I think UK is above us because they for some reason consider insane people with knifes to be terrorists, god knows why. >Also no data for Georgia and Ukraine It is state terror there and their goal is local populace not tourists therefore it is pretty safe for tourists in regard "allah akbar" terror.