Muslim/paki hate thread

I hate these pieces of shit so much. All they do is whine about halal meat, sharia law and fuck their cousins while grooming our kids. Wish these inbred fucks would blow themselves out of existence.

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Look at these retarded inbreds who groom little kids. They don't even look human.

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Those are Mirpuris.

This is their so called divine halal ritual. It is torture!

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This is future! Veiled inbreds patrolling the streets.

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Dirty goatfuckers.

Cuz they are not, imagine all the inbreeding throughout history

Yes just look at these goatfuckers.

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Look at these cucks just asking to be raped by these savages by letting them in.

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Inb4 muttflag sloopy job

>sloopy job
Kek. I do realise it is the kikes behind their arrival but these things are just savages. Yet most people I know are too afraid to criticise them, as das racist.

True, people forget this is a white board

They are disgusting savages. We should deport them all; especially are they are deliberately breeding like rabbits, in order to spread their backward religion to the West. Fuck them all off. The kikes too.


>especially are they are deliberately breeding like rabbits, in order to spread their backward religion to the West.
THIS. It's just an inside job deployed by the kikes. The mudslimes don't care as long as they are getting gibs from the government, and the councils will bend their arse to them as they are afraid of them chimping out. It is slowly killing the country.

Are you Euros going to do anything anytime soon? Getting kinda bored of all your tolerance, get on with butchering them already. I want to see their women raped to death, and their children chopped up afterwards. Make sure the men are watching every second with all cameras turn on for live broadcasts.

People say they are our allies against the kikes, but they are just opportunists who just want to spread their desert cult to Europe.

that's what you get for giving palestine to jews

Nice try cia, pakistanis and muslims are peaceful

islam is religion of peace and Muhammad (SWT) the last and only true messenger of Allah the merciful

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Islam is the broom of Israel. Europeans have no allies by themselves.

this, islam is the solution to all the worlds problems.

t. retard

Older generation don't really care no more and just sit infront of the tv all day. Unfortunately, most youth, especially students are heavily bluepilled and just care about migrants and muh multiculturalism. Funnily enough the chavs would probably be the best allies since they seem to hate nigs and pakis, but they too have a tendency to act like nigs.

Mudslime shills out here. So raping kids is based then?

rape is punishable with death in islam and pedophilia is not welcome in the islamic world, stop crying and gibsmedat kaffir.

Derka Derka, Jihad, bakala.

Your mother is your sister, Jordanian. Go fuck your goat.


absolutely fuming

>pedophilia is not welcome in the islamic world
Hmmm so explain the grooming gangs? And didn't Muhammed have sex with an underage girl?

That guy in the center is Mossad

Guess I might come over there and start some shit.

You and me both bro. When the boomers officially step back, we'll have our chance to fix America.

This is a Jewish ritual, kosher cows must be slaughtered in this way

back then it was not pedophilia, also grooming gangs r godless pajeets.

Might as well as nothing happening soon.

Literally what Muhammad (SWT). Unfortunate for you but true, if you are not a muslim you are lower than animal and your daughters and wives and sisters are ripe for bearing our fruits. Follow the light my friend

You are just mad about it because the sand niggers stole it from you

We use air guns and kill the brain quick

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still an 80 iq shitskin

Beware the 'Sikhs are based' myth
Sikhs are genetically 100% the same as the rest of Indians and Pakistanis. Whatever their religion, they only have two things on their mind: conquering white women and destroying/usurping white men

A man has admitted a horrifying rape attack on a young woman in a Leicester Park.
Gurpal Singh Gill pleaded guilty to three counts of raping the victim and three sexual assaults.
The 33-year-old accosted the woman, who is in her 20s, when she was dog walking in Watermead Park, in the early evening of Thursday May 23.
Gill, who was unknown to the woman, began talking to her before grabbing hold of her and subjecting her to a serious sexual attack, before fleeing, according to an earlier report from Leicestershire Police.
The attack happened in the area to the east side of the River Soar between the A563 Watermead Way and Bath Street.
After the guilty pleas were entered, officers in the case praised the victim for her bravery and for providing "significant evidence" to assist them in tracking down the defendant.

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Cope. Paedophilia is still paedophilia despite it happening ages ago. No they are actual muslims you goatfucker. So are these not muslim names?

project harder mehmet, my job interview included an IQ test and i scored 127.

so what if they are muslim, they're obviously not religious if they rape little girls since rape is forbidden and sex out of marriage is forbidden, and child abuse is forbidden too.

point is, they are only muslim by name, in reality they are savage godless beings, they leave their original nations because they are rejected there, outcasts, and you idiots let them in LOL.

tell that to your grandma after some muslims in india scam her out of $1200

Good post. All arabs and pajeets are dangerous.

They are among the world's most people.
Not because of Islam tho. It's just their genetic material.

Pic related they're worst than even somalis.

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Enough of them do it, and it seems to be a trend in muslims, hence you could conclude all mudslimes are savage godless beings.

Streetshitter detected

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Your that fucked in the head by your own religion that you feel a need to explain the difference between various Muslim pedophiles. Can you go on a pedophilia diet, or a fasting session where you don't touch up anyone for 2 or 3 days?
And what's the deal with Middle-Easterners not keeping their hands to themselves? It seems you lost are homosexuals without actually knowing it.

fucking disgusting inbred animals. they look like rats

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that guy was israeli agent for pics like these
not that the meme isn't real

That is because you import so much you idiots, stop crying so much.

Angry pajeets ITT

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Am I importing them? No. It is the kike led government you retarded inbred.

so why don't you direct your anger towards the kike led government? seems like you are the retarded one, we belong in our lands and you belong in yours, neither should interfere with the other, you agree?

Its da joos!!!

not if it's a non-muslim
show me legislation or jurisprudence that they ever convicted a muslim for raping a Christian or Jewish girl

I hate muds so I'm a pajeet. Great 80 IQ logic inbred. I want them all out, pajeets and nigs included. It's just that your kind want my country to be turned into a caliphate you savages.


These are even worse than a muslim, they are - may Allah forgive me for uttering these words -

Look for it yourself, that almost never happens anyway, most rape cases here are arab on arab, most arab on white are in europe and you are too cucked to punish them, your fault of course.

That's a jew...

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>we belong in our lands and you belong in yours
If you did stay in your lands it would be fine, but that is not the case. While I have nothing against you personally as you are in your own land, many muds are oppurtinists who will come here and push their alien ideals.

I agree, I hope many more white girls get raped. Men vote conservative and try to keep the muslims out. But white women happily vote for getting raped. If you're smart you move to the west, you can get free 12 year old innocent white girls to rape, and not a single white man will want to have those 'rape victims' more like sluts amirite anymore so they'll end up killing themselves
nothing of value will be lost

away with you Shlomo

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Pajeet stop lying, I can smell you from here.

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>Hannah Foster murder suspect claims he was forced to have sex with her

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>so why don't you direct your anger towards the kike led government?

Implying we don't

>seems like you are the retarded one, we belong in our lands and you belong in yours, neither should interfere with the other, you agree?

Yes but for that to happen, we need to show to the native European population that Muslims bring nothing but problems. Sorry.

we have churches and priests here too, but i get your point to some extent, you should kick out extremists and criminals only.
you hope more white girls get raped? that's great

this is how white men feel about their women...

There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. To the children of Jow Forums embrace the one true religion

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Hi Karim. How's you hash operation doing ?

Yes Abdul of course. I cannot insult Allah as therefore I am a pajeet.

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Don't fall for the idiotic bro meme. Just like their racially identical muslim brothers they are dangerous and wicked animals.

Hannah Foster 999 call: transcript
This is the transcript of the 999 call made by Hannah Foster to the emergency services while in her abductor's car:

Male voice: You belong this country?
Operator: Emergency, which service?
Hannah: Yeah
Operator: Hello
Male voice: England
Hannah: Yeah, I'm English
Hannah: Yeah
Operator: Do you need the fire, police or ambulance?
Hannah: My name
Operator: What number have you dialled please?
Male voice: Huh?
Hannah: My name is Sarah
Male voice: Sarah
Hannah: Yeah
Male voice: I want
Automated service: I cannot release your line until you say that you do not need an emergency service
Hannah: Fifteen
Male voice: Fifteen
Hannah: Yeah
Male voice: What fifteen
Hannah: Fifteen
Automated message service: If you are unable to speak but need an emergency service tap the handset
Hannah: That's my my road ... that was where I live
Male voice: Live there
Hannah: Yes
Automated service: You are connected to the police at New Scotland Yard. If you require an emergency service ...
Hannah: Yeah
Automated service continues: ... please press the number five key on your keypad two times now
Male voice: There [unidentifiable speech] your head down please
Hannah: Sorry ... no [faint clicking sound]
Male voice: Where you live? Which number you live?
Automated service: Nothing has been heard from the caller
Hannah: Huh ... listen ... anything ...
Automated service: Exchange please disconnect line

Her body was later found in undergrowth on the edge of town, having been raped by her Sikh attacker who then fled to Pakistan to evade justice
She and millions of others like her, let down by a country that let these ravenous animals in

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>we have churches and priests
But they are still native Jordanians am I not right? Not white?

Sloppy job Mossad.

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so you will build mosques for native muslims? also do you want all nations to be racially pure? today that is impossible, nobody shares your views but a small percentage.

Yes I do. If muslims don't like it here, they should go to a muslim country. Why should we change our laws just to fit around them? I go to some places now, they don't serve pork anymore, but turkey ham instead. Why should this be allowed?

>nobody shares your views but a small percentage
Kek, are you new to Jow Forums?

>She and millions of others like her
he actually believes this

Answer my first question, also if a muslim owner of a shop or a restaurant decides not to sell pork what is the problem? and if a non muslim shop owner living in a muslim area does not sell pork to attract muslims, what is the problem? just go somewhere else to buy pork, do you complain about kosher shops?
no i am not, but i assumed this is a serious discussion where i could tell you the reality of the actual world we live in, and not resort to memes and shitposting.

muslims are leading in all crimes

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Native muslims? Give me some proof some do exist. No but I went to a subway before and they stopped serving ham. Why should they do that? Also, even normal restaurants are going halal. I don't agree with kosher either, just as barbaric and alien.
Maybe here very little do, but in other countries once the boomers die, the young will rise and take their countries back.

They even serve halal at schools nowadays even though the majority are not muslim.

why should they not do it because you think its wrong? owners can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't break the law, you cant force people to serve pork, also if you deny the existence of white british muslims you are delusional.

>owners can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't break the law
Why should we have to eat halal though? Should not the majority have a say, not the few.
>white british muslims
Brainwashed converts, not native religions. Remember Jihadi Jack?

What you fail to understand is that halal is more widespread here than you think. A lot of popular restaurants have gone halal, without thinking about the majority here,

You should not eat halal if you do not want, no one is forcing you to, stop lying, also why are you calling converts brainwashed? they just chose for themselves, and we have christians here and no one calls for their deportation, although christianity is not native religion.
that is their choice, private property, if you dislike it don't eat there, go somewhere not halal.

>we have christians here
So are non-halal restaurants on the rise in Jordan then?
>go somewhere no halal
Why should I have to travel further to do so? If they remained a minority in their own businesses I would not mind, but almost every big food chain is going halal.

>they just chose for themselves
Yes they did, and they too demand for their own things here. Promoting halal is not natural for the white man.

no such thing as no halal you fucking idiot, christians have nothing against halal here anyway, also pork is sold here.

>Why should I have to travel further to do so?

so you suggest stripping private property owners of their rights to sell or not sell whatever you want to not travel far?

>Promoting halal is not natural for the white man.
in what position are you to decide that?

>and they too demand for their own things here
religious group demanding rights, so what?

when we get a government that stops bending the knee to Marxism, halal and kosher will finally be banned along with all non-native religious and cultural practice that directly opposes the law and culture of this land. Islamic ghettos will be cleared and massive repatriation will be enacted to return the colonisers back to their own country where they can halal and akbar all fucking day long. it's not the pakis I hate, it's the marxist traitors who deserve the rope as all traitors do

>no halal you fucking idiot,
Yes there is, just humanely slaughtered meat. And before all restaurants used to cater for the majority.

>in what position are you to decide that?
Just as what position are you in to decide halal is better than non-halal.
>religious group demanding rights, so what?
Jordan might be pretty flexible, but doubt some muslim countries are.

Based. I also just want them back in their own country. My hate of them has just stemmed from the fact that the longer they are here, the more this country will change, but for the worse.

There is no specifically non-halal places, either halal or not, also in halal way animals get their throat slit and die in less than a minute, so it is not cruel, we do it to get rid of blood, also why humane? they are animals not humans.

Come at me nerd.

>Just as what position are you in to decide halal is better than non-halal.
i don't decide that idiot, i simply consume halal because i want to, my religion says i should so i do it, and i believe it is also better, now tell me what position are you in to decide whats best for white men?

>they are animals not humans.
See this is why your policies are not compatible with us. Dogs are more based than some humans.