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It’s white niggers

Not that I would put this behaviour past western women.

However I doubt any items they purchase in 3rd world countries have any value at all.

>not doing the same
>not enjoy free money from brown subhumans
are you even living bro

wtf i love brown people know

they need that money to buy a return ticket back home

>not mugging drunk brits outside of the Old Church Coffeeshop so you can take the high speed to Paris


does that work?

I just spent a few months laughing at these fuckers in South-East Asia. They go and work as slave labour in Australia, get thrown out and then bum around Thailand until they get the chance to return to Oz. Ten years later they're still in the same position because they haven't saved a single bean, and they realise they're in their mid-30s with no CV, no spouse, no property, no money and no kids. Then they off themselves. They're the true spawn of responsibility-absolving leftists, and they suffer for it - and that's a good thing.

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They watched too many American travel channels.

I really like the empty meaningless pun on the sign, its like those backpackers....

are you that drunk brit the other user talks about who gets robbed by white beggars in thailand? i would do the same desu.

/Trv/ here. Begpackers are absolute scum you can travel around for free by hitchhiking and Couchsurfing. If you are desperate enough for adventure and can't afford it at worse you walk and sleep in a tent/tarpaulin. These people deserve beatings for their audacity.

>are you that drunk brit the other user talks about who gets robbed by white beggars in thailand?

Nope. They're not the robber types. They're just middle class degenerates who have lost the affections of their family, lost all hope and are, quite amusingly, prime redpill material.

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/trv/ is a nice board but i disagree with what you are saying. They are not hurting anyone.
Do you also have this opinion about gipsies and muslims who beg on our streets?

Romanian tourists come here and beg for money all the time. The rest of the world comes here and scams the welfare system and steals from us. Fuck all these third world shitholes, its time for them to get the same treatment as we do. I hope more and more leftist white people move to third world countries and beg, scam, thieve, rob, rape and destroy like all these third world people do here.

I like Hobosexuals better, girls that sleep with men for places to stay eat and shower. I don't however like picking them up on Tinder or badoo and then I need to call the cops to get them out after a day or two. Can't leave them alone in the house, that would be dumb.

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finally someone who gets it

i would do it too. I will probably try it when im on vacation in some third world shithole like Thailand. Time to get money back

Err... don't people typically buy round trip tickets before they leave their home country? Customs in many countries may see a lack of a return ticket as a sign that one is not actually in the country for tourism purposes.

What's her sign say ?
"Will fuck n suck for feminine hygiene products"
Imagine the smell !!
Talk about your Blue Oyster Cult. YUK!!

they probably do but its the type of people who overstayed, so their return ticket is void or they literally backpacked to countries without buying a plane ticket

>do you have the same opinion about gypsies and muzzies who beg on our streets
Is this a joke? Do you know where you are?

What's the language on her sign ? Korean ?

are you able to read? he is from /trv/

How can you be so inept, Vagrant holiday is disappoint.

Looks like it. Truly the niggers of asia.

They are an insult to the poorer working classes in the nation's they beg in, they ruin how is Real Travellers™ are viewed when we want to visit such places.
>Fuck gypsies, but I would rather see them begging, because if they aren't begging then they're stealing.
>Muslims are rarely seen begging in the streets, their community cohesion is strong and is aided by Zakat. Also they don't need to beg here in the West, they are given anything they want.

i love walking around where i live. its so great seeing the cultural enrichment and diversity. theres nigerians selling drugs all over streets, darkies and heroin junkies begging your for change. theres homeless people lying around at every corner. such a great place

this is your mind on free shit from the government

>i want to trabel and see de wurld

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There's thousands of "English teachers" looking to "discover themselves" in Vietnam. Airways with the once a week shower, twice a year shave, manbun, $1 elephant riding pants sold to tourists, "vegan" because they can't afford meat, wearing flip-flops with toenails that never see a clipper.

hey fellow luxo. Yep its lot of fun walking at gare with gipsies, white lux trash, portuguese trash and other subhumans begging you for money.

I'm first and foremost from Jow Forums, I have travelled the world pretty extensively for my age and can confirm Jow Forums is pretty much right about everything except how Islam functions.

ez sex

I fucking hope the local gangbangers grab these fucking animals by the neck and take their time torturing them as they scrape their innards out with something rusty and dull!

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Spoiled brats. The hippy backpackers back in the day would have been washing dishes in some local restaurant or something.

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Yeah, I was in Vietnam for a month this year. Every single thing you just posted is the truth. They're complete and absolute tools. They convince themselves and those around them that they're adventure travellers when really they wake up in their hostel, start drinking at 11 and then meet other people doing the same thing. I spoke to literally dozens of them. All the same inane shit. Some of them however were the perfect clay for basic redpilling because the ones who had reached their 30s were at that stage where they felt they had been cheated by something or someone, somewhere. They wanted to go back but physically couldn't even afford a plane ticket. They had nothing for them to go back to either.

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Lol, this fine black gentleman by the name of Asante Massawa has just declared South Korea third world.

fuck, this is a good way to get some good white pussy

Whites are to east Asia what Africans are to Europe.

This. They get on a train going east and stay at a few places. They then decide that they have already seen everything that they want to see and take a plane ticket back despite having enough cash for a train ticket. Why? Because trains are slow.

>”vegan” because they can’t afford meat

Don't you have to show you have funds when you enter these countries?

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It's funny how you can catch a glimpse of the truth from time to time. Non-Europeans beg for money in Europe all the time, and no one bats an eyelash. A European begs for money outside of Europe, and it's like the natural order has been turned upside-down.

Typically yes, I dont know about other countries besides Mexico but the way it is supposed to work is you travel to Mexico and if you stay past 180 days, your "immigration" paper that you filled out is no longer valid for your return to USA. If you want to come back, I believe you need to find a consulate or a US travel agent(forget the exact term but it's basically to help with this) and explain, pay a fee, and theyll let you return home. If you dont want to go home and have stayed past 180 days you are supposed to start the process of becoming a citizen (for mexico) so you can pay taxes and shit like that.
>or live there illegally like all the fucks here do

>black man's burden
Have you ever saw the state of that shit hole country? You realize that if South Korea had a black president they would be building bases on the moon and shit. Basically the reason why the world of today is so fucked up is because whites are in charge. Blacks built civilization and gave it to the rest of the world, Also did you knew Mozart was black?

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Haha if you think these tourists are bad, just wait for the next generation : French mystery meat !

French nogs and sand people are already coming massively to Thailand, doing all the retarded shit their DNA tells them to.

Trust me you'll be regretting the dumb vegan crusties.

We expect better from our own stock, reasonable or not. In addition, they make us look bad.

basically, even to us

Don't worry, they're already honorary Europeans thanks to you guys. And their children? Quintessentially German

Gypsies and muslims should be captured by animal control and put down like stray dogs.

They get deported from here for not having work permits. Seen a few in Laos though


this is some whitepeople shit

I've been homeless for 4 years, and asking for money killed me with shame. I want to kill them so much.

They're fucking scum. Middle class elephant trouser wearing shitheads begging for money from poor people. They might not be physically hurting anyone but they're taking advantage of locals' generosity

Hope you're back on your feet, user.

this is what the kids nowadays call a "bruh moment".

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Das wassup

Fucking faggot

They're tourists. They're not gonna work in Thailand for 30 cents an hour.

these ain't begging from the locals they are trying to screw another westerner

Say, what are the demographics of California again?

How come Pierre ? There's so much gibs in France, or is it because your skin is not dark enough ?

With a sign written in Korean?

I hope they get raped and murdered. Seriously get a fucking job you entitled shit.

Yeah so far this episode of my life really taught me how to handle money. I can live a month with 40€ no problem and I never waste my savings with retarded shit.
It also helped me to savor the simplest things in life like having a roof, being able to wash myself everyday, not being afraid to wake up with a knife under my throat in the middle of the night and not freezing to death.

You'd need a work permit to do any kind of work. Begging included. They were here for a while, now they're not. Big up Thai immigration for finally getting something right

>can confirm Jow Forums is pretty much right about everything except how Islam functions.
Go on then enlighten us

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I met quite a few in Bangkok and the islands.

Liberals are sub-humans. These creatures love ''diversity'' which destroys their own nations, they worship a hollywood version of different cultures, they think they're like Buddha when they go to an Asian country and beg for money, while actually people in these countries are fairly similar to people in western countries and they find this shit just as gross as people in the west. These people have jobs, they have responsibilities, they will not sympathize with rich liberal sub-humans who are wasting years of their life traveling, doing drugs and being degenerates.
These ''people'' should be banned from returning to their countries.

Muslims are so stupid, at one point they imply rape as punishment, then at other point they claim she wanted it.

Schyzophrenia and anthropophobia, I was stuck for months unable to call for help and the more time I spent isolated, the more afraid I was to interact with anyone.

Well put, empty ideology will lead to empty life.

Why not? Brown people have been begging for money in white countries for decades.

Jesus Christ what a pipe dream. Niggers have and always will live in squaller: it’s because your lesser people and a different breed. You people take the achievements of sand niggers and claim them as your own. Egyptians weren’t black but by the time their civilization collapsed they were, offers kept coming to Egypt and did the same thing they do to every u.s city. You people are riddled with stds and have never done anything worth a fuck that the white man hasnt shown you how to do.

Easy there, Norge! You may go berserk and start ragnarok or somethin

>Begging included.
Panhandling is illegal in most of the world. It's not a fucking job.


yeah who notices it more
>a white westerner from another country

Also Muslims are all inbreeding tards in Africa because they're massively having sex between members of the same family. It's a tradition.

Always ALWAYS whites doing this

Stealing your money with taxes without asking for your permission and putting you in jail if you don't comply is alright tho

There's a gang of rich white kids in Santa Monica that beg for fun at least that's how it sounded when I eavesdropped.


It's punishment for wanting it I suppose

>they need that money to buy a return ticket back home

many dont, iv met to many libral american woman that come here to see whats up, and end up staying here indefinitely. most if not all backpacker lodges are owned by american hippy woman, i did a surfing tour 2 years ago from cape-town down to durban, every small motel / bnb / backpacker lodge were owned by american lesbians

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Imagine having no one to look up, no father, no family tree, no nothing, thats why so many africans need to try to convince themselves that they actuallly contributed to society. The best contribution of africa to this world is and will be slavery.

Do they really do that?

>the niggers of asia.

They fuck boys, but claim to punish homosexuality.

I hope they get killed/raped

What do Asians think of respectable white. Clean shaven hygienic self sufficient white? I'm thinking of teaching English or whatever (as long as I have a job) in the east for 6months-1yr and learning the local language.

Does Freetown the Begpacker capital of the world still exist in your country, you fuckers need a good old fashioned bushfire

Lend us a tenner Bruv...

Please, do not compare the civilized people of the south mediterranean to those degenerate southwest asian savages.

As opposed the 3rd world shits who pollute London begging every single day