There is no white genocide. you fucking goyim are so stupid. white people are too valuable to be exterminated...

there is no white genocide. you fucking goyim are so stupid. white people are too valuable to be exterminated. without whites, there would be no cars, electricity, computers, internet, etc. what the fuck will the elites do in a world full of niggers who cant progress past living in mud huts on their own?

no. you white goyim are needed to make your masters rich. most of you are smart enough to innovate and contribute to society but too stupid to see that youre a cog in a giant machine that funnels your wealth into the pockets of the undeserving.

you have been brainwashed to direct your energy into the unimportant. white genocide has been manufactured to make you defensive and lose sight of the big picture.

the elite want slaves, and only whites are capable to fulfilling their dreams. you can hate niggers or muslims or mexicans if you want, but know that as long as the western world is capitalist, you are nothing but sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse

Attached: natsoc.jpg (400x400, 35K)

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why are the shovels the same color as the guys?
are they part of their bodies or smething?

It's their NatSoc big dick energy with extra emphasis on the foreskins.

> le beniz XD

fuck off nigger


The zohar judaisim and reality say otherwise.

Attached: 6ee.jpg (491x491, 43K)


>shovel at stomach level

australian anatomy is weird

Mohamed pls go

mate this thread is for white people only

White genocide is real

Attached: 26611603-7A43-488F-9721-0C0BD69DBA8C.png (750x563, 97K)

Also kikes call us amalek, they have a religious duty to destroy amalek. White genocide is apart of judaisim. Do you really think what you are doing works?

ok then. if i am ignorant then please teach me the zohar. Do you think what you are doing works?

The elites either want to snuff out the light and rule the darkness by being the new whites or they are idiot boomers that really do believe in racial equality due to only knowing other elites from the third world and thinking "my golfing buddy, Abeed, is a pretty smart guy, they are just like us!"

then why are you here?

there are not enough jews in the world "to be the new whites". white people are necessary to be the buffer between them and subhumans.

niggers think whites are the elites and hate on them, whites think they are getting genocided and hate on niggers, no one notices the true elites robbing them blind

see i asked you to teach me but instead you act like a shill

Attached: adb.png (377x392, 55K)

>The elite want slaves
Thats about the only 'real' thing you've posted, the plan for these slaves is to be a mixed race without cultural heritage or cultural feelings, caring only for materialistic things.
So basically anyone coming from Africa to Europe.

Do you think what you are doing is working?

>white people are too valuable to be exterminated. without whites, there would be no cars, electricity, computers, internet, etc.
You know that China exists right?

I've wondered this too. If whites are all killed off and jews are living in there happy little amusement park in the middle east, who's gonna do all the farming, building, and innovating? Your 80iq nogs can't do shit and the kikes are too good for honest work, so who gets shit done?

Plus there's the problem of a bunch of shitskins wondering why these long nose white guys are living so good while they toil away in shit. Whites are the only people defending and innovating for the jews, without them it's over.

Not actual physical genocide but cultural genocide. ((They)) want everyone to be mixed so they have no cultural identity so they are easier to control, where everyone will only have one thing on their mind; money.