Explain yourselves
Explain yourselves
Other urls found in this thread:
We are tolerants
>Run into building
>Stand around for a few minutes
>Go back to sitting around in their tents at road centres
my poor country
>white people
People vote for this. We love niggers and want more immigration.
I'm more than half french and this hurts my soul to watch
We need to recolonize Africa. This is clearly a reaction to us ending colonization and being lead by thirsty beta retards
en avant mes frères ! brulons Paris nous reconstruirons !!! ...ah lala on peu toujours rever ^^"
Look on the bright side, at least the Kangz and Abdul will eradicate institutional-feminism nd those who're responsible for obliterating the west will choke on their own shit.
This is what happens when you let jews run your country.
we love BBC a lot!
Oui rêve ou convertis toi à la grosse queue noir comme moi!
French revolution was a mistake
well i mean white people were never going to do it themselves.
Just nuke us already.
France was lost since a long time ago, it was the "summer vacancy house" of the jews since Charlemagne.
>I'm more than half french
Why is Macron such a degenerate? He married an old granny and craves to get fucked by nigger dicks. He may be the most perverted European politician
And for this, they deserve French gibs already! Or are you too RACISTE to give millions in handouts to unwanted illegal immigrants?
You got to get the niggers to protest and occupy the old Nazi concentration camps.
Then one in , shut the gate and we are back to business again.
I'm entirely French and this fucking sucks to watch. I don't see nearly the same cucking going on in England than France, and they also make up a lesser population. And if we're considering Moroccan immigrants I'd rather have them than Algerians or Sub-Saharans.
1/4 italian 1/8 irish 1/8 german
whiter than you sandnigger
They fly those flags as if to say that they are nationalists, or that they are proud of France. However, whilst they seem to love France, they only love the current regimen and wellfare state that enables such deplorable behavior. All they see in their country is a monthly check in the mail.
Kill all the niggers once they run out of things to destroy and try to kill us for bread. It'll make us a a stronger people than our useless predecessors and our kids will finally rid the world of this dreck. Nobody wants the people coming in. Even the other blacks in Africa hate these fuckers
hold strong french. no country is cucked. we will go through dark times...but hold strong, support and spread alt media and redpill normies. we will win in time. keep fighting.
>Muh based Moroccans
None of this happened during the times of Absolute monarchy in France. This is worldwide a democracy problem.
Really makes you think...
>1/4 italian 1/8 irish 1/8 german
>whiter than you sandnigger
Stop antagonizing the guy
>Kill all the niggers once
It has been women who constatnly vote for it though, voting for the destruction of the very societies that gave them the vote.
Nature always punishes weakness
Karma! The generations before should have left Africa alone! Now this generation is paying for it. It was whites that the of the race eco system during colonialism.
*threw off the race eco system
Yeah yeah... We've heard the colonization stuff a thousand time, save your breath.
So basically your previous post about Europeans posting with actual arguments instead of just shitposting (incorrect) attacks on racial impurity doesn't mean anything? I'm from the Northwest and I guarantee you our demographics are better than France's these days.... Either way were all fucked in the end. Cease this faggotry
> Our demographics are better than France's
Well we're not that tough to beat
you gabachos better vote for LePen or you are fucked
What a mutt
Nah you don't get it.
Even if she's elected we're fucked.
1/4+1/8+1/8 = 1/2
What's the other 1/2?
Gilet nogs making more progress than 30 weeks of gilets jaunes
im not a single percent french and it hurts, stop being a retarded mutt
Good on them for demanding their rights, France is supposed to follow international laws right? So its normal to aid them as its required by law.
And french cucks will give them all they want, oh yes they will.
The only misdeed was independence.
Fuck you leftists