>aussie flag
you should do it, you're nearest.
organize with white kiwis and free him.
Kiwis are cucks
This isnt a slide thread bro
Im just a bit tipsy and frustrated
But feel free to fuck off if you’re gonna be a cunt about it
fuck off. The Mossad Manlet is a faggot
I suspected that.
it's all so tiresome
>muh mossad
He cant be forgotten
stay mad ahmed
>a chzech flag
oh no, someone is soon gonna be triggered, I can feel it
He won't be.
Probably that one Leaf shilling for islam in every Tarrant thread
Today is shabbat, so maybe he won't show up.
Now there are two.
Zdar Čechbro.
I swear to fucking christ if he was at the helm I would give me life for him.
I seriously think he will win that Nobel Prize.
I know that feel.
I wish I could at least let him know about all the support he has.
I suppose it's up to Aussies to uncuck the west. It will be my privilege.
I think he knows deep down inside bro
I hope he stays strong
I dont like our chances
You should get in touch with his lawyer. Urge him what the fuck is happening that they are not allowing him letters. Or ask if they are allowing them now or they will in nearly future. Ask that you want to give him the letter, so they should safekeep it for him. Same with calling to the prison. Those kike fucks are breaking the law and they know it.
>Every White guy that takes action is Mossad
Shut the fuck up Hans, you'd probably get arrested if they knew you were on this site.
Thanks to that thread I got to see his face not blurred by fucking médias
Thanks anons
Huwhite Australian men were always the best infantry in every war. We have enormous courage and fighting spirit, each individual is worth ten men. We're modern Spartans.
/comfy/ thread lads
Coming from the lord of cucks
Fuck off champ you guys had a chance but blew it
Now you’re whole continent is fucked
Australia posses one great thing that Europe for example does not. If you would manage to create some large scale chaos or uprising or even revolutionary action, there is no neighbor that would instantly "come to help"/invade. Also the land is large, plenty of wiggling space. Still, your country is suffering from the same as the west - too comfy. Steaks and beer are in the fridge and tits in the TV.
Ken oath bro
Im wog background tho but still will give my life for Australia and Tarrant
Biggest problem we have is there’s like not many of us lol
You’re welcome, Pierre. Today is rhat day again, make us proud
Any white man that uses violence/force to win is a secret jew, lizardmen fed.
The only way to save the white race is to sit at home and post memes on anonymous imageboards.
Literally anything else is simply a jewish psyop.
Amen, brother!
You are wise Czech bro, every day I sense more and more of us are waking up. It seems a large portion of Australians have at least realized what they need to do, in terms of their political vote. I think it's only a matter of time before they realize it isn't enough.
Greek or Italians were the best choice Australia ever made in terms of immigration. It makes sense, you guys were the origins of our culture.
All the “Mossad!” Shills are Muslims, it’s really not that hard to figure out
Muslims are not known for their subversive abilities though
Don't need many to do great things, brah. Americans won their independence war with less than 6% of population fighting and still, historians consider that unusually high - and that was against way more brutal Empire than anything on Earth today. IRA in the height of their activity had only around 200 actively serving and around one time that amount of support staff. Same applies, British were at that time not fucking around as today. Most of the revolutions in history of mankind were done by a minority. Small, dedicated and utterly fanatical minority is what is needed. It is also by some interesting irony of the most difficult things to do - gathering this kind of people.
>every day I sense more and more of us are waking up
Extremely happy to read things like that. Godspeed, brah.
Dont forget lads...
Erwin Rommel had a lot of respect for us in North Africa - and is quoted as saying "give me two Australian Divisions and I will conquer the world for you." and, at a later date wrote: "If I had to take hell, I would use the Australians to take it and the New Zealanders to hold it."
There is this great screencap from infinity about this.
That’s awesome
Lets hope so bro
How so? Jews are their cousins, after all
They also somehow managed to make most Eurocucks believe islam is a religion of peace
Anyways lads, since this happening seemed to fly over Jow Forums head, pic related is Stephan Ernst, true son of Germany. He is a prime suspect in killing pro-immigration traitor politician Lübcke. He supposedly hid in the politicians garden, waited up for him and then shot him in the head point-blank.
here's the footage
And without a balaclava
that's the work of the jews tho
criminally underrated happening
I have seen basically no threads about him
Brevik and Tarrant will be worshipped as ancestal saints once the kike on a stick dies out. Pagan larping is
Jews made Europeans cucks so it would be easier for them to convince them. It’s not the first time jews helped muslims
Absolute Aryan Alpha
I wonder what the fuck are krauts thinking.
Why don't they join that network and try to uncuck their country? are they really so happy to be led into exctinction by that tremblin old witch?
I've only watched that video he made once, and i may be mistaken- and im certainly no expert. but don't you have to kill bodies before they pile up against the wall and die?
What a manlet, no wonder he went off the handle.
>this again
...just as bad. Fake larping wiccan shit serves no purpose at a time when living gods are fighting alongside us as equals. If humanity still exists in a 1000 years, it willl regard Brevik and Tarrant as creator Gods.
shut up aquafresh, you wish you were on ounce of a man he is
German MSM are screeching for weeks about secret underground natsoc revolutionary armed groups, supposedly mostly from the military/law enforcement staff. Even the "respectable" ones do screech. One can only wish they are right.
Aussie here. I have 100k Tarrant supporters ready to storm the prison and free the hero.
They can't arrest 100k people.
Free Tarrant
Not a word I heard about it here from MSM.
Based if done
Great man, if he actually did it (an article said he's keeping quiet, which is usually the best thing to do in that situation)
What a hero, shooting an unarmed elderly through the head.
Almost as brave as shooting unarmed mosque goers through the head.
I bet he's 1,55
Go away, commie.
i know he's small, but i think he weighs more than one ounce...
lmao do it faggot.
I guess that would make me really short, haha
>the Chaim was rather nervous today - goyim seemed to be waking up. He closed his ratling beady eyes and imagined the suffering of his ancestors in shoah. This must be stopped!
>with that, he decided it's time to go on that horrible Jow Forums and show these nazis what is what.
>an article said he's keeping quiet, which is usually the best thing to do in that situation
Absolutely based. Speaking of which, I'm shilling this video everywhere, but make a time lads and watch it. It's same in pretty much every single western country. It is one of the most important videos you will ever see:
Yes! Release him!
All he did was shoot up a mosque full of mannequins with a blank gun! He should be charged with menacing and disturbing the peace. That’s it. Nothing more.
He must be. If he’s not then everyone will look into what actually happened.
They’ll want to know why the shell casings disappeared
Why did everyone pile up into a corner waiting to be shot
Why was there little to no blood or bullet holes
eh... I dont think mass importing muslims is a good idea, but neither do I think shooting unarmed people is anything but psychotic. Guess that makes me a zionist huh?
Orrrr... you're someone that needs to be put in a room with matrass-walls.
Someone around here DO SOMETHING!
Take your meds.
>Guess that makes me a zionist huh?
No, just a naive lad. Naive is okay. The moment you start shilling it and forcing on the others is when naivety turns into cowardice. What is your solution?
>I wish I could at least let him know about all the support he has.
Send him a love letter
Brenton Tarrant c/o Mossad
54 Ahad Ha'am Street
Tel Aviv Israel
Ask him if they couldn’t have made it more obvious that it was a false flag
>Urge him what the fuck is happening that they are not allowing him letters.
I hear Mossad are dicks about giving mail to their operators
Seriously though, where the fuck was the blood? He sprayed a mag into a bunch of people, there should be blood leaking everywhere. Someone explain this shit
my solution is having fun at your expense, and observe politics even more.If little retards like you get a majority and go nuts again like in hitler's days |'ll just leave to a sunny country for a few years so you morons can blow up europe again. In a few years I'll return all fresh and fine, laughing at you some more.
Muslims aren't a threat at all, just need to close borders to immigration, drop a few sea mines in the mediterranean, stop importing guns, war and bombs towards the M-E. Stop helping israel and cruel dictators, pay a fair price for oil and stop disrupting those countries. Problem solved.
Not in a false flag.
He decided to be a soldier. I can't think of any words what would I say to say to families of killed innocent civilians. I understand he did nothing wrong but.. eh.
You are playing too much videogames, user. People do not explode into gore in the real life, especially not when hit by an .223. There is plenty of blood in the video, see for time marks >Problem solved.
How you gonna do that?
t. muslim shitskin
you should be the next one the list
Yeah takes a real man to take the fall for a false flag. I hear they are called “patsies”.
100k people heading to Israel at once is going to be a bit conspicuous
If you ever cared to watch the footage and the aftermatch pictures you'd have seen there was lot of blood
the immigration is a result of the M-E being unstable. Uneducated/middle class people tend to stay in their country if they have a nice time there.
It's almost, as if they are like us? *shocker*
You are talking about what is needed to be done, I asked about how you gonna achieve those things.
>It's almost, as if they are like us?
Kek. When you answer that above, please go back.
kek, goeie.
Don't project your homosexuality on others