Time to fuck this cucked Pope up. How do we spread this?

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I don't know OP, this might piss off Jesus.

OK, this is epic

>(((the Vatican)))
Choose one

Looks like a psyop to discredit Jow Forums. Is that a meme flag I see? Oh my. I must be right.

Jesus isn't real. Raid the archives and get the truth out.

There you go. I'm not trying to discredit Jow Forums. Fuck, I would like to get this message spread outside Jow Forums just to get more of the people of Rome to do this.

Swiss guard. Ever heard about them faggot? Banks aren't the only reason nobody wants to fight the Swiss, just fyi.
1)IIRC there was a treaty prohibiting use of Swiss mercenaries dusring middle ages. Because the motherfuckers were TOO EFFECTIVE.
2)Again, during middle ages, papal guard proven themselves helping pope escape at the cost of getting wiped out.
3)Ever since noone fucked with papal guardsmen. Think they're only armed with halberds (which by the way can split your empty head in half easily)? Think again sunshine, they have firearms too.
tl;dr OP is a retard and so are the glueaters that want to storm are 51. But hey, don't let me stop you, in fact - DO IT FAGGOT. Everyone will be thankful for shitload of gore/rekt webms.

repeating my reply to your stupid post.

they would only destroy it. grabbing things, smashing things, throwing things in the air.

what it wont be is people documenting what they find.
you want to destroy historic documents, then fuck you

Just don’t destroy anything, if you destroyed even a single book you would be crucified. Like on the spot strung up on a cross and glassed.
>I would do it myself if I caught you
But the pope needs to hang as well, fuck him

“Let’s storm and destroy the Vatican archives”, you’re a dumb nigger.

>Storm the vatican they said
Will not go as planned

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Look, those guys in the orange and blue uniforms with the halberds AREN'T the Swiss Guard. Those are for show.
The real Swiss Guard is plainclothes or suit-and-tie, and they carry MP5's and machine pistols. Try breaking into those archives.

Underage kid

This, exactly. Breaking into the Vatican woukd be like trying into break into Scarface's fucking compound.

Religious Italians are extremely rare now, so I wouldn't be surprised if this happens one day. But let me tell you one thing: burning that shit down would accomplish nothing. It's paper.

Get fucked,

You all realize that the “secret” archives are not really secret in the common sense of the word and thousands of researchers have access to them every year? What are you expecting to find?

now this is interesting

Now what is the "holiest" place on earth doing having weapons?

Glowniggers fuck off

Cretino, gli archivi vaticani sono aperti al pubblico

Bro those Swiss guards aren't pushovers. They don't carry firearms; they don't need them.

Fuck off with this facebook tier Area 51 bandwagon jumping.

On the other hand, I DO really want to know what's in there.. Some say the burning of alexandria was a hoax and they had secretly moved all the good stuff over already.

Same tho. They have allowed some of the vault stuff to be seen. In particular I recall a vial of saint's blood that changes from powder to liquid and saint'glsain all the time.

Couldn't they only request something if they can specify the book?

The secret mysteries! The researchers are granted access to very specific works over very limited timeframes. You have to know what you're looking for.

Some say the burning of alexandria was a hoax and that copies of the good stuff had been moved to private collections.
There are definitely big secrets stashed away

*back again
>Ducking autocorrect

>giving a shit about the Pope
fuck off, kike

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The archives have been in open access since 1883 you dumb nigger, you can walk in and read whatever you like.

Can we add the Chabad library in Brooklyn to the list?

how is this harder than breaking through the area 51 dolphins with frickin lasers on their heads?

>letting an irreverent mob into one of the most priceless collections of historical artifacts and documents in living conservation
>lmao not even 10k people it'll be easy
suffice to say, you will quickly be discovered and meet heavy armed resistance
you don't just randomly swarm the Vatican lmao

now what on earth does Jesus have to do with the modern Vatican?

They probably wouldn't even be able to read most of the documents

I'm pretty sure withholding god's word from the people would piss off Jesus more.

You are pretty clever at manipulating individuals for your own agenda.

To all foreigners falling for bullshit memes:

The "secret" Vatican archives are open to anyone with a university degree of 5 years. Stop believing all the bullshit you read from mentally ill posters on Jow Forums

Holy shit, if I could be there with the Italians when they do this, I would.

Attached: VaticanArchives1.jpg (540x682, 77K)

If this movement gathers enough support, mobflashing various important places where plebs are denied access, we could change the world in a matter of weeks.

There are too many of us. And too few of them. Even with their fancy tech weapons.

This is how the French Revolution started, too, n'est-ce pas? Storming the Bastille?

Attached: Prise_de_la_Bastille.jpg (2510x1874, 1.32M)

Damn. Okay, welp. Back to the drawing board.

slightly different topic :
The vatican MUST let all refugees in !

The vatican MUST let all refugees in !

The vatican MUST let all refugees in !

Dunno, it's likely to be a psyop to either test vatican for future reference or just bait to gather intel on potential "troublemakers".

Ancient mysteries in the Vatican archives sounds appealing, but it seems unlikely important ancient documents and books would have survived the multiple sackings of Rome and Vatican even in christian times. Unless all the important shit was stored in the Sant Angelo castle they would have been at hands of illiterate looters and used for campfires.

Why do you lie when Google will translate that article from pasta speak? You need documentation from the historical chair of a university, you need a letter of recommendation from the university, you need to know which documents you require, you can only request 5 documents a day.

If we assume Caesar didnt burn the contents of the library of Alexandria then wouldnt the library eventually have ended up in ravenna following the empire? I mean knowing what we know about caesar it seems unlikely hed destory a golden opportunity for military and political knowledge there is

Morisi faggot slave stop using meme flags and go away
Also, show flag or go back to plebbit You fucking fag

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That is saint Gennaro terrone hoax
You Can see It in naples every year, bullshit for literal uneducated plebs

Reading ancient codexs is difficult even knowing the language and the subject, let alone opening them randomly
t. Literature fag

>discredit Jow Forums

God forbid we sully the honor of /b/

Do it. Watching you brainlets getting mowed down woould make my day.
Hint: Bastille defenders didn't have automatic weapons.
Hintx2: In. EVERY. Civilised country millitary (or of strategic importance in general) objects can and WILL (if needed) be defended with lethal force.

Fuck off, Zeke. You're never getting menorahs looted from the temple back. Never!.

You dont fuckin say. There are fuckin rules and a selection process to enter a place with precious historical documents and artifacts. Living with Tyrone and Laqeesha has rubbed off on you. Gibsme dat book pope man.

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>two sides of the same satanic coin
>muh cog diss

God forbid we make Jow Forums look even worse than people already think it is. You stupid fucking nigger.

Sorry, kike. We won’t sit idly by and MIGA.

shut up glowing cardinal nigger

Don't ruin anything you faggots

Judaism and the people who support them (protestants) is satanic.


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Your old kike who has a fetish for nigger toes is going down.

you will not ruin anything you uneducated mutt. stay at your house with your shitty lutheran cults and don't bother us
kys you disgusting cianigger bitch

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wtf I can read italian now


Oh look, retard flash mobs are now literate in multiple languages, including Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. :/

That's because your ancestors got CAESARED.

Making more things holier?

>Implying there’s anything left to ruin
I would fight to keep the Pope alive and in power because he is exactly who I want as Pope: A perfect representation of Cuckolism.

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So stop interfere with other countries you gobelino monster. In vatican there is thousand years of art, culture and history, all things that your jewish controlled nation can't never understand 'cause you are illiterate and savages.
You will not do a fucking shit fatlard idiot
The only reasons why we have this shitty pope is because your multicultural agenda nigger faggot. Stop spreading mental illness of your country to other ones like a cancer.
I'll wait you un front of st.Peter cathedral in 18 august and i will reconize you because you will be a überfat faggot with shit dripping by your pants and a entire stick of butter in your greasy hands

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I have created a Facebook event for this.

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Based terrone

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I wish you didn't use the memeflag because I'd be leading up this operation


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The SAS will fuck your mountain jews in the ass

Oh and fuck the taigs.

they are waiting. storm their houses SASboi

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How is sas relevant to the discussion you utter mong?