Destruction of the West because of anti Christianity?

In Western Europe and much of America it’s shamed to be a Christian now. More and more don’t identify as Christian and since the trend has become popular things have gotten horrific. All while Eastern Europe is going back to becoming more Christian in morals and culture and they seem to be preserving their respectable ethnic groups and countries. Not allowing degenerate behavior to destroy their homes.

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>Stupidity: The thread

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>it’s shamed to be a christcuck now. More and more don’t identify as cuckstian jew worshipers

>amount of jewish countries destroyed by pre-semitic Europeans
= 2 (judea and khazaria)

>amount of jewish countries destroyed by christcucks
= 0

>amount of European countries destroyed and Europeans killed by christcucks
= hundreds & tens of millions

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>Destruction of the West because of anti Christianity?
On the contrary. Christianity = destruction

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shut up nigro, he actually makes a good point

pope francis is a faggot

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I’m not talking about Catholics. Most of Eastern Europe and ironically enough where the degenerate disgusting virus hasn’t reached yet is orthodox.

>Destruction of the West
I was driving to work yesterday morning and I saw a little road construction going on, but if the West was really destroyed, I'm just saying I probably would have noticed it.

The destruction of the West has a 100% correlation with the West turning from its protestant roots.

>Anti Christianity

Yes, but that is just another way to say Jews, really.

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You're such a cute edgy child spreading forbidden lies and whatnot.

Go die far away from here, you jew nigger.

Christianity is reformed judaism. You will never really address the issue here without getting rid of their mindvirus that plagues European minds

Christianity has become a pure European culture since it has retained ancient Indo European pagan rituals and traditions. Most of the main people in the Christian Bible took on the ancient pagan gods characteristics and the holidays and traditions are mixed with our ancient pagan traditions. Christianity made Europe was it become.

>a pure European culture since it has retained ancient Indo European pagan
Not pure in any shape or form. It had to adopt some pagan aspects because you could'n simply put judaism down people's throats that easily.
I would approve of christianity when it gets rid of ALL FORMS OF SEMITISM. At that point it's simply old European faith back again

the west created alot while christian. To everyone outside the west- 'the west' and 'christian' are synonyms.

No one cares about "the west" anymore. It's a sinking ship. We care about Europeans as people and they are not intrinsically related to christianity which is a semite religion.

Even if religion or what ever is all bull shit you gotta admit, anywhere there is white people + Christianity = people prosper

>anywhere there is white people + Christianity = people prosper

Why? Why do we have to believe in shit that isn't real in order to prosper.

>they seem to be preserving their respectable ethnic groups
Who is importing the niggers and spics? Who is shielding the illegal immigrants? Who is housing the "refugees"? The fucking Church. Dont try to tell me this lie of how "THE CHURCH US GOING TO SAVE THE WEST" when they're the one's KILLING THE WEST. The Church is the biggest den of snakes and race-traitors there is.

>anywhere there is white people = people prosper
Ftfy, you accidentally spilled Jewish trash in there.

>degenerate disgusting virus hasn’t reached yet is orthodox

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>i want to be a victim: the post

Regardless of what the "enlightened" atheists believe, European nations and the USA thrived when they were Christian nations. Christian Europe and Christian USA were also when these nations were essentially white ethnostates, i.e. 85%+ white. Christian dominance of society brought with it traditional values that encouraged white families, father as head of household, women as virgins until marriage, and a strong nationalist pride. Abandoning Christ has wrecked these once great nations, and led to multiculturalism, degeneracy, mass immigration from the third world, feminism, and low birth rates among the native (white) population.

You don't have to believe in Christianity to recognize its value to white society. Without it, we lack a unifying identity.

>blaming defanged christianity for a decade of leftism as the new religion

>USA thrived when they were Christian nations
No, they thrived because they weren't cuntified back then. Had nothing to do with Christianity and everything to do with less women's rights.

>Without it, we lack a unifying identity.
The lack of a belief in seimitic sand gods is a good thing.

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Apparently it's not given that Europe and America are now under the cult of progressivism rather than Christianity, and look at the shit mess we are in. Many Christian sects have been subverted by (((prog))) influence which is really the problem. Feminism itself is at the core of progressivism. It is not a Christian value at all.

This begom bagan

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You pretty much nailed it, user, at least one of of the main points. Who is the stronger man? The one who regularly rips others off or the one who preserves civilization by respecting others? They act like animals today so they are to be treated as such.

that's quite a damning graph, strange that the Wall Street Crash doesn't even seem to cause an impact

Oh yea sub Saharan Africa and Central America are great examples of this

No we thrived when we were mostly ethnically homogeneous

I said that too. Christianity formed the backbone of shared cultural traditions though. Without it, the prog infestation was able to take root, divide us, and lead to mass immigration of shitskins, et. al. I mentioned earlier.

are white people migrating to a particular area?

Evola wasn't even Pagan, and you shouldn't be either.

>white people
>sub Saharan Africa
>Central America
I think you might be illiterate

>Many Christian sects have been subverted by (((prog))) influence which is really the problem. Feminism itself is at the core of progressivism. It is not a Christian value at all.
This is blatantly wrong. Christianity EVERYWHERE in the world except for USA and some Eastern European states is pro-women, pro-socialism, anti-violence etc. Nothing has been subverted, it's Christianity 101. The right wing of Christianity is the outlier.

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