Japan's population will drop to 40 million in 2100

meanwhile world population will increase 10.9 billion in 2100.(majority are Africa and muslim countries...)

IMF saying that Japan have to accept 400,000 immigrants every year for future.

What about your country???

Attached: 2100 population.png (449x1046, 60K)

what should I get for dinner?

amount of pussy for birth rate.

>400,000 immigrants every year
good luck faggot your country will go to shit

>china losing 400 million from now till 2100
they're going to have to embrace immigrants or collapse under the weight of their elderly.


>subway will be less crowded
how terrible
anyone who followes jewish advice aimed at goys is mentally retarded

but that's gapitalism!!

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Why do people think technology will always stay the same? We are talking about 2100 for fuck's sake.

>Yemen 99 million

holy fuck this is bullshit

Get out, stay out.

All developed countries have to accept immigrants from third world for survive.

it's fate.

nice I'm looking forward to the new rape capital Tokyo

Austria must be rapecapital right now.

your country's population is already multiracial af.

no, sweden is
and I really look forward to Japan taking 400.000 migrants every year because Japan is become like 60% non-Japanese and your country will be full of no-go zones with sharia law and people stabbing and raping each other
its going to be Beautiful
and you deserve it

Fuck off, english teacher.

Yes comrade, this is how we will answer

Have sex

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>have sex


That is obviously not going to happen
Japan will just slowly fall into irrelevance, further than it already is

yes, it will happen because Japanese people are so fucking dumb that will do the exact same thing Europe did becasue they are so fucking stupid and cant learn from mistakes that europe did so thats is why every single rape and murder they get will be deserved

I can raise the birth rates by double digit.

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Calm down adolf

>things will remain identical and no significant event that could alter birthrates will take place in the next 80 years
The cliff is that way

but its true
every rape
every murder
every terrorist attack
It will be deserved and I will laugh so hard when it will happen
dont you like laughing at stupid people?

especially with rising sea levels already beginning to show damage

99% of the people alive today won't be by 2100, so why do you care.

>IMF saying that Japan have to accept 400,000 immigrants every year for future.

Why? Why does population have to grow? There is absolutely nothing wrong with population going down, the environment will likely thanks us for it. The only people who care about population growth are businesses, so of course the IMF is insisting Japan takes immigrants. Either way, our population is predicted to go up, but only because of immigration, and is predicted to become minority native by 2060.

>Why does population have to grow?

Because Japanese people lives toooo long.
we need young population for that.

economy doesn't grow if the population doesn't grow too, and current economic models only work if the economy is growing or it suffers and shrinks.

Nah, you just need robots to do the menial shit. Keep investing in Honda and Softbank.

>Climate change combined with debt-based economy and a unstable immigrant population
It's funny how instead of trying to fix the system, they double down on it with immigration. The next 100 years are going to be such a clusterfuck.

Nah, you just need robots to do the menial shit
Japan is going to be a third world shithole in the next 20 years and its going to be hilarious
Because they dont want Robots but millions of third-word migrants

Well I can say "Give me a pussy" in japanese, I gonna move there

everybody want robot if it works...

But in reality,every country can't make useful robot for life...it's sad but true.

Niggers go to Europe, making a mulatto mixed Europeans. Meanwhile native Europeans go to Asian, making a hapa mixed Asians.
Its the future my dudes.

Dios mios, our population is increasing. 2100 Britain will be mussies and blacks

Please bomb that shit already

I just lost my favor to you.
Do you understand?
、 Λ_Λ ・Λ_Λ
( ・∀・) < `∀´> Yes
(。、。)。 (、、)

You need a procedure, but
You can import as many materials as you need.
Do you understand?

、 Λ_Λ・ Λ_Λ
( ・∀・) < `∀´> Yes
( 。、。) 。(、、 )

I will say it again.
You can import as many as you need.
Do you understand?
、Λ_Λ ・Λ_Λ
( ・∀・) < `∀´> Yes
( 。、。)。 ( 、、)

Then there is no problem?
、 Λ_Λ ・Λ_Λ Because it is a violation of international law,
( ・∀・) < `∀´> withdraw it.
( 。、。) 。( 、、)

>majority are Africa and muslim countries...)

And you werent amaze with Niger which is 99.9% a fucking desert) having 139M?

sad. i really hope natural selections do its job well.

because all of the alternatives take money away from the people who have it right now

at what point should be just bomb the shit out of africa? are we past that stage yet?

looks like not true.

let's be honest, importing millions and millions of third worlders won't be a benefit to the japanese economy. it's all about undermining a peaceful, homogenous first world country and ensuring the right doesn't have anything to point to as an example of how society should function when the west becomes majority non-white

Bombing is too direct. Do like France and stir shit up and then sell weapons to one or both sides.

>embrace immigrants
stop forcing this meme, especially as you cuckolds simultaneously push the argument that we are all going to become unemployed thanks to automation. you can't have it both ways you dumbass nigger

i cant wait :)

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yeah sure

Based. My ancestors didn't kill japs for nothing

the future looks bleak for the west, a tsunami of third world immigrants will engulf our lands. This tsunami, supported by the "left" who has forgotten who they should really support, namely native workers, will destroy our culture.

Soon abe ;)

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to the CEOs and capitalists a native worker or an africa/immigrant worker, only thing that matters is profit

I'm not worried, Japan will expel any shitty immigrants as fast as they got them into the country, and they'll accept mostly SEA immigrants, who are peaceful and hardworking anyway.

Japanese food sucks. Also you guys make bad cartoons, my friend likes it though, so whatever.
Good riddance, I guess your cities are cool too.

European far-right parties will continue to rise up, and allied with Russia, they'll gradually get rid of (((liberal democracies))), as well as the guests they brought in. Kike America will keep losing relevance, and they'll become powerless against an united Europe + Russia in a coalition with China against the US. (((Liberal democracy))) time will be over soon.

>they're going to have to embrace immigrants or collapse under the weight of their elderly.

I wish you big money, Koch Brothers shills would fuck off.
We don't need to turn every nation into a fucking sardine can so retards can go "but muh GDP!" and you know what, take care of your elderly if they don't vote turning your country into a dumping ground for the third world - considering those people will get old too.
Take your Ponzi/Pyramid scheme with human beings and fuck off to your focus meeting.

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Fuck off kike. Japan has been around for centuries without the need for shitskins

Lol ok frog. Hows francistan?

Misery lives company. Hows viennastan?

This is how the world ends. We could have a moneyless star trek tier society when population drops but greedy jew bankers would rather pump declining populations with niggers to keep fake money flowing

They're unfortunately still one of the strongest western countries in Europe by virtue of having the largest military force.
But at least they have to suck all the negro dicks and aren't allowed to complain about it, because they all still wanna be a great power even in the 21st century, instead of just accepting that they're stupid negro-exploiting frogs.


>316 million people

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We are too good two shoes to Africa and the Middle East. We should step back and let them sort it out. Of course that would be terrible for Israel. hmmm

>implying the race war won't start before 2100

>race war
>a huge chunk of worlds population will be mixed
who you gonna target? zhang hernandez, sven pajeet or mkombo petrescu?

my country is something about 3.5 million, and if those numbers drop it will be great

same goes for every other country -> less is more, half of the stuff will be automated and people will live in serenity

>only thing: don't import africans and middle easterners

Please stay alive, japs. I need my anime to keep being produced.

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Only dumb low Iq mother fucker will bring kids in this sick ass world.

Rich capitalist industrialists need workers, so they need to feed afriniggers so that the afriniggers can work for the rich capitalist industrialists.

t. Malthus


fuck the modern society

European native fertility rates are projected to go up because we're near the end of a demographic transition

Attached: fertility-europe-africa.jpg (702x702, 63K)

>Japan will die in the future, let's speed up the process by accepting immigrants

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No food for Yemen or Niger