Beloved Australian hero, brutally murdered by subhuman Ray, all for standing up for what he believed. If he was around today he would have been a vocal supporter of Tarrant's work.
Shocking allegations of Steve Irwin white nationalism
Who the fuck is Steve Irwin
you gotta be 18 to post here kid. I almost reported you but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just live under a rock somewhere in north georgia.
You have to be 18 to post here faggot
thanks for posting link to shocking allegations you faggot
Ban assault Ray's justice for Steve.
The fucking crocodile hunter.
>Smearing the reputation of a man that is no longer around to defend himself
Fuck people that do this
Thanks for making me look this up. Top kek. Also are you finishing your summer reading list?
I would fuck her. Not kidding.
that sting ray deserves a beer for taking out the trash.
holy fuck.
your generation has no concept of history.
this is the triple deke fyi
No shit, he wasnt a faggot
I'd buy any gypsy a drink if he glassed you
Crikey mates. Brings a tear to me eye to see everyone liking Steve. He kinda played up the accents and slang but was still a cool guy.
based leaf.
you've unlocked Gordie Howe surprise elbow.
if he wanted his career intact, he'd be wrapped up in the PC culture so tight he couldnt take a shit. He'd say exactly what everyone else said "what a tragedy" and all that. Theres no way Steve Iriwin say anything in favor of it, even if PC culture didnt exist. Steve was a good guy and knew what was wrong and right.
How is this even a thread?
Steve Irwin was an Australian therapist and social worker who devoted his life to helping the homeless and mentally ill. In 2006 he was tragically murdered by Ray S., a homeless Aborgigenese man whom Steve was trying to help. RIP
fake news dont spread lies. though this is funny for myself as a boomer.
Retard americuck doesn't even know who Steve Irwin is
man, those were the fucking days.
Anyone old enough to relate this to satanism and a compromised politician or artist? I still do, just funny how the conspiracy scene has shifted its focus on unrelated matters
He's an age filter
Fuck off boomer, there's nothing funny about Steve's death and there's nothing fake about about the documentary I linked. It's a great tribute to the man's life of charity and selflessness. Everyone should watch it.
It'd take me a few beers, but yeah, I would too.
zoomer trash.
Let’s get Irwin fired
you're trolling. and its legitimately pissing me off. Steve Irwin is as national treasure to the world. Feel free to slander him, but dont tell those lies to people that legitimately dont know whats real. ..but if they're too stupid to tell the difference then i guess its just shame on them.
Fuck it. Abraham Lincoln was a fucking LIAR.
Burgers that aren’t retard zoomers love Steve Irwin, the animals were nice and all but we just liked some asshole with an accent shittalking alligators and slapping the shit out of snakes live on camera. I know of a friend who went into Forestry specifically because he wanted Steve to learn how to slap snakes and spent so much time outdoors doing it he fell in love with nature and devoted his life to it.
That other guy who uppercut a roo is also popular
he loved wild animals so I doubt he would condone the slaughter of them without a hunting permit.
On the other hand Tarrant was culling an invasive species.
What a fucking waste of Hitler quads. I like chubby girls but fat hanging guts and tits disgust me. And the bovine face. Have some standards man, unfuck yourself.
I hate boomers so much. They trash our soil and our culture for the single purpose of making a few dollars more. Thanks for ruining the planet and turning America into a third-world shit-hole.
I grew up watching his stuff with my dad.
To this day, my dad has a Steve Irwin crocodile key ring he uses for random keys.
sein ist die schuld
>Crocodile Hunter
Posts pic of Steve with gator.
gas the zoomers, age-war now
> fell for meme
> actually apologized
> a ceo of a multi billion dollar company
I heard of him, never watched any of his stuff. Apparently man was a legend. Was he really a legend? Was he a beautiful bastard?
He was a beautiful bastard, but I'm happy he died before all the craziness happened.
He was a big deal in America, not sure about the rest of the Anglosphere
There was a certain "vibe" in this country (regarding nature) around his time and it had a lot to do with him - there was a "nature is beautiful and we must conserve it" vibe, but I don't mean in a libtarded way at all. He made people care about nature in a genuine and almost magical way, not the libtarded ecoterrorist way
Irwin ecofascist confirmed.
To this day it's the only celebrity death that makes me legitimately sad.
I'm gonna check some of his stuff out now, sounds like he was a great lad
I heard that steve, moments after being stabbed, wispered into his camera mans ear as he took his last breath, his dieng words.
What were his dieing words? What could this brave croc hunter, beloved by all on earth, had sad? What final gift of knowledge could he possibly give us? Well legend says it was
drum roll......
It's the American way.
I like my women thicc to borderline obese too, user.
I took the Pierce Brosnan Pill a while ago.
God I miss Steve. Fuck manta rays
Bindi turned into a fucking dime, btw.
For the generation that grew up while his show was still around he was a big deal and a lot of families chose that show to watch together because it was neat for all ages and pretty wholesome. I still remember getting a toy for Christmas when I was really young where it was a Steve Erwin figurine and alligator and when you pressed the button on the Steve Erwin figurine it would say either "CRIKEY" or "DANGER DANGER DANGER". Good times
It was a bit surprising how big he got. 1996-1999 people thought it was an act or he did it for money and was a bit of a joke. By 2000-2001 people realized he was a genuinely good guy that had a lot of passion and truly cared about wildlife. 2002-death he was a B+ to somewhat of an A list celeb in the States and was almost universally beloved by Americans.
Steve Irwin was a famous Australian diplomat, who represented what it means to be an Austrailian to the world ending up beloved by all. Sadly he was killed by a mossad operative disguised as a sting ray. Tragic really.
Oh mah lawd
prime breeding stock
she looks like the kind of gal that's into getting gangbanged and choked out
She’s got a decent face. I’ll bet she’s fun af.
Neck yourself. He was a hero to many Burgers who watched Animal Planet and Discovery Channel.
I also liked Jeff Corwin's shows when I was young.
Just leave.
Based and pigpilled
>t. whiteLARP mexicunt poster
my god... you just touching the surface, he used to rape all sorts of animals, by putting his tumb up their rectum
>so here we are an almost extinct oustich bird..
>now be very quiet, this bird is a direct descendant of the dinosaurs
>so it is going to get really angry...
we miss you steve!!!
Miss you Steve, fucking flaming galare
.. do you have a poster of him on your wall?
I know he is a national hero in strayaland, putting his thumb up in the ass of all the most violent and rare animals on earth
he is up there like with neil armstrong and adolph hitler and lenin, a true revolutionary
Yeah, especially since all the chlorine disinfected her by this time of day
fatties like that let you do ANYTHING
>adolph hitler
oh that's right I am drinking, let's pester the neighbours with hitler speeches... nah they stopped caring like 5-6 years ago... the boomers are simply to wise here to fall for this shit
>omg he is a nazi
this is not america, the boomers are wise to it so instead they go
>haha, really funny user, just like last week? we all know your grand father, you are not fooling anyone
.. just stop it it's stupid your grand mother here even harbored a russian escaped prisoner all through the war till the end, we all know this. go back to trolling school
sigh.. life is so hard here for a troll...
These shitty humour threads are just as bad as slide threads...infact THEY ARE SLIDE THREADS.
I'd happily strangle you all with your own intestines you dirty faggots, you ruined Jow Forums
RUINED IT, stupid fucking kids
some times I just want to emigrate..
to another country, were people are easily offended
it's not just me, it's the whole troll union... each time here, when we try to create an outrage, that would normally work perfectly on twitter and so
they just go..
>nice try troll
life is hard
Americans appreciated how ballsy he was around dangerous animals, and the sincerity with which he did his work.
He was like Crocodile Dundee but real.
Is this b8 or are you really 13 years old?
just last week at our meeting this poor old troll came in.. he had been working under a bridge for almost two weeks... and yet he hadn't been given a single not even fuck you, not even a you.
ffs man, this troll has 9 children to feed! they all just walked over the bridge, talking in their cellphone as he desperately tried to jump at them and go like
nothing... he and his entire family had to be hospitalized soon after, if it wasn't for the chief troll in our union, he would have died
I went to see him yesterday, and just wanted him to get in there, so I told him that donald trump is gone and he is never going to be president ever again
Crocodile hunter
Don't you touch Steve Irwin, hes an Angloshpere Treasure
>national sosialism!
>krossa kapitalismen!
I found these nordfront guys on twitter yesterday.. they are still going at it and want their revolution
for some reason I don't know why, I post this here. thought it had been silent from them a long time, but I was wrong they are still very active.. they post all their videos on vk now..
is so stupid, as the chinaman goes
>keep your frens close, but your enemies closer
smart man.. these fucking google morons man... they just gave away all possible methods of tracking and tracing them... to russia... and säpo and the actual russian intelgience aren't exactly frens... In fact it is in their interest to promote nordfront, to sow internal discord in sweden..
these people man... they don't think.... they are stupid like a fucking chair
Wow, off the board you go faggot.
Of course he's a nationalist: he's part abo. Just look at his face and Bindi's. Abos love straya more than anyone.
I am sorry I am at the hospital here from this troll from my union. he is hardly living man. all his 9 children are in danger of starvation.. I just hope to get him up, he wishes to go to sweden he says and have showed me pictures of this bridge in uddevalla... here he says, people are really easily offended
I just hope is going to make it
Met him a couple of times when we visited the zoo in the early 2000's. He was genuinely a nice bloke.
Turns out rays are cleaver af
omg.. no.. he died..... thanks alot norway, this is the end result, trolls die when you fail to be trolled, as the anti-troll people you are all.. we're not talking dovregubben here, he was just a common troll living under your bridge trying to make you post obscene stuff on faceberg, instagram and not twitter, because nobody uses twitter here
I hope you are proud the anti trolling league(ATL), he just died...
you will be missed my man
you used to come here and post pictures of the swedish princess and then say she was an indian, and so on and so forth. it never got traction here
>you're doing this too much
That video is fine until the last 30 seconds, new version should be made without the muh white men rise up. The video instills that thought already without the need to go full cringe.
This guy was actually in the Klan.
She really is a nice piece of ass. Shame she's linked with those ecoterrorists from Sea Shepherd.
Jeff Corwin was a genuinely funny guy to watch back then. He wasn't as energetic as Irwin, but still put out great content. Animal Planet really went down hill after they cancelled Corwin's show, and Irwin died. The only thing really worthwhile anymore are the Game Warden shows and Jeremy Wade's fishing shows. Seriously, fuck Pittbulls and Paroles.
no the first 30 secconds are wrong! the last 30 ones are just fine
okay I stop now... yes but you are actually right it should be improved
Why would Steve hate minorities? He loves animals.
This is an ecofascist board. Sea shepherd did nothing wrong.
This guy goes from hero to legend when he died, but now hes a deity
Stupid fucking zoomer stop playing fortnight