Why do numales allow their wives to dissapear for 10 days to “meditate”. How many guys did she fuck?

Why do numales allow their wives to dissapear for 10 days to “meditate”. How many guys did she fuck?

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The guy is an evo psych professor btw, kek. He knows

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Sounds about right

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Vipassana can be pretty redpilled.
Basically stoic meditation, if u can get past nu-age/ Hinduism aspects.
I almost did it with a friend but had to cancel, and my friend went alone. Many degenerates go to these and break rules.
>no talking
>no music
>no electronics
>no exerting exercises
>no eye or physical contact with other students
>males and females live separately (together only during meditations)
A very nice dopamine reset.

>being this insecure that you think if your wife is away for any period of time she is cheating on you
Cheating is 50/50, fuck her hard and good, keep novelty up, and help her grow as a person by not coddling to her/being a matt and pushing her to be better, and she will never cheat or leave you, ever. All this beanboy mentality
>neglects emotionally
>shit at sex because saved self for marriage
>no backbone and coddles her every desire
What did you expect?

I assure u this girl cheated leaf

Polyamory? Yikes