No Gaijin please - Japan doesn't want you!

We don't want you here.

Disgusting weeaboos and social outcasts, and you think you succeed in Japan?

Go away. Japan is full. We don't need immigrants.

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Can I visit Akiba and buy lots of big oppai anime figures?

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I wouldn't wanna go to Japan , air prolly smells like old stale rootbeer

Funny that you are disliking but still subscribed to him

Well then stop sending exchange students to the US for grad school. My lab is full of japs

I subscribe to all gaijin youtubers in Japan, so I can downvote their videos when they get released.

>rent free

>air prolly smells like old stale rootbeer
Actually, from what I understand, the japanese hate rootbeer, because it uses some of the same ingredients that they put in their medicines. If anything, it'd smell like green tea.

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Buy them online.

Japan has enough stinky otakus wandering the streets.

I am in akiba right now.

Bought some oppai figures. Now drinking on the street.

Fuck you Sushi Kawasaki, I'm gonna come eat your food and seduce your women because they're both better in Japan than they are here. Then I'll probably lose my shirt betting at the sumo ring and have to go home.

that is exactly the smell. probably better you stay away. we will do our best to tolerate the root beer smell on our own.

i don't know what weeaboo mean
short sandal wearing american?
if so then yes
smelly american otaku come here and make idiot

>t. english teacher
Come home, White man.

That's the spirit, Nippanon

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Gomenasai, my name is Ken-Sama.

I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

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What about tourists? I would never live in Japan but I would certainly visit

What if I can function socially, don't care for anime or other weebshit, and learn the language?

You’re a white nigger

weeaboo means "Japan is superior to my country, I wish I was Japanese"
they are basically otaku who live outside of Japan

>I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect
Easily the best part of this ancient pasta.

we don't want you here either, you pedophile chink

fair enough
talk to your leader though, he seems to think you do need immigrants, and lots of them, the more brown and violent the better

You should definitely visit. The food alone makes it worth the price.

Japan is very bad. Not anime at all. Better if white man and monkey person stay away.

You're a real nigger, Mr. Meme flag.

Soon will be annual gaijin hate festival. I will find many gaijin to spit on this year.

we don't have a leader

>Wright a peepers go home REEEEEEEEEEE

All hail the hive mind.

white man on youtubes is real problem here prease understand

>get stationed in japan years ago
>not really a weeb so didn't think to much about it
>the weebs in my unit were gushing about it and how much they couldn't wait to get to Tokyo and live the otaku dream
>they get ashore and run amok, I decide to spend my time fishing with a few of the locals and act like an adult
>over a few weeks begin to develop a few friends among the older Japanese dudes
>end up enjoying my time there, never set foot in Akihabara, most I did was hike Mt. Fuji
>met a few girls and wasn't a smelly otaku so they liked me
>not into asian ladies so I turned them down
>turns out the otaku nerds got no play and were shunned by most of the entire populace
>even the native otaku made fun of them I was told, lol
>one ends up getting arrested for groping a girl on a subway too
For any actual Japanese here I apologize for the type of Amerimutt weebs that travel there, I can't imagine what you must put up with

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Nn-n-no I’m not

groping girl on train is local style. your friend was better man than you

I am 3rd generation zainichi.
And half Japanese.

Japan makes good food so sorry I will be coming over in a bit

When Christian missionary came to Japan 500 years ago, they had difficult time translating the word "love".

Roman or French invention of love is one of the best thing Western civilization invented.

ayy here on vacation. Kyoto is overrated, but Nara>>>mortal plane

>tfw will never live here
>tfw even if I ever do I will be the reason the charm is gone.
Besides Japanese is easy as fuck. In one week here I can already speak more Japanese than in my 3 years of German

And get out of Brazil asian jews

Western love is great invention, but feminists are throwing it away.

What about tourists?
I want to visit, see some of your stuff and leave some of my money.
Wouldn't want to stay though. Too strange.

You seem to be very wise....
Tell us more about that oh mysterious stranger


>women abandoning their entire race, culture, heritage for a more powerful occupier
tale old as time

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Modern Japan is so Westernized, and people are fooled by the look, but if you look into the history carefully, you find how different Japan is.

it's partly feminism, but it's also jewish propagation of ironic culture in real life. You aren't allowed to be truly passionate about anything anymore for fear of being mistaken for an autist.

Fuck your country gook
We should have dropped a third bomb on your ass

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i like u. i would travel to japan just to “meet” u.

Good old pasta.
I miss this kind of naive Jow Forums.
It's gone now.
It's gone for good.




>big oppai anime
you are the worst kind of scum

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Yeah I've been told that by being white you are allowed to grab girls by the pussy. They just love it!! And old white faggot guys l I know living there told me. Is it true??

Post alien toes

Visited Japan on business a while back. The locals make it very clear they see you as lower than the dirt they spit on when you pass. Oh sure, they'll all act polite and hospitable to your face, but you can see the disgust and disdain in their eyes no matter how nice they seem. They don't want you there and they hope you leave as soon as possible. Even the youngest generations do this despite claims that they're more "tolerant" than their parents and grandparents.


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You realize you give them money this way you dumb gook ?

Man-woman love didn't exist in Japan before.


Are you black or korean?

You're still a mongrel

South-Korea is way better anyways, way more cuties

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Obviously it did, it just was put aside when it was time for a father to marry its daughters. Just like it was in Europe back then.