Don't have health insurance

>don't have health insurance
>go to an emergency room any time you have a slight problem
>give them your actual information
>never fucking pay a cent, just ignore everything (can't go on your credit report or accrue interest in my state)
>FREE healthcare
HONK HONK explain why you'd pay for healthcare

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Because I’m not a parasitic nigger

Not true, they can send to collections, if not paid. Since drs, certain services, and ambulance rides can be charged as private services.

Fucking burger

Just pretend you can't speak english, they'll assume you're not even American.
>mfw compulsory mexican class in middle school finally pays off

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extremely based and redpilled

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Nigging out on the system is the best way to deal with the problems currently facing us. The political and business classes who make the laws have set it up so whites pay for everything. You should feel shame when you pay and a nigger or spic doesn’t.

Go on food stamps, apply for power bill assistance, go to the ER for all medical issues, and never, ever pay. Curiously Jews are the demographic most likely to receive food stamps.

America has the best healthcare in the world.
You can have a $200,000 dollar operation, and as long as you pay $20 a month, it will never impact your credit.

why are you guys not doing this though? What's stopping you from abusing the system and getting FREE healthcare?

Most hospitals also have charity funds for people that can't pay, all you have to do is ask.

Because filling out two forms online and waiting for the gibbs office to call you in 2-7 business days is too much work.