"The Jew is immunized against all dangers:
One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'" -Joseph Goebbels
"The Jew is immunized against all dangers:
Stop being a faggot. Stand with Trump. Stand with Jeff.
Notice the kvetching?
Molyneux is not a meme anymore.
Circles control the media
sry, I meant to link that to OP.
Holy shit. I thought this was a joke, it’s real...
shut it down goyim!
If they ever accuse you of conspiracy theories, just site their own publications and websites, it's ll right there.
>Treat every white person as a latent Nazi, even those who fought, bled, and died to take down Nazi Germany.
>One of their own is caught in a gigantic sex-money-blackmail scandal that he could not have established and maintained for so long had he not been Jewish.
Oy vey! The anti-semitism! It's annudah shoah!
My face when Netenyahu and Trump defeat Barak and Barack and the Illuminati
In some small ways the world gets a little bit better every days.
I’m not sure the article is correct. If Jews weren’t constantly subverting and destroying cultures, hellbent on acquiring power, and lusting after money and shiksas, I wouldn’t have a problem with them. IT IS THE ACTIONS OF JEWS THAT CREATES ANTI-SEMITISM. of course you will never convince them of that and that is why they must be destroyed (in Minecraft).
Is he a mohel?!
This. But don't worry so much about the lies they tell themselves to justify their evil.
>even if we were good, moral people the goyim would still hate us
Sure thing kikes, whatever you need to tell yourselves.
Why dont you start a wikipedia article about "post scandal censorship in wikipedia articles, made for political purposes, to minimize damage and contol the narrative"
wikipedia is tightly controlled. There was a growing fight for control when the (((frankfurt schoolists))) came in and started taking over.
Wikipedia even made a containment zone of 'conservative articles project' and let original editors work on that project to keep them quiet and from fighting about the other articles being rewritten. Then after they accomplished all their objectives like redirect the entire Cultural Marxism article to 'conspiracy theories' they stopped pretending and deleted the conservative project. On the cultural marxism article war, Jimmy Wales even got involved to shut down protest over deleting it. It was a losing battle, and one of the things that brought me to find /pol. I couldn't understand what was going on.
Now I do. Wikipedia was rewritten well in advance of when people would want to look up what was happening.
i thought only younger millenials and zoomers say this?
>the far right is turning out to be right
>but remember, they're still the bad guys and you should never listen to them
>I wonder
>Did Jeffrey Epstein abuse any Jewish girls?
This is some Back to the Future level gaslighting
Is it possible to create a system where information can't get jewed up like this?
All these open source collaboration projects ended getting infiltrated by neo marxists in authoritative positions; who subsequently poz the platform and then gatekeep the door behind them.
The open source software community is another example of this with the recent Linux changes to their Code of Conduct by these neo marxists.
>as a Jew, I cringed
They should always be doing that. Imagine literally being a kike
Forward.com is a fucking disaster of a website. Everyone who works on this site should be ashamed of themselves. I'll be consuming this content using a webscraper, also fuck you, and fuck jannies.
Goebbels, that hideous twisted little freak, unable to form a coherent argument, simply screams "Jew!" at any Jew that is unfortunate enough to have a conversation with him. When they rightfully recoil in disgust from the scrawny cripple, the delusional fool takes it as a sign of victory!
It's a wonder (((they're))) able to fool anyone at all. The arguments they use to protect themselves from, and discredit, the goyim are so transparently nonsense you would need to believe in conspiracy theories to not believe that they do exactly what they've been accused of doing for thousands of years. When you think about it this is just the one momentary point in history where the juden weren't widely accepted for being exactly what they are. Before today their evil and venial natures were accepted as being fact the world over. It brings me hope that we seem to be coming back to a world where reality is accepted for what it is. Slowly but surely the goyim are starting to know.
But he’s right.....
Nice, I feel this has potential to be a meme!
(Kike comes from German for circle as Jews did not sign an X because muh Christ sucks)
"Criticizing Jews' pedophilia and sex predation is anti-semitic!"
you know, they did try to warn us about this...worth a watch.
Jews can't meme.