Christianity, Racism & Refugees

I grew up in a Christian environment. The story of the good samaritan and Jesus proclaiming that one should love each other were engrained on my brain since early childhood. This board, in many ways, claims to be a Christian board. I am now not a Christian anymore so I need to ask real Christians this:
How can you, in the words of Jesus, justify the treatment of migrant children, black people and other minorities? How is that in any way relatable to Jesus' word?
(Protip: No Leviciticus or old testament in general unless you want your wife to sacrifice a dove every time after her period or children being stoned to death)

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Other urls found in this thread: 15:21-28&version=NIV

>sources: dude trust me
If you’re not a Christian anymore, then you never were Christian in the first place. You are a liar and a deceiver, and he truth is not in you

>the old testament has no significance, ignore it!
That's literally Paulicianism user, Christians look at both, Christ himself said to not ignore the Old Testament

>This board, in many ways, claims to be a Christian board
Why would you think screeching scumbag newfags constitute a majority. Stop being stupid


Christ himself said that the rules were made for man and not man made for rules.
Also, if you take the old testament literally, which is my argument, then you should adhere to much more rules than you'd like

I quite literally mentioned the good samaritan parable and John 13;34-35

>If you’re not a Christian anymore, then you never were Christian in the first place
Holy shit, this is some twisted cult logic. "If you saw through our bullshit you were never a REAL adherent so you can't talk", I grew up Christian and didn't stop attending services even though it was bullshit until I realized Christians are the biggest race-traitors there are

This. I said it to note that I know the bible and its preachings but I cannot fathom how most of you would justify your belief in front of god/Jesus/the holy spirit citing the bible and Jesus' word

Tower of Babel: we were divided into different cultures, of different languages, of different races and "with boundries to OUR lands".
Jesus would never want to see one of his races genocided due to mass immigration.

>the treatment of migrant children
they shouldn't even be here in the first place and should be immediately returned to where they came from not given these bogus asylum trials

>black people
black people have a better life in America than they do in basically any country on Earth

>other minorities
are here because they left their country for a better life in America and they can return at any point they want to

Where does Jesus mention race? He actually goes against the idea of his religion belonging to one ethnicity, namely the Jews. So why would he be against that?
Even the good Samaritan parable goes against judging people from different backgrounds.

Not that I am saying that you are wrong or stupid, I really would like to understand a Christian's mindset of justfiying separating children from their parents and hating on a group based on their ethnicity/race

Do you expect anyone to take you seriously, memeflag nigger? Ditch it and someone might answer you. If not, kys

>shouldn't even be here in the first place
Where in Jesus' words does it say that you may mistreat people because they moved countries. The story of the Jews with Moses quite literally is one of refugees finding a new home, if you want to use the old testament as proof.

You could even argue that Jesus was one of the very first anti-colonialists as his movement went against Roman occupation of Israel.

>Where does Jesus mention race? He actually goes against the idea of his religion belonging to one ethnicity, namely the Jews
Did you read what I just wrote? but yes, Christianity belongs to everyone in the sole sense that every human can be saved. that doesnt mean we should let ourselves be mixed and genocided the fuck out of existence.
>Christian's mindset of justfiying separating children from their parents
back to r*ddit boomer

>. that doesnt mean we should let ourselves be mixed and genocided the fuck out of existence.
So this is quite literally not a Christian argument anymore.
>back to r*ddit boomer
The former chief of Homeland Security himself said that this was done as a measure or deterance. This is not wrong. How do you justify it in a Christian sense, if you want to consider yourself Christian in your actions?

>mistreat people because they moved countries
Nobody mistreated anyone, they're criminals who came to this country and broke the law. They're breaking the law in such large numbers that we don't have the courts or facilities to deal with them. Therefore, the most humane option is to just say "we're full, go home, we're sending you home."

Where in Jesus' words does it show that if you go to another country and break the law they should just let you do it because you say you're a refugee?

The punishment is not mistreatment, it's nowhere even near extreme. Sending someone back home can't even be considered a punishment.

John 10:1

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If you truly want to understand Jesus, you should try becoming a christian again.

There is no way we were intended to all live together like this.

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> they're criminals who came to this country and broke the law
The children? And was it not Jesus who said "He who is without sin shall cast the first stone"? So you are justifying these horrifying acts because their mothers broke a law?
>Their punishment is not that extreme
maybe not for the mother, who is still suffering the loss of her child, but clearly the child must be hurting? Have you ever been separated from your mother against your will at a young age? Do you really think that it's a walk in the park?

>The story of the good samaritan and Jesus proclaiming that one should love each other were engrained on my brain since early childhood.

samaritans and jews were at each others throat, desecrating and destroying each others temples...only an idiot would let a potential enemy in with him family.

the samaritan took the injured jew to an inn to help him recover. NOT his home where his family stayed. NOT into his community.

>(Protip: No Leviciticus or old testament in general unless you want your wife to sacrifice a dove every time after her period or children being stoned to death)

what was moral back then is moral now. sin is always sin and holiness is always holiness. so the old testament is completely legit. and in it, it laid out how sojourners and visitors should be treated (well). but it also stipulates that you do NOT give people citizenship easily or quickly. it's a multi-generational process and cannot be given until people prove without a doubt they are completely loyal to their new home.

so its pretty easy to justify the treatment of invaders and those who refuse to integrate and those who seek to subvert.

Next question?

>And was it not Jesus who said "He who is without sin shall cast the first stone"?

You understand there is an enormous difference between sending someone back home, and stoning them to death right?

>Do you really think that it's a walk in the park?
Do you really think it's akin to watching your mother get stoned to death?

Border's closed, send them home. This is not a horrifying act.

throughout the wisdom books its said how god set about the nations and their boundaries. god said to the israelites not to try to take the surrounding lands because god promised them to other people. paul reaffirms it was god who created the separate nations.

hell, the great commissions commands christians to 'go out into the nations and make disciples', not attempt to destroy nations.

God = nationalism and hierarchy. both are a part of his plan.

>He actually goes against the idea of his religion belonging to one ethnicity, namely the Jews.
not really. he refused to heal one woman's daughter because she was a gentile. it was not the gentile's turn - he was there to give his people another chance first. (though he did end up healing the daughter).

>How can you, in the words of Jesus, justify the treatment of migrant children, black people and other minorities? How is that in any way relatable to Jesus' word?
>(Protip: No Leviciticus or old testament in general unless you want your wife to sacrifice a dove every time after her period or children being stoned to death)
Simple. You and many like you, conflate Tolerance with Love (agape). Tolerance breeds limitless permissiveness, Love on the other hand breeds setting and enforcing limits. Love in the biblical sense means "wanting what is best for the other" often to the exclusion of "what is best for the self". When you tolerate someones actions, you grant them infinite permissiveness in the name of that tolerance, but when you Love someone then you are willing to set boundaries on their actions and be Intolerant of permissiveness in order to provide what is best for them. You would not grant infinite permissiveness to a child would you? No, of course not, children need limits set for their own good. The same is true of love for my fellow man. By refusing immigrants I ensure that my country and countrymen are not harmed by an excess of immigrants flooding in. By treating immigrants harshly in these centers we deter future immigrants. We set limits and enforce them. This is called emotional and intellectual maturity, something you and many like you are lacking in.

>(though he did end up healing the daughter).
you are an idiot.

Jesus never refused to heal anyone. He even healed a Romans servant and that man was a pagan.
>Lord only say the word and my servant shall be healed

We have given them access to plenty of technology and knowledge. If they can't make their lands function with all that, it is their fault. That is very generous of us, and more than they deserve. We should send them back, and exile those that put them before their own people.

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This. Plus OP has a victim mentality like the people he virtue signals about. KYS OP, you're a dime a dozen. 15:21-28&version=NIV

He did refuse and gave his reasoning - that the israelites were to come first. she then said something very clever AND which showed faith and humility and Christ *then* chose to answer her heartfelt prayer.

The servant was also in a town of doing so furthered his ministry to the jews.