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Why Jow Forums can't see the truth?
Lincoln Mitchell
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Luis Miller
It's just ptg that doesn't
Andrew Morgan
I just pretend to be Pro-Trump to make jews angry
Charles Flores
Because real Christians dont exist in America.
Nolan Collins
Only retarded Q-boomers and kike shills don't
>make jews angry
>by pretending you support a shabbos goy
Flag checks out
Anthony Jenkins
you realize the democratic canidates are 1000x more loyal to jews than Trump is, he is kinda required to say that peace bullshit as President. Face it, he is the best chance we got.
Charles Richardson
Are you retarded?
Israel DESPISED Obama. Trump has increased aid to Israel, moved the embassy to Jerusalem, supported Netanyahu's reelection, pulled out of JCPOA, put several Zionists and neocons in his cabinet, eliminated the idea of a two-state solution, etc. all within 2 years.
He may as well be JIDF.
Jaxon Barnes
>Israel DESPISED Obama
Jews loved him and neo Marxists nigger shit
Connor Nelson
you mean the truth about when John Oliver smack talked your country?
Gavin Perry
Nothing but this
Evan Baker
Yeah, I don't care.
Donald trump, for all his flaws, still triggers the liberals, the turbocucks, the radical feminists, and the leftists.
It's worth it.
Jason Cox
You shilling, bro? The only thing worse than the Jews are the American Zionists that fill the Republican party.
Liam Clark
Nigger its Democrats fucking blocking Trumps policies.
That is the truth. Your shilling fails because for most of us in here that truth is clear.
The problem with the left has always been their disloyalty, lies, and half truths.
Samuel Williams
Nope. We know you shills are liars and paid to be here. We waste your demoncrap slavemasters money.
Luke Ward
In any case, I unironically admire the Jewish people for their perseverance and ingenuity throughout the ages.
Parker Phillips
Jaxon Edwards
guess I'm an #obamadrone now
Lucas James
>zero alternative
>ha the lesser of two evils you picked is evil!
I don't get it
Samuel Flores
You are a retard muslim. You give it away with your kike obsession.
Israel is a side issue to us. Its the secular leftists, muslims like Omar, commies, and secular kikes in the university that are ruining the country by blocking attempts to remove kebab and remove illegals.
You guys are agaist free speech as well. Its so obvious the truth scares you which is why you are "you must be muh kike" instead of admitting the obvious.
No one here is so blind. Those who come here come here because your oligarch media dounds like bullshit yo them.
You are pic related muhammed. And everyone of you should leave while you can.
Brody Moore
>yet another "Donald "I am very proud of and love my jewish grandkid" Trump was a secret jew lover the whole time!" thread
Get some new material, he wasn't subtle with his jew support during the campaign if anything you should focus on his inability to actually get rid of the illegals, of course then you have to explain why the litetal open borders and free healthcare dems are a prefferable alternative. You won't
Jaxon Garcia
this completely and saged
Leo Flores
Oh, well
Sebastian Butler
Liam Roberts
Austin Martin
Trump is not Jewish but many members of his family/entourage are. This is not the least bit unusual in the context of American elites, btw.
Logan Long
Forgot to put: 't. Totally not a jew' at the bottom, you disgusting kike.
Dominic Rogers
Hi discord
Brody Reed
Jackson Clark
Early christkikes were literally uneducated low iq subhuman Roman slaves who hated Rome and wanted to bring it down at any cost. The messiah meme figure of Jesus (who was a black slave most likely) united the uneducated retarded slaves against Rome, just want the jews wanted. Then they managed to
emotionally manipulate Roman emperor and eventually gave control of Rome to jewish overlords and the rest they say, is history
islam was created by jews too, muhammad himself was an idol worshipper, most likely a Hindu. His family came from family of priests, suggesting these responsibilities were passed on from generation to generation like in Hinduism.Plus the strong trade India had with Middle East back then..
muhammad was another butthurt kid brainwashed by Jews to invent Islam and corrupt his soul and family lineage. He created the Jewish cult of Islam to lure young men with pussy in heaven and hell for non believers just like Judaism and chrsitkikery
The abrahmic curse ruins civilizations and people. It ruins lives, it has ruined millions if not billions around the world.
These cults are demonic and must be destroyed before jews win completely
Samuel Robinson
go away CIA
nobody's buying your shit today
Including crypto. I wont tiptoe
Whatever Alex Soros likes,
then the rest of us say nay
Brandon Morgan
Trump can blow every kike personally and i'll still shill for him as long as he makes leftists suffer.
Literally want nothing other than suffering on people who turned white countries into shitholes.
The only way for me to stop supporting him is to have a candidate that will make degenerates hang themselves.
Tyler Russell
I knew we should have got behind John Kasich. Everything would be so much better if we had nominated John Kasich.
Grayson Lopez
I didn't know they had muzlims in Russia
Nicholas Watson
Brody Diaz
I think that the Jewish people are unironically based and redpilled.
It seems to me that Jews are the most Alpha of any ethno-nationalist group in the world.
Jewish people divide and conquer and dominate every realm they are found.
If they were nothern European Scandinavian people or Germanic people, you would admire them.
But because you people who do hate Jews cannot achieve their level of intelligence, dominance, ingenuity, and success, you become jealous and you embrace an irrational hatred of them.
Pic related.
If this was not thevwork of the Jewish people, and if all the things they were allegedly accused of doing were instead done by people with muh Scandinavian / Germanic DNA, most people would ADMIRE their ability to conquer and to dominate, to achieve and to innovate. Jewish success is evidence of how based and highly evolved they truly are. Scandinavian and Germanic people could never achieve the same level of success the Jewish people have over the past several hundred years.
Look user, it's time to take the Jew pill.
It is the ultimate red pill.
Tyler Gutierrez
Yup, there really is no alternative to the Jewish dominance. Both parties are dominated by Jewish interests. We may as well accept the Donald and appreciate what he does to the liberals
Brayden Jackson
If you thought trump was /our/guy or that voting would ever solve our problems then you are a moron. If you think that voting in a Democrat that is slighlty less liked by is Israel then zion don is a good idea youre a shill. If you vote for anyother reason than to red pill or to accelerate others to accept that America needs to collapse and niggers/spics/kikes need to be exterminated then you are wasting your time.
Jose Reyes
If mega big brained aliens came to earth and started to exterminate humanity you would be there saying "how admirable"? No, of course not. I don't give a shit if a europeans are smartest or dumbest people on the planet, theyre my people and I will defend them and our future l against niggers, spics and kikes alike. I hope race traitors/crypto kikes like you choke on your own pseudo-intellectual retardation.
Chase Foster
Good post JIDF
Aiden Ross
I'm voting for Trump again simply to piss off people like you. I hate people like you and Trump ruins your day, every day, years at a time. He's the gift that keeps giving.
Noah Cruz
Eli James
Look, their achievements and their perseverance, their ingenuity and their innovations, make them far superior to any other ethno nationalist group. If you look into their history, you find much to be admired about the Jewish people.
I mean, if you are really that dedicated to preserving your own race, then read up on how the Jewish people did it and LEARN a thing or two from them, user.
Jace Hall
>hillary not elected
Did his job, the rest is fluff.
Jeremiah Bailey
Is this boomer posting or just fed posting?
Aiden Jones
>Jewish people divide and conquer and dominate every realm they are found.
If they were nothern European Scandinavian people or Germanic people, you would admire them.
Wrong there, you sodomite, if Scandinavian or Germans were subverting every media and messing directly with people lives entitled by the excuse that they think themselves to be 'God chosen people" or some other bullshit I'd oppose them all the same, just like I oppose my zealots brethren in the 90's.
>But because you people who do hate Jews cannot achieve their level of intelligence, dominance, ingenuity, and success, you become jealous and you embrace an irrational hatred of them.
The fact that most of them genuinely believe that delusional nonsense and act on it it's the reason I despise them, and (((you))) by extension, so much. You overplayed your hand and retribution is coming kikes, far too many people are noticing you.
The fact that Orangeman is so keen on naming Jews and Israel so much it's getting you notoriety like never before, and you know that's not good for your agenda.
Landon Walker
We do see the truth. We're also smart enough to know there literally isn't a better option, let alone another option.