Furries are the most useless disgusting subhumans on earth

Furries are the most useless disgusting subhumans on earth.

>be me
>artist degenerate because I'm literally not good at anything else and I make good cash
>get discord invites from furries every other day
>actually accept and talk to these people because gotta keep that good rep up / sick curiosity
>always want to "uwu rolepway" and its always porn
>literally all they talk about is sex
>if you try talking to them about anything else their brains just shut down
>regularly get dick pics of them naked, eagle-spread on their filthy disgusting bed sheets that havent been washed in ages with cumstains everywhere, while wearing their retarded fursuit heads
>the biggest manchildren out there. Can't even do the most basic shit without having an emotional breakdown
>most of them have no job or education, blame their lazyiness on their made up retarded illnesses.
>Use their daddy's creditcard to pay 100$+ on animal porn than saving shit up for uni/family/ect.
>literally actual pedos and zoophiles and openly admit it and encourage it. Some of them even believe they ARE animals
>probably fuck their service dogs
>regularly sperg out and cannot communicate like normal people ( especially when its about politics)
>ALL of them have brain damage
>Threaten you with violence if you don't play along with their tranny bullshit
>Contribute nothing to society and eat junk food and shit every day. Ofc all of them are fat and ugly and never shower.
>Have no friends cuz they are dog-fucking faggots
>Will hang themselves in their stinky unwashed fursuits if you don't uwu them enough.

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>Screenshot (1727).png

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begone faggot

i dont care about furnigs as long as theyre not openly flamboyant about it. theyre useful idiots, many right leaning. but yeah most are disgusting
ur kind can go zyklon urselves tho

Attached: 1544998784620.jpg (640x635, 52K)

Which one is OP in this pic?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: 297399b77e64b48f67efdbf6bd308e4b.jpg (800x687, 87K)


Attached: D1pR-gGWkAMkn3F.jpg (675x1200, 69K)


>not all
there are some of us that have this thing called "taste"

we hate the degenerate disney smut as much as you, trust me.


Those who depend on the welfare state have the mind of literal niggers and should be executed.

while you were yiffing I was studying the scimitar

Some dress up like mascots and eat shit for breakfast and some just fap to drawings and keep it all in their head. I guess that's the difference between a furry and a furfag, but then again the world would be better if all porn was gone

Attached: 57754745745.jpg (576x768, 84K)

post more

>Will hang themselves in their stinky unwashed fursuits if you don't uwu them enough.

tuti copilul matii MARS LA FUTUT BA

taci dreq
daca-ti dau cu pula peste ochi vezi stele verzi

om prost facut din laba, AM ZIS MARS LA FUTUT DEGENERATULE


>e pe Jow Forums
>om facut din laba
what did you mean by this


Even bronies are more respectable