Trump is an abject FAILURE

Trump is an abject FAILURE

Attached: obama trump inauguration.jpg (992x744, 197K)

Desperation is palpable

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Fake and gay.

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Kraut triggered af

Stupid kraut.

>When the age of the picture is higher than your iq

I know exactly what German media tells you about Trump, kys

>water is wet

Watch how long it takes for pol to get the real image.

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Let's see how fucking fantastic your new (unelected) President turns out to be

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there's been over 2 years of tick tock blumpf lol

keep crying, have fun under Herr Merkel leader of the 4th Reich.
have fun getting gang banged by economic migrants

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that EU project is going well... right.... right

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Agreed. Vote nigger faggot dyke indian Commie pig 2020! Because hoards of beaner niggers are just what the American people crave - like fucking electrolytes.

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Europines talk shit about America yet these are their last two Presidents, both unelected.
carry on kys krauts

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>hillary didn't get elected
Seems pretty successful.

>people are still defending a zionist kike shill that obviously betrayed his voters

Jewnigger slide thread detected



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I never understood the picture on the right. Why are people all the way in the back when there is clearly still tons of room in the forward part of the Washington Mall field? Was the picture not taken when the crowd reached its peak?

Does anyone have that webm of trump appearing out of nowhere from behind Ivanka?

Really need it for my collection.

Almost every school district in the nation sent a busload of kids for that first one.

Epstein recruited at least one of his victims in Mar-a-Lago.

>Why are people all the way in the back

Because of the smell.

Attached: trump shart.jpg (1006x1024, 94K)

Oh well ok.
>no sauce but wild accusation
seems legit

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You can't just ignore them--discord trannies travel in packs and bump their own garbage threads. Smashing the garbage ideology and crap logic is easy--except they spam it every 20 minutes or so.


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There were more niggers paid with fried chicken and watermelons to come and see the puppet master than whites that were interested in going out there.

Fake news. The Trump pic was taken much earlier in the day before Trump came out. Also, antifa types were all over the city delaying and trying to prevent people from attending. Really pathetic.

If he’s a failure, what does that make the people that lost the election to him?

>money in my paycheck
>germany paying for its own defense
>unemployment the lowest it's been in decades
yeah, those inauguration pics aren't full of the rest of the US who don't live in DC and don't stand to benefit from higher taxes.
eat shit.

>eat shit

You probably haven't left any.

Attached: us meat feces.png (657x617, 65K)

Trump is the pedomaster and he's about to be unmasked.
(((r/the_donald))) on suicide watch

Keep saying it, click your heels together three times, and maybe it will come true.

You do realize that Washington D.C. is 50% black and 90% Democrat?