We should instill a "life tax"

When you retire, your tax rates should rapidly go up, eventually reaching 100% within 15 years (deductible from the 401K). We should offer voluntary euthanasia, until the 100% tax kicks in, in which case doctor assisted suicide is mandatory.

It would keep the healthcare costs down for everyone else, as well as get rid of parasites that do nothing but create billions of dollars of irreparable damage to the economy. This way, we can fix the economy in the most humane way possible.

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Or we could have mass sterilization so fucks like you aren´t born. And kick any and all immigrants out so they don´t add to the tax burden.

Of course, you would be the first to be euthanized under our new plan.

>"life tax"
>democrat flag
checks out.
and no, fuck you.
retired people should pay no taxes except for military.


We tax them in order to get them to get humanely removed from society.

We also need to import more immigrants from Latin America and the Middle East in order to keep our birthrates up.

Or. we could genocide niggers spics and kikes.
Still fixed.

And you could use the euthanized people as a humane replacement for beef patties @ McDonalds!

bet you are not even twenty years old...

Good idea.

We can recycle meat that way.

They contribute more to the economy than anybody else.

t. Israel

>It would keep the healthcare costs down for everyone else, as well as get rid of parasites that do nothing but create billions of dollars of irreparable damage to the economy. This way, we can fix the economy in the most humane way possible.

So people who paid into the system all of their lives are parasites who must die, but people who don't pay taxes and work under-the-table jobs at marijuana dispensaries or just sitting on Welfare should be brought in with greater number?

This is just bait.

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Or we just eliminate all forms of socialized government interference in the medical field, like we had before the 1970's.

Based, I like you.

Finally, someone who understands why healthcare is fucked up now.

We should execute everyone on their 80th birthday

No. Healthcare should be free, and for the elderly, all healthcare rights should be revoked.

Euthanize anybody who doesn't own property. 99% of problems solved.

We should also massively consider euthanizing the unborn, as well as those who disagree with current scientific consensus.

Problem solved.

>get rid of parasites that do nothing but create billions of dollars of irreparable damage to the economy
kind of disingenuous coming from the biggest parasite groups: niggers, spics, liberals, and the mentally ill blt sandwich groups

>kind of disingenuous coming from the biggest parasite groups: niggers, spics, liberals, and the mentally ill blt sandwich groups

They are essential assets to our country, in both the economy and diversity.

>squeeze out people untill they are old and then taxate them more and after they have nothing offer them kill pill (for a price)
trully jewish-commie scheme
i start to wonder if fbi makes this threads to make people angry and persuade them to actually start shooting leftists, so they can then tell that right wing people are bad

>life tax
The life tax should also be taxed.

>Tax his land, tax his wage,
>Tax his bed in which he lays.
>Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
>Teach him taxes is the rule.

>Tax his cow, tax his goat,
>Tax his pants, tax his coat.
>Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
>Tax his work, tax his dirt.

>Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
>Teach him taxes are no joke.
>Tax his car, tax his grass,
>Tax the roads he must pass.

>Tax his food, tax his drink,
>Tax him if he tries to think.
>Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
>If he cries, tax his tears.

>Tax his bills, tax his gas,
>Tax his notes, tax his cash.
>Tax him good and let him know
>That after taxes, he has no dough.

>If he hollers, tax him more,
>Tax him until he’s good and sore.
>Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
>Tax the sod in which he lays.

>Put these words upon his tomb,
>"Taxes drove me to my doom!"
>And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
>We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.

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>Republicans are greedy and want poor people to die
Also Democrats:
>Let's tax people till they die!!!

Typical demonrat.

Bait thread.
saged and ignored nigger.
off yourself soon.

Good idea.

We should tax even more things as well.

Pointless thread. I agree with the sentiment but just make euthanasia mandatory at a certain age instead of giving anti capitalist retards something else to whine about rich people having.

but we already have it it's called rent

It's time to expand "rent" to absolutely EVERYBODY after they become blood sucking parasites after they've outlived their usefulness.


Why not force them to pay taxes while they attempt to stave off the inevitable?

It would generate billions of more dollars into the economy. And it's the most humane option we have.

>oh look, a Democrat is arguing for more taxes
As shocking and unexpected as the sun rising

or we could kick out blacks and hispanics

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The higher the taxes, the better the economy. The more money generated.

It's that simple.

We need the diversity they offer.

naw I'll be fine

Accept the diversity. You are not diverse enough.


Do you reckon you will get people to vote for this?
Everyone gets old, you too. It's just a matter of time. So people will support dying in poverty, huh.

We have to make way for the new, young, and smart generation.

We need to dispose of the old, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Socialist parasites.

>gassing grandma to pay for shaniquas 5 kids

Who's going to do it? Do you reckon the Squadys will kill their grannies, because some wanker tells them to?

this thread is obvious bait sage

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Youth vote for dumb bullshit consistently. Democrats target easily deceived youth with their empty promises.

>old people are parasites
fuck these low functioning psychopaths

Course it is.


It's progress.

Not everybody falls for it. Teresa may tried something like this last election. Went from a sure winner to a hung government in no time. People aren't as stupid as the media think they are.

Good luck with that then.

Rodion did nothing wrong.
>some 95 year old fuck who just eats and shits while waiting to die racks up $500,000 in medical costs a year, completely paid for by taxes
>working class young men and women who should be starting families but can't because they can't afford it can't get access to healthcare or even pay their bills, have to just go without

old fucks need removal. but first, the niggers spics and jews. all blacks need to go the fuck back to africa, one drop rule. all of them, out.

Your an idiot, everyone should just be steralized at birth then nobody would have to pay for anyone

Only those that do not agree with current scientific consensus.


The elderly should be subject to forced government euthanasia. Those from Africa should freely immigrate here with no restrictions.