We truly live in the worst timeline

We truly live in the worst timeline.

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These kikes arre so obsessed with talking about sex

Why the Fuck does anyone care about the sexuality of a fucking warthog and merkat in a fucking kids movie. These virtue signaling fucks are so addicted to dopamine of being righteous they literally stretch for it in everything now.

>Phoneposter OPs
>Screencapping Twitters

Worst timeline indeed.

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>men cant be best friends without fucking each other
t. subversive jew

Have sex.

>b-but they show hetero stuff in cartoons all the time, bigot!

These characters were written as gay. Why is this a suprise?

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Billy Eichner is one slimy heeb.

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GF and I broke up over the immigration crisis a few weeks ago.

No need for sex. I can actually orgasm by just looking at pictures of women with high cheekbones without even touching myself.

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