The absolute state of r/politics why is plebbit so liberal ?

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...said the multi-millionaire who lives in a 100% white rich town.

Actually he's looking quite scary...

>OP blatantly exposes himself as a redditor

congratulations, you're a now a basedboy cuck AND retarded.

>actually linking to and talking about plebbit

Jow Forumspolitics was purchased by Shareblue, allegedly for $2.8M

Lets meme death by aids into Steven King's life.

He's right, though mainly in the way that Trump's presidency proves that trying to work within the system will never achieve anything.

Kings novels are some of the most overrated trash in history.
It really goes to show how if you take a concept, fill in 90% of the pages with descriptors and conclude everything with an explosion, people will say it was good. Just because they sat through the whole thing.

>More goddamn redddit spam
KYS nigger

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The michael bay of books...

Holy shit, I actually scrolled through that literal r*ddit faggotry until the religion bashing, made it halfway through that part in until the total disengenuous explaining of the story of Lot and then I snapped back to reality. Holy shit, r*ddit is full of cringey faggots who think they're amateur comedians and dabbing on "the man and society" with their sick hot takes on everything like they're all syndicated radio show hosts. I've never seen such faggotry other than the time I raided T*mblr with my boys

yet another creepy high level satanic pedo outing himself by being flamboyantly anti trump

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we wuz kangz

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His novels were never really scary

>Stephen King
Wasn't he going to move to Canada if Trump became president?
What ever happened to that?

I aint clicking that shit

He isn't wrong though. His novels are shit.

Dr Sleep is a novel about pizzagate

king is over-rated shit

Stephen King is a pedo, read his books like It and Firestarter and youll understand

I've never seen a man who looks more like a pedophile than Stephen King.

I want to believe it,but if he saw the contracts, then his story would have more detail and proofs in it. Sounds like someone may have had distant connections but that's like saying because I'm an Army Infantryman that I know all about the plans of the Pentagon.

Why do people care what celebrities have to say? Imagine if conservatives acted like this, they would get no response, so why so you respond? Imagine if Tim Allen said "even I can't fix Hillary's campaign."

Read through that bullshit, it's like they're all a scared because they know they're in an echo chamber but they're still missing something (the truth), even they know they're wrong and you get that feeling that even they know but would never fully admit it

Every single person unironically on Reddit today was that kid in high school who wasn’t weird enough to be a full on outcast, but didn’t actually have any long term friends, was always finding some way to be “special” or “different”, had a grossly inflated sense of what people thought about him, would regularly change his personality based on what he thinks will be cool, and kinda followed your friend group around until someone told him to fuck off.

he actually knows how to write
doesnt mean most of his work isnt trash
just that he's not incompetent, just a sellout


So Stephen is saying that his books aren't very scary?

they're not about fear, they're about fascination

Fucking boomers should be banned from voting; they have nothing to contribute, only parrot

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because jews give them an oversized platform

Stephen King has a lot he's hiding. He's scared.

Given his novels aren't that scary...

Stephen looks like a tranny now

Youre giving him too much credit

They only scary thing this guy wrote was the underage gangbang in IT, seriously what the fuck is wrong with him?

This is exactly what I thought happened. I also think that a lot of the censorship on platforms like Facebook, Google and Twitter isn't actually corporate control but buy-outs from third party political interests.

Also, OP is stale. Stephen King said that a long time ago. This is recycled

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Why are leftists always so fucking ugly??

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No child gangbang = scary

tranny cryptkeeper

King has never written a single good book in his entire career. The guy is a hack.

I think they were also a part in needful things where a kid get molested by a teacher

His novels are stuffed with lots of rambling filler that adds nothing to the story. Fascination isn't quite the right word either.

His novels aren't that scary...

Steven king is not a good writer. The dark tower series his "magnum opus" is especially bad. He is only popular because some of his books have been made into good movies which are much better than the books themselves.

The only thing scary about his books is how normies eat it up. His only good stuff was a handful of short story's before the 2000's and Desperation which I have a bias for anyway.


Boomers are triggered by Trump on a visceral level and their window to the world is CNN, so you cannot put much stock into what they say or think,

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>shitting on your own books to own Dr*mpf

looks like? he actually wrote actual child porn.

His novels aren’t even fuckin scary

>Scarier than his novels
His novels are only about how bullied and sexually frustrated he was as a kid.

>Several of our divinators on /x/ foresaw terrorist attacks today

What about all the ones whose predictions were completely wrong? Also the title for a person who does divination isn't "Divinator" but "Diviner". /x/ is a bunch of retards with barely any knowledge of what it is they're even LARPing about.

to be fair I was never scared by his stories (watched a few movies / episodes). how would he become famous from writing these sleep pills is beyond me. maybe there are just too many retarded people in this world.


>posting a link to an image on an image board

Boomers mostly voted for Trump. It is the millenials who are triggered by him

He just got coked out and wrote down stupid stories, he's like my junkie uncle

King's novels are boring as fuck. He basically proves that American literature is shit and that White Liberals are the biggest cancer in our society

> Too many retarded people in this world.

You think? YOU THINK!?


His novels aren’t good enough to keep me reading more than a few pages so he may be right.

>why is plebbit so liberal ?
because people want to feel good

Redditors believe that we will win. Meanwhile Jow Forums thinks all hope is lost. Lmao

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what books aren't boring to you?

he writes books
this is the extent of his usefulness to the community
why does anyone care what he has to say on politics lol

Looking more like Yoda every day

The absolute state of Jow Forumsnews

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David Brock owns r/politics

He literally wrote about children fucking.

The funny thing is it doesn't matter who gets elected on the republican ticket. They called Romney and McCain both sexist, homophobic, racist, bigots. That shit's old and tired, and it doesn't fucking work anymore.

They don't understand how extreme they are. Trump is a centrist president, he past fucking prison reforms and is generally anti-war.
The republican party is just as anti-Trump as they are, they're pro-open borders, pro-fucking china, pro-fucking middle eastern war, pro-fucking reaming the American middle class.

The republican party and the democrats all vote the same way on many issues killing the American middle class. Both parties still need to burn, the Washington class neo-cons are still in control of the republican party and many levers of conservative power, they need to be removed. Trump needed to ideologically expel neocons from places of power, instead he has raised a bunch into his ranks. No wonder he has admin fights all the time, the neocons won't ever stop pushing for wars meanwhile the few America first/economic nationalists have dwindled.

All of the supreme court judges he has elected have been neocons. Not one serious American first judge.

Its funny that they keep believing that trump isnt smart or charismatic. They truly believe that he just stumbled onto the presidency.

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faggots think like this IRL

Seriously. They need to go back

Leftism is a collectivist/groupthink ideology. The extreme moderation and comment voting system gives them the means to enforce the majority opinion and suppress any dissent.

>virus wipes out 99% of the population and Satan' Imp comes to earth to lead half the survivors
>haunted hotel has been driving people to rape and murder and satanic rituals for a century
>Trump deports illegal aliens
>mfw the third option is the scariest

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>'scarier' than his novels
I'd have to agree, but so is an angry puppy.

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He looks like an angry grandma I seen at cracker barrel one thyme

Imagine living in that much of a hyperbolic world

>multiple books depicting pedophilic themes
>orgies of children
>men threatening to suck/eat little boys genitals etc
Stephen King is a pedophile

Steven King is the Zodiac killer and he got raped by Stanley Kubrick on screen with the Shining.

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..says the man who wrote about little boys gang banging a little girl.

I'm convinced that anyone who thinks trump isn't charismatic literally only pays attention to the msm and has never actually watched one of his speeches earnestly.

You don't have to like him, what he says, he policies, his technique, none of it. But if you actually listen to the guy and can't recognize his charisma, you are deluding yourself. You don't have to like someone for them to be charismatic.

he is very good at playing the crowd. compare and contrast any random speech between trump and obama, and obama is clearly less engaging and stilted.

these people literally just blindly accept the msm narrative and then can't understand how anyone could ever disagree.

Garbage in, garbage out

Looks like elizabeth warren on AIDS

I wish more Americans would think like you. We have a serious problem, we need to wake up before it's too late. Though I'm worried that its already too late.

Agreed. It is obvious that mob mentality is a huge problem on the left.

I've read a good chunk of his works, none of his books are scary desu. He may have dropped some occult-elite-shit in the Dark Tower books though, mainly in regards to the Dixie Pig.

>ban all dissent
>why is X so Y!
No idea


Who is this faggot, how is this politics, and why don't you take this trash back to redit?

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It’s wayyyy too late bro
Whites are about 22% of the population
Everybody is either a Freemason shanks goy or a retard prole
America is fucked



I don’t know why they don’t just call it r/Democrats, you get banned from that subreddit for not supporting open borders.

My morning shit was scarier than King's pedo garbage.

go back
stay back
thank you

All of his movies are shit and not scary. The only one that didn’t suck was The Shining and that’s because Kubrick I fucked the story and made it work. Of course, King hated it because it lacked his trademark suckage.

Surrounded by walls amd protected by guns.

But guns and walls are bad for everyone else!