How much did he donate to Clinton or Obama campaigns?

You know he had to donate to presidential campaigns... shouldn’t this be easy to track down? Why ha ski body covered it?

Attached: 0E927927-B297-4E79-8608-08F18A90113F.jpg (634x860, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He literally was a co-founder of the Clinton Foundation

Maybe all this got scrubbed in early 2000s when the cookie was starting to crumble

private island boys

Attached: obamasexcult.jpg (700x450, 216K)

Also wondering if he has any ties to the NYT and if they’ll admit anything. He’s the type of guy they’d have on the board or something

You should be able to find that info on opensecrets dot org

Here is legal court room testimony of the 15 year old girl

click the image on the left and it will expand

She provided pictures

spoiler alert Prince Andrew has a major FOOT FETISH

give me back my sister

Donated heavily to all democrats, it's well known

15-page affidavit from former “sex slave” Virginia Roberts found here