What Would You Do If There Was A Jew Right In Front Of You?

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I'd be staring into the mirror.

20 years ago

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Break the mirror and slice your neck. Stop ruining countries.

Discuss my case.

i'd do a 360 and get the fuck outta there!



find out why my child is missing

I would fall out of my chair and ask him where the fuck he came from

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smash the mirror and cry in yiddish.

Not all of us are Talmudic Satanists.

You heading straight back in user

walk away

Apologize for the sixteen million

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You would do what every goy should do. Bend over.

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Both of those guys are Jews

they let that get posted?

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>ah slalami lankem

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Make it suck my dick.

cut its nose off and add it to the necklace of jew noses i wear around my neck.


good answer

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