American flag defaced and replaced by Mexican flag at ICE facility in Colorado

This is the kind of nigger tier level shit that will get Trump reelected for another 20 years.

Attached: ice facility flags.jpg (909x606, 28K)

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I have fucking had it with the fucking democrats they can all suck my dick and go to hell. Fuck AOC, Fuck Bernie, and that fucking pedophile Biden can go fuck himself in the ass with a baseball bat.

Especially when we rescind the 22nd Amendment because no one trusts letting any American Politician back into high office again.
Trump forever basically.

Why do you only see this kind of shit in America?? Germans and Canadians, no matter how pro immigrant they are, never seem to do this dumb shit where they act like their own nation is illegitimate

this is how the normies get redpilled.
this is a good thing.

Well if the Democrats take over I hope their fucking aids infested and ebola immigrants eat their fucking ass.

Any claim of patriotism from a leftist is disingenuous. They want America last and Americans second.

Patriotism means dying for the jews in ME

Even Pakis aren't dumb enough on the whole to do shit like this.


Attached: Jude.webm (640x360, 2.59M)

They'll just hide in their ivory towers while the rest of the world rots.

Saw ICE is getting the sub-humans today. Outstanding.

Might be anecdotal but everyone I know, even moderate democrats, really don’t approve of this and are pissed, it’s really fuckin backfiring from what I’m seeing

Armed democrat terrorist killed by police while trying to bomb ICE facility

>TACOMA, Wash. -- A suspect was fatally shot in at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma early Saturday morning after he was reportedly throwing incendiary devices at the building and at nearby vehicles.
>Officers responded to the scene at about 4 a.m. Saturday to find the man outside the facility, armed with a rifle and throwing the incendiaries. One vehicle caught fire, and the suspect also tried to blow up a large propane tank and outbuildings.


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fuck those depraved Democrats and their antifa supporters.

tear down that wall

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Oddly enough Im ok with this.


but... nazi is leftist...

because Germany and Canada are still majority white

This is the kind of people leftists are producing watching CNN all day and reading fake news on reddit.

hey, me too!

There is nothing wrong with defacing the flag. It’s fabric. Boo hoo. Grow up.

when were germanics white?

>There is nothing wrong with defacing the flag
it's illegal.

fuck you in the ass you ebola infected commie dick sucking democrat.

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>merkel hiding German flag,webm

Would you germans fly the prussian flag if it was included?

Germany sure. Canada? lol

No it isn’t, retard. If it’s your flag (you bought it) you can do whatever you wish. The only time it’s illegal is if you need a permit to burn things where you are, or if you damage someone else’s. But even then, it’s not the fact it’s the US flag that dictates the legality.

Thank you Stupid Fucking spics, this will only help us, normies will see what pieces of shit you are

>If it’s your flag (you bought it) you can do whatever you wish
the flag belongs to the people, not just you.


America is 50% replaced now. The interloper nations are following their own interests as best they see fit.

>America is 50% replaced now
the illegals are 7% at best.


Based. We’re gonna re elect the kike in chief who lets this happen because he wants it to happen all to own those libs. Your mentality is proof that the jews really are right about what they say about goyim.

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These fucking mexicans are coming here to be criminals, there is no "just let them in," it's only,
>We stand united
>They take over
You pick.

Well she didn't throw it on the ground and light it on fire and replace it with a sand nigger flag (yet).

lol that's not true, I remember them pulling down some eurocuck flag and replacing it with the flag of turkey.

There are probably closer to 50 million illegals, and most spics have illegal parents or grandparents. It's very likely that the US is below 50% white right now.

Defacing the flag is protected speech. All laws against it are unenforceable.

plus 35+% hispanic

If I buy it. It’s mine. You dirty fucking commie.
I don’t advocate burning the flag, I think it’s stupid to burn the flag of one of the few nations that permits you the freedom to critique the nation without governmental intervention.
But burning the flag is a form of protest, if you spent your money on the flag, you can (even if you shouldn’t) wipe your ass with it.

This particular flag was federal property though

Can you imagine the leftist outrage if a honky went into Venezuela and put up an American flag?

>would be worth it

As funny as it sounds
these faggots take advantage of the freedoms we have and use it to be the most insufferable peaces of shit imaginable.
What used to be freedom to voice your opinion without repercussion they've turned into freedom to spread hate of our country in our country.
These people are going to be the reason we lose valuable rights.

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Yeah but just cuz the government wont do any thing about doesn't mean americans should allow the symbol of their country and culture be vandalised in such a disrespectful way by others who also enjoy the comforts of this country. It doesnt have to be illegal to be socially reprehensible or at best considered an angsty teen thing to do.

Because our society encourages it

Poor immigrants being used as pawns by the woke yet again..

ThisYour argument relies on ownership of flag, it wasn't owned by protesters, so your argument is moot.

Honestly you guys should be celebrating this. I know western lefties are some dumb mofos but you need to be totally devoid of brain cells to not realize how dumb of a move this is.

this. 100%. This is why Trump will win. This is why the melt down is only half over.

All these stupid "protest" publicity stunts have really hit the wall of diminishing returns hard. No one's gonna care about your retarded stunts when you keep doing them week after week for years on end.

Because we’re not a nation and haven’t been for decades. We’re just an open shopping mall for subhumans while jews, the merchants, have declared we’re open for business.

its always
>but muh first amendment right says its INHUMANE for you to not allow me to subvert your country

i wish they would all die of the plague

Tomorrow's headlines: “These protesters are more American than Tucker Carlson”

Shut up faggot. You wouldn’t know what patriotism is as a Canacuck.

was that a thin blue line flag? if it is then it isn't a real american flag and nothing of value was lost.



reddit mods should be hunted down and their throats slit.

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Fucking based. If the shoe was on the other foot you would feel the opposite you cucks.

Who is this

please kill all of them

Not for long if Little Potato stays in power or if Sheer gets in

And what the fuck is Trump going to do? He’s nothing but a kike puppet

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Time to start raising KeK flags at Democratic Strongholds (imho) :frog:

Because we don't import greasers, Poos and gooks have normal iqs and are human so they're manageable

go fuck yourself in the ass you democrat faggot.

funny how this isn't front page news on every major MSM channel everywhere

imagine the reverse, if a right wing extremist went to bomb a refugee camp or something

>still calling them MSM when Fox is the biggest in the country

Wtf I'm with Joe now

i'm willing to bet 3 ameribux it was placed there by pozzed self hating suburbanite whites

Far-left leafs do this all the time in the name of Native American rights. They claim white people shouldn't be here and then burn the flag but ironically say nothing about any other non-native ethnicity being here.


I’m locked and loaded. Fight me


Don’t let the shills device you. Epstein and bill clinton raped kids together

raising another nation’s flag is a universally recognized act of war and has been since flags became a thing. Trump should be going nuclear on spics

Trump is the most pro-Mexican president in recent American history.

Why can't normies see that this is an invasion? They aren't "migrants"

The fact he isn’t means it’s up to us. Sad I really was hoping to see my children grow up.

It's amazing to me that the things Alex Jones said would come as a result of Democrat power in America during the Obama administration was open borders, abolishment of ice and free stuff for illegals. All of that is now turning into reality and we're under Trump! I truly believe a north American union is going to be created by dems if they win 2020

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This seems likely though there are plenty of commie mexicans who are part of these activist groups.


hahaha, i love seeing this shit. these dumb asses keep having temper tantrums, pooping their own pants just to spite us and it just means more pain for them

Here is that thread undeleted

Let them continue and show they're true colors

>This post has attracted far too many personal attacks and racist tirades. This is a news story, so it's staying up, but the discussion surrounding the news story has been toxic. So the comments have been removed and the post has been locked.

lol literally nothing of that sort in those comments, it just wasn't anti-Trump enough for the faggot mods.

Dale Earnhardt. He died during the Indy 500 crashing into a the wall was effective at preventing the car from getting into the stands.

You're probably right, Pedro. Can I pay you in tacos instead?

Already defaced with that blue shitstreak

Nah. Americans are just hateful people

Hey, that's where I live.

too soon
way too soon

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Trump is worse on immigration that any Democrat in history. In fact, he the worst president on immigration in history, tied with Bush, another Republican. Trump has had the power to close the entire border since his first day in office, but he has done nothing. Blaming it on Democrats shows that you have a low IQ and don't know how the US government works.

This for some reason made me extremely angry. All the degenerate shit they do on a daily basis I have become accustomed to but this was too much.

What are you talking about? They are winning. This is objective fact.

You weren't crying when it was you niggers stealing Shia's flag

Look how the tides have turned